Category Archives: Bob Hill


Good afternoon.

I see that the blog has been read a lot in my absence.
Thank you.

Am I ok? well, no. I haven’t been well, and there is no hope of me being ok really.
I am on antibiotics, but that is not the problem. Hey, it’s the first time they have fed me anything that hasn’t left me incapacitated, although they were a bit annoyed that they couldn’t feed me anything stronger in case I had a reaction.

Bob’s latest blog will tell you some of what is going on.
It doesn’t tell it all. I guess I will have to tell you more later. But most of the time now I can’t do much, I am indeed destroyed.
I have never had a voice or a just or fair hearing, the few hours with John Gladwin and Christine Daley barely told my story.

lack of formal complaint, the Dean’s supporters claim

As Posted on Bob Hill’s blog.

Back to the little subject of formal complaints. I do not understand everything that the Dean’s supporters say. But I can say that with regard to the churchwarden case, firstly I gave the Dean a great amount of detail in writing, especially after he didn’t handle the complaint properly at the start, he then consulted his lawyers, and told me I needed to submit a formal complaint. I discussed this with the director of Autism Jersey as I was baffled as to why my complaint so far was not considered formal, because of the Dean’s handling of the complaint, we wondered if he was stalling things. I then submitted a formal letter of complaint, of which there are copies. As the Dean continued to be reluctant to handle the complaint, I contacted the Diocese of Winchester, and despite misinformation in the Korris report and by the Dean’s supporters, that was my first ever contact with the Diocese and my first complaint to them. HG

letter to Bishop Dakin 2

Dear Bishop Tim, 

You are responsible both for the smear campaign in Jersey where people representing the Jersey Deanery which you oversee have repeatedly slandered and libelled me to the press and public and have drowned out my side of things by doing so, and also the fact that the investigations which you launched are omitting my side of things and basically, in these two things, even though I am already destroyed you are setting me up to be completely and iirepparably publicly ruined, even though there is no way I can recover from what your diocese has already done.
If you believe yourself to have any honest and right reasons in this whole terrible mess, you need to respond immediately in stopping the hate campaign and ensuring either that I get a fair hearing now, or that another enquiry is done to counter the current mess, and this time include my views, I have no choice but to proceed with my own public reporting to counter the harm you have done to me by allowing the smear campaign and the conflicted enquiry.
It is ludicrous that Dame Steel is allowed to proceed when she was advertised as representing the Jersey churches and also the way she has behaved in trying to illegally get my records, snubbing me and then in response to my concerns, deciding to walk away instead of giving the assurance that she is neutral.
You have severely psychologically harmed me, and despite my concerns since March, you have done nothing to resolve things, despite knowing that Bob Hill is there for you to communicate with and resolve things,

Apparently Dame Heather Steel is finally contacting Bob Hill but is in ‘The closing Stages of her report’ ie she is going to be allowed to proceed to destroy me and nothing has been done, she has not got my evidence and has not attempted to resolve the concerns that prevent my evidence being heard.
She tells Bob Hill that she was not supposed to investigate my deportartion.
So WHY did she attempt to access my court records without my permission.
Why exactly did the diocese of Winchester need to trace me, threaten me and stitch me up through Steel?
Email to the OJC, police and Bishop of Winchester,

I made a complaint of harrassment about Dame Steel and she is being allowed to proceed and destroy me further through a report that has hijacked my complaint and does not contain my evidence, why is my complaint against her conflicted involvement being ignored when I have made this complaint repeatedly and she is advertised as representing the Jersey deanery and has not got my evidence and has been aware of my concerns all along, as have the diocese, and nothing has been done!

I have made a formal complaint against Steel for the severe psychological harm she has inflicted by proceeding when she is conflicted and thus hijacking my complaint and ensuring that I cannot give evidence.
apparently she is in the ‘closing stages’ of this form of inflicting harm and preventing my complaint.
I know the diocese are criminally negligent and have been hell-bent on destroying me, but this Dame Steel thing is henious and I want her arrested.
I want her prevented from harming me and p[ublishing a report that is ludicrously supposed to be about my complaing even though she represents the Jersey Deanery and is conflicted and will harm me and will have absolved the wrongdoers at my expense.
Why is it that the OJC got this complaint months ago and have still not adequately dealt with it and prevented this woman from destroying me for the diocese who have already destroyed me?
Why is it that the police are criminally negligent in allowing this harm to me?
I have had to give up college and my sponsored walk and pastoral care and therapy while the continued distress of this, coupled with the Jersey Deanery smear campaign, continues to wreck my life.
Not that anything is worth anything since jane Fisher had me destroyed in Jersey and Winchester and Sussex.

