Category Archives: botched investigations

W-h-o’s W-h-o in Jersey and Winchester 2 Bishops Dakin and Willmott

Bishop Tim Dakin: 

The man who has a lawyer as a chaplain, just in case, and so that abuse victims that the Bishop harasses can be dispatched without problem and the Bishop faces no consequnces.
Yes, Gavin Foster is a trained barrister. So basically anyone vulnerable harmed by the Bishop and Diocese have no redress.

Bishop Tim Dakin was announced by Downing Street on a stormy morning a few years ago, and by shocking coincidence, I was sheltering in the conservatory of people who knew him. I was not a happy person to hear about the Diocese at the time, seeing as I was homeless thanks to them.

In March last year, the Bishop had me illegally traced by the same police who destroyed me, and left me shocked and in collapse, this is typical of the Diocese of Winchester, they have no knowledge or understanding of the harm they do. At least I hope it is naivety that has allowed their continued damage and not simply stone cold cruelty.

Anyway, after having me illegally traced through the same police who harmed me terribly and refused my complaint against them, the diocese of Winchester had nothing to say to me, after taking away my new identity that had allowed me some escape from the terrible inaccurate and one-sided records they had given me, the diocese and police had nothing to say.

I discovered the Dean’s suspension by chance as I was getting a lot of emails from Jersey and other places. I did not want to read emails and be dragged back into the past.
I was contacted by MACSAS, the useless abuse charity who had let me down and violated me alongside the Diocese, and they claimed that ‘the Bishop wanted to help me and put things right’ which was untrue, and I asked MACSAS if they knew what brown-nosing meant.

MACSAS never at any point had my permission to be involved with the diocese or as they were in London with my family and the local authorities, ensuring that the diocese could access me to defame me further in the Korris report.
Funny how so far, no one has respected my human rights and the legal side of privacy even though I am competent.

Anyway, I found out about the Korris rubbish (report) and it nearly killed me because it was a graphic and harmful misrepresentation of the Jersey situation, published online and circulated so that complete strangers were villifying me, meanwhile, in Jersey, a full scale campaign kicked off with me being villified, publicly wrongly accused in the press and media and the Dean being upheld by his political colleagues in the the States of Jersey where he sits.
This utterly crushed me.

After a few weeks, the Bishop still had nothing to say, and his ‘barrister-in-charge’ waffled aimlessly and claimed I wasn’t being harmed by the smear campaign.
I could hear Jane Fisher in his words, she is the one who states untruths as facts.

The matter raged on, and for months, out on the streets, I lay curled up in misery, with every slur against me raging through my head and no defence, I tried and tried to write my story but Jersey was blanked through trauma, and Bob Hill, now acting as my mediator, only brought bad news every day until I was too traumatized to speak to him, he also did not get my side of things but relied on Korris, which hurt me all the more.

I phoned Wolvsley to beg them not to keep this up, to refrain from the repeat violations of my life that occured in Winchester.
The Bishop of Winchester then decided he would speak, threatening me with court orders that I knew nothing about.
Showing clearly that justice and righting wrongs could not possibly be the aim of the matter.
You don’t launch such an investigation while stating that unjust and one-sided action that the victim does not understand is acceptable.
I told him so, but realised that Jane Fisher would be the one telling him what to say.

The horrendous charade proceeded, with a conflicted judge ‘volunteering’ to step in, Dame Heather Steel, and thus the Deanery rejoiced, my side was never to be taken, recorded or known, basically I was defamed and destroyed for 14 months for no reason, and the Bishop has never been able to communicate with or through my mediator effectively or take any notice of the harm he has been doing, or include me in the investigation.
Bob’s blog has in-depth coverage of the mess that Bishop Dakin has made and the damage it has done.
I have repeatedly asked a number of people connected to the matter, and the police, to bring an end to it and to prevent further harm, defamation and damage to me. As yet, I have been ignored, treated as mad by the police as I was in Winchester.
Obviously they consider ‘mad’ people, deserving of harassment and abuse.

Bishop Trevor Willmott:

A conflicted Bishop, the former Bishop of Basingstoke. Now Bishop of Dover.

A close friend of JM who was deeply involved in this matter, his feelings for her and belief of her side of things would mean that he could not be neutral. 
JM used to say he fancied her and recounted him hurrying after her to say goodnight in the car park after a meeting.

His other conflict was that he was more than willing to join in cult games in the Jersey churches, saying what he was told to, for example ‘I sense that there are people here tonight who are feeling fear, would they like to come up and be prayed for?’ etc.
Manipulation which was prevelant in the unhealthy side of Jersey churches, American-influenced cult-church stuff, that is and was damaging.

