Category Archives: false accusations

anything and everything

Dear Jane Fisher and Micheal Scott-Joynt,

Do you remember and did you tell any investigation or police force what I said when I rang constantly?

I said ‘Make Jane Fisher go away!’

I said ‘Please stop shaming and humiliating me!’

I came up to Wolvsley, not to ‘hang around’ or ‘sleep in the shed’ as deviously claimed,
I came up with letters for the Bishop, desparately trying to get him to understand what had happened to me, and persuade him to do something about it.

That is very different from me just being deranged and shouting and hanging around.

I wanted my complaints to be dealt with, although by the time Jane Fisher and the Bishop set the police on me in Jersey, it was too late for justice, because that injustice could never be undone.
And I wanted to stop being slandered to all and sundry in Winchester.

Did anyone or Korris ever know or understand that I was supposed to speak to Lou Scott-Joynt, and she told me to ring out of hours so that I would get through to her and not the office, and she told me that the only time she couldn’t answer was when they were in chapel in the morning? and yet the Bishop had me done for phoning out of hours?!
Funny how lou Scott-Joynt’s part in this was missed out of all court cases and the Korris report.
Especially the part where she was repeating the churchwarden-Dean-Lihou-Warren collaberation back to me, the same collaberation used against me again by Ashenden and Bailhache etc, with my side never at any point being taken by anyone.

Not really funny at all, sick. The whole way Jane Fisher has been able to engineer the matter and repeatedly mislead people about her and the Scott-Joynt’s actions and attitude.

Email to the Lihous after a miserable stay with them on a visit to the UK in October 2008

This was an email to the Lihous after I went to stay with them on a visit to Hampshire from Jersey, the visit was miserable for me, and this email was sent as a result.
At that time I still did not really understand boundaries, didn’t know how to end a friendship or that I could just walk away if they refused a meeti8ng as they did, but when the Lihous were visiting Jersey, they had persuaded me to go and stay with them when they heard I was coming back to visit friends in Hampshire and Dorset.
The mention of Ken and the Bike, Ken was a retired priest in George and Jill’s village in Hampshire, George and Jill once got him to do a disasterous ‘healing’ session with me, which sent me mad with distress, but Ken also lent me a bike when I was at college in Dorset, which seemed to have gone missing but actually the caretakers at college had thought it was abandoned and so I collected it from their care in November and returned it to Ken.
(funnily enough my friend J. who the diocese and Deanery never mention, provided much more healing than Ken, just by being my friend, and she and I never fell out, but the Diocese never mention the good, only the bad, and becuse so many of my friends were in the CofE, the Diocese in having me put in prison and getting their story put about, made most of my good into bad).

From: **** ******(*********
Sent: 12 October 2007 10:18:39
To: *****

I don’t know why our friendship hurts and collapses, I know that God loves us all, but we never came back from what happened, the pain all came back when I saw you and that is sad because, we are all forgiven, but the horror and anguish of that night when George lost his temper went very deep, and the shame of having to repeatedly apologize and being prepared to be within new boundaries, when George didn’t apologize or explain or se tor agree a boundary to stop it happening again, wrecked what was left of the trust after Paul. I do love you, but the hurt is still hitting me, and I do live with other consequences of that night. So God bless you and keep you.

I have sent you a cheque, it may be delayed by backlog. Don’t let anything that has happened hurt you, I love you, I have been traumatized and injured, I can’t put myself in that risky situation again. I will be in touch with Ken shortly to arrange bike or recompense for bike.

Please could you acknowledge receipt of cheque, by post or on mobile- ***** ******, its a Jersey airtel, so not sure of cost from UK phone yet, its cheap for me to ring uk though, but not sure if you can text me from your phone, the emails from you never got through, nor has any post if you have sent any recently.

May God bless you and your family always,


On Trial 2

I will ask the question but I am not pushing for an answer.

Who is the Doctor involved in cult church in Jersey who also saw me and breached confidences/behaved unprofessionally and also caused me distress in the church, and could easily have further breached my records and used them against me?
Sadly there are two answers, but this time the Diocese should have a better attempt at answering.

Lets go on trial, because I am on trial night and day at the hands of those accusers.