Dame Heather Steel – an extract from Bob’s blog

Here is an extract from Bob’s blog, he can come after me with great vengeance for copying it if he likes.

Unfortunately I have not received a reply and one is left to wonder whether Dame Heather is incredibly busy, inefficient or just rude. On her appointment Bishop Tim Dakin, said, “We are enormously grateful that Dame Heather has offered her considerable expertise to us all. As I have said before, we cannot stress enough the importance of safeguarding. We are committed to understanding fully the circumstances of this complaint and to ensuring that we take whatever action is required to ensure that our Church is a safe haven for the vulnerable

I just have to comment on the above.

For months, Dame Steel has ignored Bob Hill, and refused to answer his queries.
Suddenly, apparently as a coincidence, rather than the fact Bob Has done a blog on her and I have published a statement on the BBC saying that her inquiry does not represent my complaints. She contacts Bob. Claiming never to have got his emails! The mind boggles! 
She claims that she contacted me (when it was the other way round) and that I refused to be interviewed and that was that.

Interesting how she refused to deal with the issues that led to my ‘refusal to be interviewed’!!!
She made no more effort on that, she just ticked that box and moved on.

Moving on.

Tim Dakin claims they will do whatever it takes to make the church a haven for the vulnerable.
I hate to be the one to break it to him but the church is currently a club for older middle class people, and the only way to make it a haven is to turn over the tables and drive the rich out. Because as long as it is a club for the rich and those who desire status, the vulnerable are not welcome unless they can be of use in some way to these rich people, that is firmly the case in the diocese of Winchester and I suffered 13 years of this, ending in my destroyal and homelessness.

In the meantime, despite all his statements about safeguarding and the vulnerable, he has consistently, throughout this matter, failed to safeguard me, let me do a little list of blatant safeguarding failures:

  • Violently forcing into my life with the police
  • publishing the Korris report without my views and covering up for my main destroyer, Jane Fisher
  • Refusing to explain why I have been traced and refusing to explain anything
  • Threatening me
  • Allowing the Jersey Deanery hate campaign against me – I cannot imagine how he can claim to be commited to safeguarding with the damage this has done and is doing, and still he refuses to stop those in his employ from slandering me in the press.
  • Allowing vouyeristic journalists such as Peter Ould to add to this hate campaign
  • Allowing a conflicted enquiry and ignoring complaints about it
  • Trying to make me get a friend to read emails from him instead of communicating through my mediator, Bob Hill

Basically, he has not shown any concern for me, only contempt, his claims about safeguarding are empty and he has used me as a pawn in a game, I am not the reason for this war, I am being used in it and scapegoated and Tim Dakin has the audacity to claim that it is to do with safeguarding!

Just to add, Dame Steel and John Gladwin were offered the opportunity to gain any evidence they needed from me by arranging an independent interviewer.
They ignored this.
I will not meet with Dame Steel as she is conflicted and is advertised as representing the interests of the Jersey church.

Dame Heather Steel

Dame Heather Steel is apparently leading an investigation into the Jersey Clergy. She is conflicted, and despite calls for her to be withdrawn, she has gone on to hijack the visitation.

Bob Hill has done an excellent blog on her involvement.

I have asked the OJC to investigate her involvement and have her withdrawn but this has not as yet been taken seriously.

Bob’s blogs re-traumatise me, even though they are helpful, and they energize me to take action: An email to Dame Steel

Dame Steel,

I know Bob has sent you his blog, but I thought I would add.

