Category Archives: email proof

Presenting ‘Emails and Statements’

This is a new Blog, the purpose of which is to prevent the ‘Anything and Everything’ blog from being further crowded by Jersey emails and Statements.

This is so that the Anything and Everything can be freed up for me to write my story, narrating it as I was before, as I have done through the posts of my adult life from 17-Jersey in the ‘lets go back’ Statements. I will proceed to narrate ‘Jersey and After Jersey’ as best I can as I remain traumatized by it all.

The emails and Statements blog.

I would have used ‘Pages’ but the emails on pages are taking a lot of room already.

Three emails sent to Jane Fisher and Bishop Scott-Jonyt at the beginning of January 2011, graphic content, don’t read if easily offended, I was being driven mad by their violations of my rights and privacy

withdraw Jane Fisher from harming me,
what you have done to me in your lack of duty of care and allowing fisher to spit on me in the first place,
what you have done in taking my life from me on behalf of wrong doers and judging this matter unjustly
is more than enough to ensure that I will never recover

You dont need to attack me through fisher and keep harming me
you dont need to send me lying emails

you do need to withdraw fisher or I will get her done for harassment or ensure a restraining order on her
I do not want to livethe remains of this difficult and distrssing life
being punched in the face by people who fisher manipulates to do so,
it is horrifying

no matter how you yap about helping me
you do not and cannot help me or even pretend to,
you are the ones who destoyed me
and each intervention from you
drives me further from society
wounds me further

what you are doing to me in intervening
is like a man kidnapping a woman
chaining her to a bed and raping her repeatedly
that is how vile and horrific what you are doing to me is
while I cannot escape.
no matter what you or your insurers and lawyers think
you are not helping me and cannot
and I am reasonably asking you to withdraw

just to add, imagine that man telling the woman he is raping that he is doing it for her benefit, and that sums up exactly what the diocese of winchester have and are doing to me.
because of the diocese interventions I will be on the streets for the rest of my life, and currently without food or money, I have no friends or support services to turn to as the diocese has violated all of these, and now I am ill, this would be a good time for someone to say ‘why dont we leave her alone?’ and give me a yes or no, will you withdraw or does it have to be legal action?

The only reasons I can think of for you to continue these attacks it to try and drive me to despair and attempted suicide as you did before, so you can try and have me locked up again,
try and drive me mad with anger and pain as before so you can have me convicted again,
try and drive me to a complete breakdown so that I become incapable,
what you are doing to me is horrifying and is very frightening to me,
I am going to continue to ask, through the police and the court and the church and everyone possible,
for Jane Fisher to be withdrawn from intervening in my life,
I am terrified of a future like a minefield of Jane Fisher interventions.
you are only lying to yourselves when you make out that what you have done and are doing is anything to do with helping me.

please let me know that fisher will be withdrawn.


It was just another day, some time around Easter, I was sitting in the library and listening to this song.

My links don’t work any more, it is ‘Hallelujah’ from Shrek.
Interestingly enough, I remember Ian LeMarquand’s daughter playing it at housegroup when she and her husband were trying for a baby, I think she thought the song was somthing to do with God, but I am not so sure, but I was listening to it anyway, that day, at that time, and it still resounds.

It was then, after all that time, that I heard that the Dean had been suspended, and I had a collapse, the second one, the first having been caused by the Diocese setting the police on me.
The words ring through my head ‘It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah’.
It was too late for them to suddenly do anything, the damage was done to me, and could not be undone, and since that cold and broken news that day, I have suffered horrendously.

Right, here is an extract from an email from the Diocese, which makes their whole campaign of the past year completely senseless.
This is from one of Jane Fisher’s denial emails, all of which is omitted from the Korris report to save her skin and damn me, and incidentally, those who still don’t know, it was Jane Fisher’s senseless and incongrent and hurtful emails that sent me mad.

