lets bust this miff

there is a miff that I took an injunction against the Diocese to stop the Steel report.

Well I feel miffed about it anyway, because.

I did not and could not have stopped the Steel report.

I wrote the Diocese a legal letter because their constant interference and illegal referrals of me to agencies such as the NSPCC was an intrusion and a violation of my life, I was indeed aware from Bob Hill of how hostile Dame Steel was and how she had biased the report against me and was not interested in my side of things.

But, when you have no money, and legal aid will only be granted for certain things, taking out an injunction for a report that you cannot verify the contents of, is not possible.

In November, when all this was going on, I was exhausted from Post Viral fatigue, which I thought was the return of the M.E/fibromyalgia illness I had when I was younger, I was not well, and I was being driven mad by the Church of England’s arrogant intusions and illegal arrangements for me without my consent, and so was entitled to legally warn them, ask the police for assistance, and if necessary take out an injunction for harassment, I did not take out an injunction at the time, and did not prevent the Steel report being published, this is not to say that I will not take out an injunction of the Diocese do not stop harming me, but, in true Church of England Style, the Bishop’s chaplain is also a trained barrister, I bet he and the Jersey clergy-lawyers have been having great fun over all this.
And Jesus looked on in disbelief.

If the Church of England claim to have been legally stopped from publishing the report, I am curious as to who stopped them, it would not be anyone in Jersey, as the report was done on behalf of the Jersey contingent, it was not me, as I was powerless, and who in the Diocese would know what was in the report to prevent it being published? The only person with a vested interest, who has committed misconduct, would be Jane Fisher, I guess, or Michael Scott-Joynt. But how would Bishop Scott-Joynt know the content of the report?

2 thoughts on “lets bust this miff

  1. HG, I have never believed that it wa you that had the Report stopped. I think it was someone in the Jersey establishment or possibly the people in Winchester you mention. I agree with JM's comments on the Churchwarden – naive, stupid an dangerous to say the least.

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