
I was just looking at my apps at the bottom of the page.
I am delighted that in the last few days since I put the flag counter in, I have got 15 flags.
Sometimes countries show up on blogger stats and not on feedjit or flags, but I am happy to have 15 flags within days 🙂
I also click on my fish app to feed the fish, anyone who visits the site can do that if they can see the fish.
But best of all, the daily prayer app resounded with me today.

Lord, may I never forget that you love me even when I am unlovable, even when I cannot love myself anymore. You love me not only when I am good, for you love me at all times – ALWAYS.

Because it is so impossible to love myself or see any good in myself after what has happened, I feel permenantly condemned.
So I like that prayer.

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