Monthly Archives: May 2014

judgement by the church

The church shun and condemn me and malign me through their interconnections and networks to give me a bad name, but in 2006 they said that a peadophile was a ‘good man really’ and kept quiet about what he had done and ensured that his name wasn’t mentioned in connection with the church and the suspicions about his activities with Romanian orphans on mission trips.

That is the Church of England, they publicly flog and discredit and defame a survivor of church abuse, and they praise a paedophile, they drive out and shun and malign an abuse survivor and leave her homeless and with a record she will never come to terms with, and they joyfully welcome back their benefice administrator who ran off with a girl from the diocesan offices and left his wife dying.

This is the church of england.

against the grain

Just going against the grain here -why has the Bishop not publicly apologized to the Dean and recompensed him then?

Reality is that the Bishop’s insane public attack on me and the Dean has led to a situation where the Bishop has little choice, destroy me or continue to be battered by the Dean’s powerful supporters,
and I guess it is much easier to leave me shattered with my life in ruins again, defamed and destroyed, than for the Bishop to be honest and responsible.

Nigel’s comment on CTV

Posted by Nigel on CTV’s article about how I am being harmed. Nigel and others, if someone doesn’t stop the harm to me very soon, I am not going to survive intact and remain conscious, I am ill and I am exhausted and I have no idea why the Diocese of Winchester appear to have set out to harm me and been able to destroy me again without anyone, even the police, stopping them.

Posted By: Nigel on 23-May-2014
I don’t believe it CTV actually going to report on sensitive issues ! This lady has been treated worse than an animal,I have read everything she has written on her Blog,you can tell she is an Educated Lady who has been taken to the edge ! The people who are supposed to care, oh yes they care but only about themselves and get their friends in high office to do the dirty work. Everybody who lives on this Island deserves to hear the truth about the Church Warden,the behaviour of The Dean and his Wife and how the Police got involved and why was this Lady Locked up and deported ? From what I have read this Lady needs all sorts of help not charity ! Help from us the people ,the people who are being denied the truth and would help her out of love .

Who’s who 1 – source ‘Justice for Jersey’

Who’s Who 

Sir Philip Bailhache – Bailiff of Jersey until June 2009 (brother of the William) Picture

William Bailhache QC – Attorney General (brother of Philip) Picture

Marnie Baudains – Directorate Manager of Social Services who called for the sacking of Stuart Syvret as minister – for speaking out about child protection service failures. 

Michael Birt – Bailiff of Jersey since June 2009 Picture

Chris Bright

Editor of the JEP Picture

Denzil Dudley – BBC Jersey Editor famous for saying “the BBC does not host political debates – in case it might influence decision-makers” 

Mick Gradwell  Police Superintendent brought in to take over the abuse inquiry after the retirement of Lenny Harper. Involved with Warcup in fact-free campaign to trash Harper’s work and reputation.Picture

Lenny Harper – former Deputy Chief Constable, States of Jersey Police. Since his retirement in 2008, the Jersey establishment has mounted a campaign of vilification against him and his investigation in to the allegations of abuse at Haut de la Garenne children’s home. The purpose of this campaign appears to be to allow them to abandon attempts to prosecute alleged abusers and blame it on the `incompetence’ of Harper’s investigation. Picture

John Hemming     Liberal Democrat MP and campaigner for justice in Jersey.   Picture

Jersey Evening Post

The only newspaper on Jersey. A vehicle for Jersey establishment spin. Historically associated with wartime collusion with the occupying Nazis. (The Channel Islands were the only UK territory to be occupied by the Nazis during WW2.) Picture

Senator Terry Le Sueur – Chief Minister of Jersey (lots of people in Jersey have French-sounding surnames)  Picture

Mario Lundy, Director of Education, Sport and Culture. The subject of a police investigation into accusations of physical abuse when he worked at one of Jersey’s children’s homes. Despite the investigation, the authorities refused to suspend him. Picture

Emma Martins, Jersey’s Data Protection Commissioner, claimed by SS to have manipulated and falsely applied the data protection law in an effort to protect named individuals, and as part of a coordinated action of political oppression against him. (Daughter of Bergerac star John Nettles.) picture