You obviously haven’t withdrawn from your harrassment of me by carring out a one-sided and conflicted investigation which does not cover my complaint, even though you are well aware that you are causing me prolonged distress while I am suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
This is another request to you to withdraw your wrong and conflicted enquiry, especially as you were advertised in the JEP as representing the clergy who you are supposedly supposed to investigate
This and the fact that you have refused to clarify anything, refused to withdraw, refused to communicate with Bob Hill, refused to arrange and independent person to investigate, makes your investigation not just unethical but downright wrong.
I gather from the nonsensical article in the JEP recently that you are about to publish your unbalanced report, which as far as I know involved illegal interaction with the police, and possible illegal access to my records even though I forbade your access to any records of mine because you are conflicted.
We are guessing your aim is to publish something on Friday or thereabouts, to try and further ban me from Jersey for your friends and colleagues, and you are being allowed to do your report with no regard to the damage you are doing to me.
On Friday and over the weekend, I have a very busy time with events in my life that are nothing to do with Jersey and the past.
I want to enjoy those events without you disrupting my life and traumatizing me, it is bad enough living in fear of your hijack of the investigation and wondering just how badly your biased and wrong report that omits my side of things will harm me.
You have proceeded in a conflicted role for a very long time now, and you have refused over and over again to respond to my mediator’s emails to you, which makes it very clear indeed that you have a bias, you have not interviewed him or me, nor have you arranged an independent investigator to interview me.
You are basically blocking an enquiry at my expense, and the ironic thing is, I did not ask for any of this charade of the diocese of Winchester using me as a pawn five years later and years too late and after Jersey and Hampshire police have brutalized me and destroyed me at the instruction of the Diocese of Winchester who my complaint is about.

You would not have stepped forward with such eagerness to investigate Jane Fisher, who my complaint is about, would you? 
You stepped forward while your close colleague Philip bailhache ran a hate campaign against me to show the world what Christianity is not, and you stepped forward to hijack an enquiry so that you can do as your close colleague, Philip Bailhache wants and damn me and clear anyone not already cleared like Bob key was cleared without enquiry because Bailhache commanded it.
You have been asked repeatedly to withdraw from this enquiry as you are conflicted, see Bob’s blog, as you will see, he has also run blogs about your close colleague, Philip Bailhache, Bob is one rare person who is not afraid of the retaliation that the ‘Jersey way’ entails, ie, raids at dawn, beatings, false imprisonment and police writing untrue things about him in reports, I am also running a blog, and no matter how important they think they are, Jersey’s terrible police force cannot reach me to beat me and intimidate me.
I am running the blog in honour of your continued refusal to withdraw and allow a fair and impartial inquiry. An answer to whatever you are about to publish to destroy me again.
Well, seeing as the Korris report omitted my views and damaged me in ways that I have yet to recover from, how is your report, deliberately excluding my story, and seeing as you are conflicted, be any better, it is going to be used to destroy me from your colleagues, Bailhache and the others, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this is not a fair and true investigation.
I will publish this email on my blog in readiness for the launch of your attack.
 I ask again for you to withdraw, and for the States of Jersey police to make you withdraw, and I state without fear that your investigation and report are not linked to my complaint, I do not agree to your investigation or report, you are harming me, your works in this are a form of harrassment and that I ask you to withdraw or for the police to withdraw you and to ensure that you are arrested if you continue and publish anything that will harm me further, emotionally, physically or in any way.

Bob Hill’s Heather Steel Blog

Although Bob Hill’s blogs about my case re-traumatize me, they also show something, and the other bloggers have done this too.
They show that I am not alone with what happened to me, not suffering silently at the hands of the Diocese of Winchester as I was when Jane Fisher was violating my life over and over and over and getting me a police record for standing up to her, crying out in pain and fighting back.
I am slightly less of a punchbag for the Diocese of Winchester as a result.
I am truly grateful to the Jersey bloggers for that.

Anyone reading this who is not already aware, I do not have a complaint against the Jersey Deanery, my complaints are as follows: Jane Fisher is a danger to vulnerable adults and children, she destroyed me and is still in her role and unreprimanded, I want her removed.
The Diocese of Winchester and their clergy and churches are exclusive and damaging to the poor, the vulnerable and the isolated, there is no safeguarding and the cliques and treading on the poor is not Christian.
The Bishops of Winchester and their Diocese and their use of the police and Dame Steel have harmed me.

Here is Bob’s Heather Steel Blog, and what is the point of having an Oligarch who is conflicted, investigating a pauper’s case?