My wrongs are great anger and bad words, not knowing how to treat people and how to relate to people, not being able to cope, not knowing what was wrong with me or how to set and keep boundaries, gullibility and thinking others knew best and would behave honourably.
I am sorry that the Church cannot forgive me and keep causing me the anguish of publicly shaming me.
And I am grateful to everyone who has been kind to me, every little thing, I have never been short of gratitude, even when I had not learned to express it.
God sees what I confess here and I hope He forgives me.
And I hope that the Church see fit not to harm me further.
Being on trial every day is damaging me.

What I have done does not mean that others have not wronged me, but they have chosen to deny this and cover it up.

On Trial

I have been on trial by the Church of England for six years now, and every now and then they pass a damning verdict, or try to sentence me further.

The thing is, though, few criminals who deliberately carry out criminal acts are put on trial and publicly whipped as I have been, after being hurt for years, abused in the Church of England, and not one of the people hurting me has faced any real action, no, they keep being exonorated, Bishop Scott-Joynt, Bob Key, Jane Fisher, J and FM, the churchwarden, and those who have defended and covered up wrongdoing.

So, is it a fair trial, where my voice has been repeatedly silenced so that I cannot defend my case, and I write this blog in fear of repercussions and further public harming of me by the Church of England, in reports and press releases, or even police attacks.

I am not sure how they think keeping someone on trial and shamed and blamed and given a record that prevents them from seeking help or even being treated with courtesy is Christian or just.
But they didn’t do this to abusers and wrongdoers in their own employ, they only did it to an abuse survivor who they refused to help or investigate her complaints, and they did it because she went mad with distress at being told over and over that what happened didn’t and that she was being bad. An example is Jane Fisher saying that the churchwarden was a ‘Christian who got things wrong’ but refusing to even acknowledge when Bob Key said that the abuse victim was wicked and hadn’t been abused, instead, Jane Fisher, Scott-Joynt and Key liased at that very time to get the victim a police record, in the despair and distress she was in.

It is utterly ludicrous that Jane Fisher is still involved and has used the terrible events of the last year to try and force on me further, with the NSPCC, after forcibly tracing me through the police, it becomes just plain ridiculous, that after all this time of screaming against her illegal interventions, and her getting me a police record as a result, she is still, unchecked and breaking the law and violating my human rights and privacy, even though I have made a formal complaint (which has been ignored) and she has been able to continue to harm and distress and violate me, whilst putting me on trial in the public eye, as if preventing me from seeking medical and support services by the record she got me was not enough.

Why am I on trial and waiting for a report that omits my side of things and will only be to cover up and harm me further for no good aim at all. I will not become the person the church of England decide that I should be by being violated, libelled, defamed, smeared, condemned, judged and having to hear untruths from a cliquey community where neutrality and lack of bias are hard to find.
And who there will be on my side? When the churchwarden was born there, has family there and is supported by the Church there, and the Dean is supported by wrongdoing crossovers in church/government/judiciary and Freemasonry, and how do the Diocese know who is biased and why? They don’t, so they can get hundreds of damning messages about me for their biased reports, while people on my side are afraid to speak out for fear of what will happen because the most powerful people on that Island are against me.

Here is an example of what the Diocese and their damn reports investigations and commissions do not know and thus can’t carry out a balanced report.
But some of the Jersey bloggers can answer this, lets see who answers, Diocese or a blogger:

Who on the Island is a Grand Master of a Masonic lodge, a famous figure outside the Island, related to my abuser, and ‘respected’ member of a Church!?
 Is this person involved?
 Now, lets see who answers.

Come on Jersey bloggers, that is actually a challenge and I know two wrong guesses that you are going to make! 🙂

Wasn’t it utterly stupid of the Diocese to publicly attack me and the Jersey Deanery? How could they have imagined that using me as a pawn would make the Deanery do things their way? Why did they put me back on trial? There can be no justifiable reason, why launch into an insular closed community and expect an honest and balanced view when you are ATTACKING people?!

Didn’t Dakin think what the reaction would be in the ‘Island of Secrets’? Didn’t he realise or care that the interconnected relationships there could only lead to me being damned and no defence? How can I defend myself when I do not even know enough to tell who is connected to who, fully, or who will be told to say what or produced what mocked up evidence? While no-one will dare to speak up for me, and people have said so to me, but the outsiders looking in do not see that!
Basically Bishop Dakin simply hung me up to be publicly flogged, instead of doing as the Bible suggests, which would have meant talking to his clergy in private, not suddenly headline news that meant I had to be slaughtered to save people’s skins.

