
If only Jane Fisher and Micheal Scott-Joynt has put a fraction of the effort they put into destroying and criminalizing me into doing something about my abusers, even keeping churches safe from them, they seemed more interested in driving me from churches, villifying me and getting me a record, which continued the church of england’s attitude that I am worse than a sex offender, which started when JM condemned me for my horror in finding out that one of the youth leaders from my youth group had been arrested for paedophilia and child porn.
It was so well covered up in the church, that I wasn’t supposed to know that a man who had worked closely with me and my group was a sex offender, and I was slated for finding out.

And on the streets of winchester, homeless and with a record for the church of england, I was laughed at by JM’s husband, who had abused me, while the church went on protecting him.

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