When the Channel Islands split from the Diocese of Winchester, Bishop Trevor took over overseeing the Channel Islands, no doubt with lots of sympathy for them and none for me.
And so the charade continued.

Polo describes Bishop Trevor as Bob Key’s new Mammy.

Interestingly enough, off topic, some people in Jersey do say that the Dean is a female, ie, the wife is the Dean, and things the Dean said in church certainly backs that up.
Thats a bit sharp, but while I thought of it, I wrote it.

Involving Innocent people?

The Korris report claims I was ‘involving innocent people’, the reality is, the Korris report was written under Jane Fisher’s direction, and turns the fact that I was turning to anyone I could think of as witnesses to try to stop the damage to me by Jane Fisher.
I have asked a number of people, mainly those who I was maligned to in Winchester in 2010/2011, to witness some of my side of things.
No doubt that will bring the same response from Fisher in five years of so when another one-sided investigation is launched in the press to glorify the Church of England to anyone who doesn’t know them well enough to see through them.

The Diocese would rather I was seen as involving innocent people than the real reason, that I want my side heard, and I want witnesses, and their one-sided defamation of me has gone on long enough.
And they would rather I was imprisoned than got my voice heard and thus let people know the wrong they have done.

They involved innocent people when they launched their public attack on me and the Jersey Deanery, they have wrecked my life when the matter was in the past, and they have caused a lot of damage and money wasteage,

But is anyone going to do reports into them and publicly defame them?
It is left up to me to speak out, at risk of further unjust punishments, while the Diocese will never face punishment for what they have done.

Safeguarding investigation?

How can it be a Safeguarding investigation when:

  • The Bishop causes maximum distress and damage by forcibly and illegally  tracing the autistic survivor through the police and leaving her feeling violated.
  • An inaccurate report that omits the survivors views is published internationally, causing the survivor maximum distress and requests by the survivor to have that defamatory and incorrect report removed are ignored.
  • The Survivor is subject to a public and media hate campaign by supporters of the wrongdoers, the Bishop does nothing, preferring to hide behind a PR company who make him look all the more silly and do nothing to help the conflict, in the meantime his safeguarding officer who in the past caused severe psychological injury to the survivor, is allowed to continue to illegally liase with the police about her. The survivor is left desparate and distressed, as in previous years, allowing the church to back up their ‘insane’ label of her that they have worked hard with police and mental health services to try and get her.
  • The Bishop threatens the victim when she pleads for the violations of her life to stop and not re-start.
  • The Bishop launches a conflicted investigation headed by a ‘volunteer’ who came forward because she is close to political and judiciary supporters of the wrongdoers.
  • The Bishop re-instates the person suspended as a result of the report and says he ‘acted in good faith’ basically saying the investigation is over. He does not pass on the aimless and directionless forced ‘apology’ from the same person. He instead sends a message reading ‘no unsolicited intervention-confirmed’ to the victim.
  • And a few months later, the Bishop’s safeguarding office, who has a formal complaint against her for repeated violations of the survivor’s rights and privacy, intervenes unsolicited by illegally and without consent, referring the survivor to the NSPCC, to a colleague of hers. Bearing in mind that the survivor is now 33 and despises the NSPCC, this is absolutely appalling. 
  • The Bishop tries to personally force this referral on the survivor, ignoring the fact that he has been asked to only contact the survivor’s mediator, due to the damage inflicted by the Bishop so far.
  • The survivor writes a legal letter to the Bishop, asking him to refrain.
  • The Bishop releases a statement about having had legal representation to stop the conflicted report, and refers to the victim as ‘lost last and least’ and he prays she will accept the ‘support that his staff have been working hard across the diocese to provide’ ie his bullying safeguarding officer who has a formal compaint against her by the survivor has made an illegal referral to the NSPCC.
  • The Survivor responds by a press release saying she is not interested in forced support from the Diocese who have destroyed her. The Diocese even at this stage are more interested in image and cover up than the victims’s circumstances and feelings and refused at any point to acknowledge the survivor’s own pastoral care and therapy situation, which their dreadful behaviour was disrupting.
  • Deathly silence reigns, with the Bishop no longer threatening the victim.
  • The Deanery and Diocese in the catastrophic investigation part company and the Deanery comes under the jurisdiction of  a Bishop who was seen to join in the abusive and damaging games in the churches in the deanery in years previous, and also the Archbishop.
  • The Archbishop causes distress to the survivor by doing an aimless interview in which he seems to have no understanding of the circumstances and praises and condones both the wrongdoer and the Bishop who has done so much damage.
  • The Survivor responds, and is ignored, as usual, disregarded by the Church as mad and bad, much as Jesus was by the Pharisees.
  • The survivor is by now, 14 months after this sick and twisted charade started, quite unwell and waiting every day to be further damaged.