Dave Minty, Police officer leading the investigation against Stuart Syvret, with some enthusiasm it is said. According to SS, “he is also the very self-same police officer who has been furnished with evidence – and extremely well informed witnesses – to the effect that a Minister of the States of Jersey has criminally abused his position to take kick-backs for supporting planning developments.” picture

Tom McKeon, Director of Education before Lundy. Also subject to allegations of physical abuse of children in care. Now retired and living in Australia. Picture

Carrie Modral   A spokesperson for the Jersey Care Leavers’ Association  Video

Bill Ogley – Chief Executife of the States of Jersey (the most senior civil servant, who destroyed hand-written minutes of the meeting to suspend the police chief before Mr Power had agreed that they were accurate) Picture

Senator Philip Ozouf – Minister for Treasury and Resources. The establishment’s Chief Minister in waiting. Picture 

Graham Power – Chief Constable, States of Jersey Police. Suspended for investigating child abuse while child abusers remain in senior posts.  Picture

Matthew Price – BBC Radio Jersey Editor  Picture

Rob Shipley – Deputy Editor of the JEP 

Jack Straw  Labour MP and Minister for Justice, former radical politician who has supported corruption and cover-up in Jersey by his failure to intervene.   Picture

Senator Stuart Syvret       Picture Video
Anti-establishmentv Jersey Senator and former minister of Health and Social Services, who was sacked for uncovering the catastrophic breakdown of child protection servicesThe leading campaigner for justice for Jersey’s abuse survivors and author of ground-breaking blog with over 200,000 readers.

States Members  An ingenious attempt to rank States’ members according to their degree of political allegiance to the establishmentTony the Prof’s Blog

Turks and Caicos IslandsA British territory in the Caribbean. The UK assumed direct rule in August 2009 after allegations of corruption. Unlike in Jersey, the ruling elite are mainly black. Story

Senator Frank Walker – Former Chief Minister of Jersey. Famously accused Stuart Syvret of trying to shaft Jersey internationally. Picture

David Warcup – Deputy Chief Constable recruited on the retirement of Lenny Harper. Swiftly appointed Acting Chief Constable after the oligarchy conspired to suspend Graham Harper. Complicit with Gradwell in the fact-free campaign against Lenny Harper.   Picture
To come: Bridget Shaw, Stephen Baker

The names on the above list come up repeatedly in connection with injustice, conflicts of interest and corruption and cover ups, but nothing is ever done. Some of the above have been involved in the suppression of me and my side of things and the clearing of the Dean and abusers of wrongdoing.
Some of the names are out of date, for example the chief minister of Jersey is Senator Gorst, in theory, in reality he is by all accounts a sock-puppet for Philip Bailhache, because people had to choose between him and Bailhache as chief so they chose the weak leader instead of the dictator, and got a sock puppet.

This is the start of a who’s who. Which needs to be contiued in order for a better picture of what is really going on to be seen.
Anyone wanting to add to this, please send me details.

The list above relates mainly to the child abuse and cover up situation including Stuart Syvret’s sacking for speaking up about child abuse and Graham Power’s illegal suspension for investigating child abuse.

The Diocese -why have they done this?

What were the Diocese of Winchester thinking when they had me illegally traced?

If they were not going to include me, why did they trace me?

Presumably to make themselves look credible and caring at my expense, they wish they hadn’t illegally used me that way now.

They excluded me from their ‘investigations’ and allowd the states-judiciary-lawyer-church laity-masinic circle to hijack the investigations, did nothing when they were made aware of this, and excluded me from the complaint and have decided to publish a list of my perceived and contrived sins on behalf of the deanery that they claimed to be investigating.

That is aimless, unchristian and has not achieved anything remotely to do with safeguarding.

If the diocese had a conscience, they should be very ashamed, but they think publicly flogging me for what my sins are said to be, is acceptable, despite Jesus teaching very clearly that it is wrong to do this.

The whole matter can only ever have been about the church absolving themselves, especially as a key wrongdoer, Jane Fisher has been allowed to influence the matter throughout.
So in discrediting me and leaving me with no credibility they absolve themselves, and the side effect of destroying me is not a problem to these unchristian people.