Footnote for Ginger, Ginger I feel like I been in a train wreck because of having work done on my spine and shoulder today, I can’t play theology and I need an early night, I had a new blog sent to me today, it is a theology blog, it is on the links bar and it is called ‘Anninos’, if you are looking for theological food for thought, it is an excellent blog.

This is a very honest but ‘bitty’ and embarassing and scattered statement written in 2008

Be warned this is not nice easy reading, I felt like I was on trial from the moment the Dean tried to squash my complaint and further so when JM and her distorted views became involved. 
I wrote honestly and putting other people in as good a light as I could, but I was very hurt and broken.
When someone in a position of authority takes a vulnerable person home and tries to mend them, they need to be responsible and act responsibly, or better still, not do it.
I was due to move on from Jersey to France in the autumn of 2007, after spending the planned summer in Jersey, but the churchwarden and vicar couples were the ones who asked me to stay and settle in Jersey.
Interesting that they, when exposed as doing wrong, made me out to be mad and bad, months of seeing me frequently, when did they decide I was mad and bad? Before or after persuading me to settle in Jersey and the Churchwarden taking me to his home?
Please remember, this statement is one of many and refers to incidents fully described elsewhere.
Names have been changed, as usual, please excuse if any accidentally aren’t.

·        He ‘adopted’ me when he’d known me only two weeks and hardly knew me, there was no real discussion about me being their ‘daughter’, but he and Churchwarden’s wife were at odds about from the beginning. And I was to call them mummy and daddy, but to be excluded from their family and family parties.
·        He shouldn’t have done therapy on me if he was my daddy, he shouldn’t have done sexual therapy on me.
·        He and Churchwarden’s wife between them repeatedly made me feel small and rubbish while making out that they were helping me.
·        Churchwarden  caused bigger problems between me and St. A’s than there already were.
·        Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife have never apologised for anything, not even Christmas, I was forbidden to talk about Christmas, but Churchwarden  talked about their side of Christmas to Vicar’s wife, and I was very shocked, but I was ‘punished’ for reacting. I was down on my knees apologising and trying to put everything right all the time, even though I was reacting to the way I was being treated and the situation that Churchwarden  had created.
·        If Churchwarden  casts any doubts on my integrity, it may be that my former therapist can explain that I do have integrity, and explain any of the things I do, she is highly skilled in trauma cases, but she should only be contacted if necessary and please ask first, as she is retired due to health problems. If Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife had perfect integrity, then they would have talked this all through rather than running for ‘advice’ and throwing me away.
·        July 07 Friendship started with Churchwarden  ‘adopting’ me after 2 weeks
·        August, Churchwarden  was already talking about sex and there was already a division between Churchwarden  saying I was daughter and Churchwarden’s wife being much more reluctant about that, I was expected to call her mummy though and was ‘told off’ if I didn’t.
·        September, by now Churchwarden  was upsetting me and I was struggling at St. A’s.
·        October, I think Churchwarden ’s hand slips started then, and the emotional games were happening.
·        November, Churchwarden  got me to live with them,  Churchwarden’s wife was reluctant, and Churchwarden ’s games were starting
·        December, a terrible Christmas where I was told that I would be welcome, but I spent most of Christmas alone. Churchwarden  went through a very intensive phase of loving me in the week after Christmas, it felt like he was trying to be my lover and I got confused.
·        January,
·        February08, I was becoming quite depressed and unsettled.
·        March, a very painful birthday, Churchwarden  told me before I went to England for my birthday that I was not daughter, but he and Churchwarden’s wife sent me away with a card on my birthday that said I was daughter, I was very miserable and hurt and confused. Churchwarden  had another phase of being extremely intimate with me as well, this was when he sat me on his lap on the sofa and was kissing my lips goodnight and seemed excited.
March/April, a row when I was told by Churchwarden  that I wasn’t daughter and I lost my temper and told Churchwarden’s wife that Churchwarden  had said inappropriate things.
·        April, there was a row when Churchwarden  tried once again to say I was in love with him, and I moved out without saying goodbye, I was ill and refused to go back for supper for a week or two. I could see no future for the friendship but I loved them, it was horrible, I was ill.
