The Ecrehous

The Chausey Nights post seemed to go down well, so I will do a few  more in that vein.

This is a shorter post, about the BBQ on the Ecrehous.

As a sailing club, we had a trip to the Ecrehous planned, including a BBQ.
And it went ahead as planned.

we set off out there on the RIB from St. Catherines, and landed.

The BBQ was soon going, and I was curiously exploring the reef we were on.
Some of us walked down to the beach on the North side of the reef, facing France.
I can’t remember if we paddled in the water or not.
We also climbed up on the rocks and looked down, we saw a seal in the water!

A lady came out to greet us from the huts. There are a number of huts on the Ecrehous, they are used by fishermen and for holidays, these huts have no electricity or running water.

Anyway, this woman and her brother owned a hut, and they had grown up in Jersey but she now lived in the UK and came back for holidays, so she was on holiday in their hut on her own, having some peace and quiet.
She showed us round the hut, and told us about it and her and her brother’s history of staying there, and how the hut had been in their family. It was fascinating.

Then we had the BBQ, I think she was invited and I cannot remember if she joined us.
The burgers were excellent, very good quality, thick and tasty, nothing cheap.
But, although the alcohol had been brought, the soft drinks had been forgotten! Oops!

I think I had to drink some wine.
But it was lovely out there enjoying our meal and the view, just lovely, and I know that it is not something that all Jersey people get to do.

Eventually it was getting cold and dark and we headed back to St. Catherines, tired and happy.

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