Statement about the Archbishop’s interview

I am writing in response to the Archbishop’s statement on BBC Jersey.

I have to say, and it is the opinion of others too. That the Archbishop didn’t seem to have a point to his interview, and thus I wonder why he agreed to an interview.

The closest that myself and others could come to a point in his interview was that he appeared to be trying to say everyone in the matter is just fine.

How very confusing. I would disagree with him.

He praises and upholds Bishop Dakin, who launched the public attack on the Jersey Deanery with the Korris report, an inaccurate and inadequate report into the matters that occurred around the churchwarden abusing me, and he thus caused the reaction of anger and rebellion in the Jersey Deanery, which was completely avoidable and at the same time caused me severe harm on top of the damage already done.

If I was Archbishop Welby, I wouldn’t be saying that Tim Dakin was great and did well.

Because all that Bishop Dakin has achieved is injury, division and needless harm, thus I have to disagree with Archbishop Welby, who appears to only be taking part in an interview to placate all, and wandering from the reality of the matter, of which he seems to have minimal understanding.

The Archbishop states his faith in the Dean of Jersey, but equally claims to stand by his apology to me.

My mind boggles as I try to comprehend this.

So, he he believes in the Dean? And he still apologizes to me for the handling of my complaint?

I can’t really comprehend this. I wonder if anyone else can unravel what he means by this?

Bearing in mind that he was speaking on BBC Jersey and obviously doesn’t want to rock the boat again, and also that he hasn’t actually personally apologized to me or even read my correspondence, he simply issued a vague apology in the press at the same time as that inaccurate Korris report, that damaged me horribly, was issued; Neither the Bishop nor the Archbishop have at any point arranged to meet me and apologize in person or get my side of the Story. And thus, all reports since are unbalanced.

Despite correspondence sent to him, the Archbishop seems completely unaware of my story and of the fact that I have been and am suffering very badly as a result of this ongoing matter, which is affecting my life and health profoundly and leaving me in constant fear of further damage.

The Archbishop claims that he ‘has to make sure I am receiving pastoral care’ Is he really not aware after all the harm done to me by this badly handled issue and the record that I have as a result of the Church of England, that ‘pastoral care’ from the Church of England is not welcome, and that I only feel violated by the interventions by the Church of England, which so far in the past year has only been offered in the form of an illegal referral to the NSPCC by Diocesan Safeguarding officer Jane Fisher, who has severely damaged me and who did not have my permission to refer me to anywhere, especially not as I had a formal complaint against her at the time, which continues to be blankly ignored by the Church of England.

My pastoral care is in my own hands, and the repeated forced interventions by the Church of England are a violation akin to rape, and my response to these forced violations is the anger for which they have previously had me detained and brutalized by the police.

The referral to the NSPCC was ridiculous, firstly due to the fact that I am no longer a child and do not have care of a child, as well as the fact that the referral was made without my consent and the Diocese knew my feelings about Jane Fisher from my re-iterated complaint against her last year, and the fact was that not only was the referral done without my consent, it was attempted by the Bishop to force this ‘help’ on me, and this caused massive distress, this was at the point where I wrote my legal letter to the Bishop -which can easily be found on my blog.

Those who don’t know, the Bishop made veiled threat of further action against me when I cried to him in distress and horror when he had me forcibly traced and violated by police in March 2013, when the very reason I responded was because HE HAD HAD ME TRACED, WRONGLY AND SHOCKINGLY THROUGH THE POLICE, only to ignore my questions why and my distress, and I was afraid of a repeat of the continued violations of my private life and illegal interventions and referrals and violations by Jane Fisher and Bishop Scott-Joynt in Jersey and Winchester in 2008-2011 that led to them repeatedly having me brutalized by police and locked up for my response. Jane Fisher and Bishop Scott-Joynt treated my rights and privacy as a joke and prevented me from ever getting help or being able to trust, they destroyed my friendships, social life, career, community work, hope and future, and that remains the case.

The attempts by the Church to force help on me alongside making a massive public disaster about the historic abuse complaint and then attempting to put it all right in an even more damaging way, is not remotely Christian, and Tim Dakin’s dreadful ‘lost last and least statement’ where he claimed that his staff had ‘been working hard’ to get me help, when the reality was that they had tried to force me to be in contact with a colleague of Jane Fisher’s from the NSPCC is dire and very unchristian.