·        April/May,  Mission and New Wine CI, Churchwarden  attempted to ‘Guideline’ me, and I was rejected from the ‘family’ when I reacted by saying that Churchwarden  was causing some of my behaviour by what he was doing. Churchwarden’s wife told me that they had ‘taken advice about me, they never talked things through with me, despite an attempt at reconciliation  from my side after ‘repenting’ because of the way the Vicarwho was one of the people running New Wine (CI), set up a situation where I was left feeling that I needed to change my view and start afresh. When I went back to Churchwarden’s wife and Churchwarden  they pretended that I was their daughter, it was a very see through pretence, and Churchwarden  repeatedly told me very blatantly that Churchwarden’s wife did not want me. 
June/July, the deterioration continued and the friendship ended as Churchwarden  continued to get at me with Churchwarden’s wife’s opinion and blaming me and my behaviour. He also caused great distress by saying he had to discuss with the Vicar whether or not he could ‘continue working with me’, there was very very clearly no ‘work’ between me and Churchwarden , he had said I was daughter, and there was no therapy agreement.
Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife after the Guidelines incident were not ‘mum’ and ‘Dad’ or ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’, they never explained or clarified this, but talking, on the phone, in emails, and any conversation they called themselves by their names, I was not ‘daughter’ or ‘precious daughter’ anymore, and though I went on loving Churchwarden  as a father despite what he’d done, when I said ‘daddy’ to him, I got sharp looks and no response, he would cuddle me if Churchwarden’s wife wasn’t there, and would not cuddle me if she was. All of this was very painful for me, I really felt that I had done great wrong, and that I was to blame, and Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife certainly encouraged those feelings with their opinions, me trying to make it all ok I kept buying Churchwarden’s wife flowers and presents, trying to be nice, but Churchwarden’s wife kept going on about my behaviour and the hurt was unbearable, I could see no future, I had lost the adoptive family that ‘God had sent me to’, I was a failure. Churchwarden  had said in the past that God had sent me to them, but Churchwarden  never told me that God had told them to throw me away when things went wrong, they were just walking away and not concluding or healing anything, they knew I was ill, I went to hospital, I lost my hair, I thought I would die from suicide or the vomiting and the pressure in my head, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I spent days wandering around not really knowing where I was, and I had to give up work because I was no longer capable of work. Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife slammed me for not working as well, even when I started work part time again when I was well enough, my illness/work record are checkable. My hospital visits/hair loss are checkable. My seeing therapist and speaking to former therapist are checkable, and any doubts of my integrity can be settled by my former therapist in England, please understand that I am not denying behaving badly, but it has been in reaction to the way I have been treated. I have been in unimaginable pain because of the way the churchwarden couple treated me, because of the way they shared this mistreatment of me with the Vicar and his wife and any other church people.
·        I have been to their church, looking for the loving God that they took away from me. Trying to understand what they did to me in the name of God.
·        I have attacked them verbally, the pain and distress and the fact that they blamed me and walked away sent me out of control.
·        I have had failed friendships before, I am told that even normal people have, but I have never had a friendship like the one that the Churchwarden couple did, nor do I have huge amounts of failed friendships, at present I am counting three ‘true failures’ including the Churchwarden couple and they have damaged other relationships of mine here, I have never been ‘taken over’ and hurt to this level before, and the ‘family/not family’, abuse and being controlled and maligned issue has wounded me more deeply than anything ever has. I am sorry that I have reacted, I was dehumanised, could anyone have done any better? The churchwarden couple never apologised, they were outraged, wounded ‘Good Christians’, ‘only trying to help me’ and I ‘was so ungrateful’.