I know the Dean does not disbelieve what you have said. Nor does he side with **** The Dean is in a difficult position in that he too has to work within the procedures that govern the church. The Dean hasn’t sided with ****  or against you. He has to make sure that he is neutral so he can make any decisions or recommend any action without being biased. If that has seemed to you to be taking ****’s side against you I am sorry – and that really isn’t the case.

Why then did they suspend the Dean then? Why is the Dean seeing the churchwarden and his wife first, trying to tell me abuse was a bit of a harsh word for it, and proceeding to try and prevent the complaint him being neutral?
Why was the Dean calling me wicked and saying I was not abused neutral?
And if, according to the Jersey Deanery, the Dean saw the churchwarden first because I was harassing him, why was the Dean then still involved in the abuse complaint?

email from JM after her conversations with the churchwarden in Jersey

This email below is interesting, it is from JM, before she continued to be involved with the Churchwarden and the Dean. Interestingly enough, these initial reactions from her were similar to when I first told her about her husband abusing me 7 years earlier, her initial reaction then was to tell me that his daughter had also made allegations and that the reason he was impotent was because she had taken to refusing him sex because of his violent temper, then she went into denial and blamed me, just as she did with the Jersey situation as she and the Dean and the Churchwarden couple joined forces, and called me wicked, a malicious troublemaker and a serial liar who made allegations when I didn’t get what I wanted.
Just to add, the only reason I was not sure about continuing a complaint was that I was really unwell with stress and depression and trauma from what had happened, and both JM and the Dean were pushing how upset and misunderstood the churchwarden couple were.


Dear ******,
I am perfectly clear about what you were seeking with R & J, I know that adult sex was the last thing on your mind. I am sure that you did repeatedly tell **** when he was off limits. I alos know that he told me that he thought that your problems were of a sexual nature and that by talking to you about your early sexual experiences he could help you through it – that is dreadful and it runs the risk of repeating any original abuse, I cannot prove what you say about his intent, (although I do not disbelieve you,  but it does cast some serious concerns about his behaviour and intent – at the very least it was naïve, inappropriate and stupid.
Where I think you lack understanding is about the nature of men.
When you want to be cuddled and suck your thumb you want to be, and in your mind are, a very young child. The man on the other hand is holding the body of a young woman – it is more than likely that he will be sexually aroused by the experience. In the case of an evangelical Christian like ****, who should have a clear underatnding of where the boundaries come,  it would be an easy step to justify continuing, or even increasing such activity because it seemed to be helping you, and that it was all part of ‘loving’ you into being healed.
For you there is a clear distinction between the kind of contact you want and the sort that **** was drifting towards.
Do you remember a few years ago there was outrage when a judge convicting a man of sexual abuse of a twelve year old girl said that the girl herself was ‘no angel’. I think the judge did not understand that abused children often relate to men in a seductive way, it is not deliberate or conscious, but it is the way they have learned to achieve ‘love’ and approval. I believe that your adoration of ****, which was in itself entirely innocent, gave him a huge ego boost, it made him feel good, and it also gave him power over you – sorting your life and finances out etc. That cocktail is very seductive, and under those circumstances your refusal of sexual intimacy but wanting to continue the physical intimacy could be seen as being a tease. I suspect that ***** was more aware and detached than ****, and saw you as dangerous and divisive – I am also fairly sure that **** would not have taken her warnings seriously.
**** should have known better, you have always made it clear that you are not ready for an adult sexual relationship, and he was not in a position to offer such a relationship even if you had wanted it. The very idea that breaking through any sexual barriers you have would cure you of all your problems is wildly over simplistic and dangerous.
If you think about the relationships you have which have been, and continue to be, very good they are often where you relate well to both husband and wife – (8 names redacted) etc, none of those men would try to enter into a ‘Daddy –daughter’ relationship with you in the way that ****did because they don’t have need to. Whether **** needs to be a saviour – the one who could cure ***** of all her problems, or whether he simply got a kick out of a physical relationship based on need and dependency, I don’t know.