So I am not sure why the Archbishop is praising Bishop Dakin, especially as he has damaged lives, especially mine, for no reason, wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds, and continues to leave me in fear that my newly rebuilt life will be destroyed again by this matter.

The reality is that this matter has been handled terribly on all sides and maximum harm has been done to me as a result, whereas in my life, I had made my confession to God for my sins of anger and distress as my Post-Traumatic-Stress went out of control in Jersey and was made increasingly worse by Jane Fisher’s actions, I had left this matter in the past, and the way it has been publicly dragged up and I have been publicly flogged for it is horrific, the Church of England demonstrating that in 2000 years they have not changed from the crowd that called for Jesus’ public flogging and crucifiction as they are doing the same to me.

I gather that either the Archbishop was ill-prepared for his interview on BBC Jersey and had little understanding of the matter, or he was badly briefed. He certainly demonstrated that despite me writing to him, he has not read my letter and has no understanding of my circumstances. But it is absolutely baffling how he can be on BBC Jersey praising people who have made such a mess, the gulf between the reality of the situation and the Archbishop’s words are horrendous as I live each day expecting the CofE’s unbalanced reports and damage limitation press releases to harm me further.


Personal message to the Archbishop of Canterbury:

What I would ask of the Archbishop, if he cares in the slightest and is not just speaking empty words from a brief put together by others, is:

Firstly, please read my side of things, and do not violate my life and privacy further by dragging this matter up in the media, you make me ill when you do this, please do not publicly praise people who have done wrong, it makes me ill, please do not insinuate that my pastoral care is remotely to do with your Church who have destroyed me and left me destroyed, especially as you and your church ignore my correspondence and have not dealt with Jane Fisher’s wrongdoing and continued violation of my rights and privacy by her continued illegal interventions which started in Jersey and continued even until last year.

Please stop this childish charade and close the matter down with no further harm to my life and reputation, you are making my life and relationships very hard and disrupting my therapy, you have done throughout this matter and appear to have complete disregard for my life and feelings as a human being.

And please remember, you have not yet produced a report or carried out an investigation which represents my full story accurately, and yet you have allowed investigations which interview supporters of the Dean who have never met me.

Please do not underestimate the toll that this is taking on my physical health, if this matter kills me, you will not be able to credibly talk about pastoral care and my welfare, nor will your ‘apology’ be of any worth, be aware that I have asthma and high blood pressure and heart problems that have been frequently triggered by this terrible matter and it does put me at risk from death.

If you consider yourself a Christian, then be aware that what you and your Church are doing in being less than honest about what is and has gone on and if you continue to harm me with forced ‘help’ or media releases, you cannot continue to call yourselves Christians any longer. Remember Jesus’ reaction to the people about to stone a woman for adultery? The way I have been publicly flogged and branded by the Church of England is as bad as that attempted stoning, and Jesus sin’t standing there condoning what you are doing to me, so when is this matter to be concluded and the public flogging of me to stop? Do you or any of you think you will stand before God after this dreadful mess and the cover-ups and ‘smoothing down’ of this dreadful mess?

What is so terrible about me, for sins past and repented that is worse than what my abusers and their supporters have done, that they are not publicly flogged and I am?


Other People’s Perspectives 3 – VoiceforChildren

Other People’s Perspectives, VoiceforChildren’s blogs on the Jersey matter.
Starting from the first they are;


If the people in the Diocese and Deanery war are Christias then why can’t they settle this civilly?

I am caught in the middle and it is making me ill, especially the wait to  be damaged by unbalanced and inaccurate reports that condemn me instead of investigating my complaint. Reports that cover for wrongdoers.
Why am I being crucified for my sins when I do not work for the church and other wrongdoers do, hence their wrongs, which they will not take responsibility for, are worse, while I am on my knees pleading for forgiveness and absolution!

ps, the dioce appear to have made that NSPCC bid only to be able to put something in their press statement to cover for themselves.
‘working hard accross the diocese to provide me with help’? Ha!

anything and everything

Dear Jane Fisher and Micheal Scott-Joynt,

Do you remember and did you tell any investigation or police force what I said when I rang constantly?

I said ‘Make Jane Fisher go away!’

I said ‘Please stop shaming and humiliating me!’

I came up to Wolvsley, not to ‘hang around’ or ‘sleep in the shed’ as deviously claimed,
I came up with letters for the Bishop, desparately trying to get him to understand what had happened to me, and persuade him to do something about it.

That is very different from me just being deranged and shouting and hanging around.

I wanted my complaints to be dealt with, although by the time Jane Fisher and the Bishop set the police on me in Jersey, it was too late for justice, because that injustice could never be undone.
And I wanted to stop being slandered to all and sundry in Winchester.