·        When I wrote to Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife when I was house sitting for their son, I wrote because problems with Churchwarden  were occurring, this was in October/November last year and Churchwarden  had created a situation where I was alone with him in a room, and had then said about people talking, just after that he had told me off sharply for kissing his cheek as I hugged him, ‘what will people think’, today I kissed my friend’s cheek after the remembrance day service, I have known her since I was seventeen, no one, not me, not her, not anyone imagines that anything inappropriate is happening there, it is ridiculous that Churchwarden  was playing with my emotions like that, yet when I wrote to them I was told off, I wrote because speaking about these things is hard for me, but I was told off, called a few names by Churchwarden’s wife and told that my letters would be burned, Churchwarden  kept a file of my letters, and I took the file off them when I left (Some of these have been gathered together and handed to the police, including the above letters), but the churchwarden couple will have a very big file of my letters and emails since the friendship hit trouble, some of which are cruel and terrible because I have been so ill and hurt, they showed the Dean the letters and emails when they saw him, before I got to see him, and basically ensured that the Dean was unwilling to help me, he told me that they were sitting in his study distressed and sorrowful, but Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife always blamed me, they showed no sorrow with me as they turned away without an apology and left me with the blame.
·        For some reason Churchwarden  thought it was alright for him to phone my friend JM, to try and justify what he did as ‘therapy’, even a trained therapist with a clear contract with a client must never be sexual with a client, and a member of family cannot be a therapist to another member of family. I really had no idea what was happening with Churchwarden , he called me daughter and I wanted a father, I wanted to belong to a family, especially a Christian family, the boundaries that Churchwarden  moved and moulded constantly confused and disorientated me, right from the beginning, but I was blamed, always, Churchwarden  was there, dominating, gently touching, telling me that I was wrong and my reactions were ‘not from God’, he was ‘the man’, ‘in charge’, I heard him say many times to people about other things and situations that ‘he was always right’. Churchwarden  didn’t phone me to explain and apologise, he phoned Reverend JM without my permission, broke into a long standing  friendship and damaged it, he, and then Churchwarden’s wife told JM ‘all the terrible things I had been doing’, and JM, who has her own way of thinking, and doesn’t believe in Asbergers Syndrome, tried to tell me off, and got deeply involved, caused further misunderstandings, and my friendship with her (she was like a mother to me) is irreparably damaged, I have known JM since I was a teenager and she was incredibly precious to me, despite truly not understanding autism, the effects of abuse etc, I wouldn’t even say that my friendship with JM was always free of problems, her husband has a violent temper and I was the victim of that for many years and wont miss it, but there was plenty of love and mutual senses of humour between me and JM, and I adored and respected her, losing JM is very grave for me, and it is another violation like Churchwarden  getting Jonathan Mortimer’s advice and trying to put me under guidelines . JM also believes that abusers are just victims themselves, I don’t sexually abuse, so its no excuse.
·         JM talking to me after Churchwarden  had talked to her, mentioned something about Churchwarden ’s workplace, as if she was telling me that Churchwarden  had said I had been going up there to pester him, Churchwarden  encouraged me to go to his work, he took me to his work even, that was where I heard him say several ‘I am always right’ s when people queried things he’d done. It was also in one of Churchwarden ’s Romeril’s warehouses, building a trolley for church, that Churchwarden  first asked me about being raped, I ran away from him and hid behind a solid object, he came after me, ‘you were raped weren’t you? Yes you were, weren’t you, come here’ Churchwarden  took me in his arms, I was very very ashamed, I couldn’t speak and I was close to tears, I couldn’t look up, I kept my head down and hid again when he let me go. Then he wanted to know if I’d had a baby and he told me that he’d heard that women felt dirty and ashamed when they’d been raped. Churchwarden  built a trolley and I stayed hiding but I raced the trolley round the empty warehouse like a skateboard when he’d finished.
Churchwarden  told Churchwarden’s wife that I’d told him I’d been raped, she was upset, I told Churchwarden’s wife that I hadn’t been whinging to Churchwarden  about my past, that Churchwarden  had been questioning me.
Why did Churchwarden  need to know that I’d been raped? Churchwarden’s wife had already said ‘no more questions’, why didn’t Churchwarden  make sure someone else was there when he questioned me? As when he tried to put guidelines on me, Churchwarden  was alone, being ‘The man’.
When I was alone with Churchwarden  at St. A’s helping with maintenance work, Churchwarden  would stop work and cuddle me, he was always talking about ‘people talking’ and ‘what will people think’, yet he wanted to cuddle me where people could turn up and did, I liked lots of cuddles, like a little child with her father, but I couldn’t cope with the ‘what will people think?’ I had no idea how to react, he was pressing the fears onto me and I didn’t know what to do. How could he blame me for everything when he was hurting me like this?