At the end  the day, I think that you are right to see that ‘regressing’ with **** was unhelpful – regression can be OK if it is done as part of therapy in a situation of safety with clear boundaries and with someone who knows what they are doing, it is not something amateurs should attempt.
I know that you need to be a child sometimes, but you are also a bright, funny, assertive, lovely and very appealing young woman too, I continue to pray and hope, that you will find a way to inhabit your adult self with greater comfort and ease.

I think one of the things that most worries me is that you tend to veer towards total condemnation, and while your comments about **** have wavered between condemnation, and the hurt and pain of so much wounded hope and lost love, you also seem to feel that you have done awful things and are therefore an awful person. I would want to put this one into the category of a mistake, from which you have learned and will continue to learn. You were sucked into a delusion, a promise which could not be met, and it is hardly surprising that you have responded with anger and the desire to hurt the person who built your hopes so high only to smash them down, but even now you are saying that you feel you could drop the complaint. I think, whatever happens, you will have achieved what you needed to do, to ensure that **** realizes that he must never do this to anyone else.  
If **** tries defamation of character against you he will find himself really up against me, he should think himself lucky to have simply had his fingers burned, and learn a little wisdom from the experience.
I hope this makes sense to you. I don’t find it easy to think in black and white terms, the world is much more grey and complicated than that.
I love you lots and am thinking of you and praying for you.
Revd ****** ********

Again, before JM teamed up with the Dean and the churchwarden to damn me because her husband’s behaviour got brought into things, JM had known about what I told her about her husband for 7 years by then and still blamed me even though his daughter also made allegations, but we remained friends


Dear ******,
Of course you belong somewhere, I just believe it will be on a much more equal basis, not one based on need on either side which can so easily become exploiting – I hope you understand what I mean by that – it is basically that you were locked into a dodgy relationship, even when you had bad feelings about what was happening, because you so wanted/needed it to be alright.
You have a lot to offer another person/people, and you have a personality which attracts people in good ways, – just think about how there have always been people there for you even when times have been bad. One day you will make your dream come true not by finding some saintly person/people who want someone they can do good to, but by accepting yourself as being good enough, and realizing that you can both give and receive love and support with a person/people whom you can love and trust.
Many thanks for the lovely card, I have noted the caption on the front which says ‘Hey Mummy’, I have to say you are looking very well, your nose looks healthy and wet, sad eyes I can understand at the moment, but I am seriously worried about your ears – you have obviously been wearing heavy earrings!
Keep hanging in there, you are doing well, I am praying for you.
Lots of love,

This is one of the emails from JM after the Dean and the Churchwarden involved her, the churchwarden admitted to her that he had done some of what I said, but as the Dean and churchwarden continued to involve her, she was increasingly on their side, especially as the churchwarden was told her from questioning me about sexual abuse, that I had told him her husband had abused me


Dear ******,
It was good to hear from you this evening. I can confirm that I have had no emails or phone call other than yours from Jersey today.
I am truly sorry that your dream of finding a family where you could be the child has been smashed, I do know how much that meant to you. **** knows that I believe him to have been at the very least naïve and misguided, and I find his preoccupation with enquiring into sexual matters with you very disturbing. It is always difficult to discern true motive in what people do, but naïve evangelicals sometimes think that praying about it will make everything OK. I have no doubt that you did not let things go too far, and I am glad that you are away from there now.
**** promised more than he could deliver, it would have been kinder to say that you could be like a daughter, rather than be a daughter, but you can’t turn the clock back and you would always be a grown up daughter. The reason you cannot go back to childhood is because you are, and very much want to be, your own person. A young child in any family should receive a lot of love, but it should also be under the control and guidance of the parents who bear responsibility for it as it grows up. I think that would rightly be too high a price for you to pay, that is one reason why your dream could never come true.
Just for the record, I am well aware that you have never had a problem with (list of names redacted) (and that is just the ones I know) so be gentle with yourself.
It is Peace & Healing tomorrow evening and (names redacted) will lay hands on me and you will be with me at that time.
Lots of love,
Revd ***** *******