Did anyone or Korris ever know or understand that I was supposed to speak to Lou Scott-Joynt, and she told me to ring out of hours so that I would get through to her and not the office, and she told me that the only time she couldn’t answer was when they were in chapel in the morning? and yet the Bishop had me done for phoning out of hours?!
Funny how lou Scott-Joynt’s part in this was missed out of all court cases and the Korris report.
Especially the part where she was repeating the churchwarden-Dean-Lihou-Warren collaberation back to me, the same collaberation used against me again by Ashenden and Bailhache etc, with my side never at any point being taken by anyone.

Not really funny at all, sick. The whole way Jane Fisher has been able to engineer the matter and repeatedly mislead people about her and the Scott-Joynt’s actions and attitude.

Anything and Everything

Good evening,
I was just watching the blog stats, seeing this blog and ‘Life after the Diocese’s Stats together, and life after the Diocese’s stats read:    9,067
While this blog’s stats read:     19,067

Which fascinated me.

Life after the Diocese runs at 20-40 hits a day, while this blog runs at a few hundred a day.
Modest figures but it all adds up, especially considering that this is a heavy and traumatic blog, and it can be hard to get into, understand the wherefores and whys, and hard to keep up with, according to some, as this writing is now my life.

It remains that I am too traumatized and demoralized to share the full Jersey story yet, but as and when I can share bits, like the police email I did earlier, I will.
That Police email shows the incidents that started my steady fall into severe trauma and distress.

Anyway. As most days and nights, I remain on trial and with my side of things unheard, and this is making me ill, I cannot live like this for much longer, so I am pleading the Diocese to launch the final attack with Gladwin, Steel etc.

But a suggestion came in today, based on the Dean’s answer in an interview that the move to Dover was not because of fall-out with the Bishop.
The suggestion is because the Diocese face legal letters and action over this debacle, Dover don’t, so Dover can publish what they like.

Anyway. Another topic.
I hva efaced further abuses and potential abuses while on the streets and have been alarmed and frightened by attempts to help me, because basically I feel unable to trust due to repeat breaches of my trust by Jane Fisher and the Diocese, and being shunned because of the record Jane Fisher and her Diocese got me.
Basically, I struggle to trust due to a) the abuse in Jersey and further near misses while on the streets
b) the record I have been given and the shame and exclusion it causes
c)My very justified fears that Jane Fisher would come after me and continue to harm me.

To the end now that I can’t trust and am isolated.

I think that is enough for tonight.
I wish the day would come when I would be forgiven and be able to get the help I need without struggling, but the reality is that I was finished right back when I was in Jersey, and I doubt anything can heal my life now, I am just waiting for God’s mercy.

Post 1 -Other people’s perspectives

I am going to start comiling lists of links to other bloggers posts about my case. Starting with Bob Hill’s blogs.
Bob bases his posts on the Korris report a lot, which can make them inaccurate and traumatic at times, but he also has a lot of paperwork and in depth knowledge of States and Police processes.
 I think that as he has kept these posts about me up, he wont mind me linking and thus increasing traffic to his balanced and insightful blog. Especially as he does things without asking. 🙂
Remember, these blogs are not my opinion nor necessarily my true story, but they do help with background, but they were written by a good and honest man who was doing his best.

Bob Hill 2013/14:

Brief Introduction for new readers, because this is a heavy blog

Introduction for new readers as the statistics go up.

I was part of the Church of England for 13 years, I have multiple mild disablities and was vulnerable due to background and poverty.
I was abused in the church with barely a chance to recover from my fraught upbringing, and was blamed and shamed solidly by the church; all the unchristian things, gossip, cover-ups deceit occured, and my own sin was anger and saying bad things and getting carried away in reaction.

I have been publicly humiliated and shamed and given a record, while abusers and wrongdoers in the Church have got off and excused themselves.

Jane Fisher is a name I frequently mention, she is the diocesan safeguarding officer in the diocese of Winchester despite causing me so much harm through cover-ups and denials, and blame and slander of me.
 She also engineered the police record I now have, but never did anything about my abusers.

Bishop Dakin is the current Bishop of Winchester, and Bishop Scott-Joynt is the former Bishop, neither are Christian or able to deal with abuse, and both have treated me like dirt on their shoes.

The Jersey Deanery are described in the blog, a group of clergy and laity who have forgotten Christianity in favour of complacancy, power and security, but who run the church to keep this power and security.

The Korris report is an inaccurate and distressing report, engineered by Jane Fisher to cover up a cover up.

I am still in hiding from the Diocese and limited by this and the record they have given me.