·        Churchwarden  talked about the announcements columns, about people having illegitimate babies, I agreed that it was nothing to be proud of, but judge not, you don’t know what happened, Churchwarden  laughed and said ‘oh, the girl knew what happened’, I told him what if one of those children was created by forcing but the mother decided to be proud of the child anyway. Judge not.
·        Churchwarden  will probably have any ‘witnesses’ to his kind and cuddly behaviour at St. A’s briefed to support him, he is a saint there, he runs the church for the vicar, it utterly amazed me that the vicar has one church, he doesn’t bother with Saturday Prayer services, he leaves the Churchwardens to run most of the formal Sunday services, while he just gets up to do a very poor sermon in the middle, sometimes he doesn’t even do that, there is a reader, Churchwarden ’s best friend, Neville Brooks, who was with Churchwarden  when he was dismissed from (the previous church) and moved with him to St. A’s. 
‘I am leading the service’ said Churchwarden  proudly, and he does, or the other churchwarden  does. This Vicar has one church, JM has five and tries to be everywhere, truly makes herself ill trying to be everywhere, look after everyone and run everything properly. She leads the services, Yet this vicar timeserves and makes a disabled person in his congregation feel so rubbish that they leave.
·        The Vicar was on the leadership of New Wine Channel Islands and set the situation up to suit him.
·        Does this matter at all? It’s probably irrelevant and innocent, Churchwarden  was reading a dodgy email from a girl, it looked like a junk email, he was just sitting there looking at it, it was a seductive email saying she was waiting to hear back from him. Churchwarden  minimised it when I came to talk to him, later he mentioned it to Churchwarden’s wife at teatime, not the content, he said that he had been getting lots of junk email, he said to me ‘you saw one of the junk emails, didn’t you ******?’ I don’t know how frustrated Churchwarden  is, I don’t care, as long as he never hurts anyone with it.
·        Churchwarden  talked about spanking my bottom sometimes, one time he was offering to do that I told him it was wrong but that I gave him the benefit of the doubt about his thoughts about me, he didn’t say anything. He did slap my bottom gently when I was on the sofa, resting against him, and he did stroke and touch my bottom, he will just have included it in his healing touch and deny that he was doing anything wrong though.
·        I am sure that at least some of Churchwarden ’s hugs could just be innocent and loving hugs, and maybe he just wanted to help me, but he hurt me and Churchwarden’s wife hurt me and the vicar and his wife hurt me and they all walked off and left me hurting, and made out that I was the one in the wrong.
·        Any comments on belly? ‘Splatbelly’ was when I would gently slap Churchwarden ’s belly, he has a round splattable belly (I was a little girl with her daddy), Churchwarden  did ‘Biting horse’ which was pinching his hand together on my knee, this was equal to splatbelly in teasing and pain, and these two things were revenge for each other. Resting my head on Churchwarden ’s belly was what he taught me, I would lie on the sofa with my head cuddled into his belly, thumb in mouth and the rest of my hand resting on him, he also encouraged me to rest my head on his lap, he didn’t mind me resting my head close to his body on his lap, facing him, but I minded and would only rest away from him with my head facing his knees, even little girl knew that there were boundaries somewhere and that he was a man. Churchwarden’s wife was in the room and accepted or ignored this closeness so I thought it was ok. Churchwarden’s wife never cuddled up to Churchwarden  on the sofa, if they were together on the sofa, Churchwarden’s wife tended to stay the opposite end of the sofa, but that seems to be Churchwarden’s wife likes space in the evenings and she was always tired, in the mornings at breakfast Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife were very cuddly and intimate in the kitchen though.
·        When I kissed Churchwarden  on the cheek when he hugged me goodbye on the way to work one day he said, ‘Are you getting fresh with your daddy?’ I was startled, Churchwarden’s wife was there in the room I don’t know if she saw the kiss, I was not getting fresh (means being naughty?), I was kissing my daddy goodbye. How could he even begin to imply that I would misbehave with him in front of his wife What did he think Churchwarden’s wife would think? Why would he make a comment like that when he knew that Churchwarden’s wife was unsettled about ‘daughter’ Why did he tend to kiss my lips or neck when Churchwarden’s wife wasn’t there? One time I kissed his cheek he said, ‘Oh I mustn’t kiss you back, it wouln’t be right’ an dhe said something about me waiting for a boyfriend, digusting man. I NEVER kissed him sexually and my kisses were not sexual, sexuality was the last thing I was thinking. I thought I’d found my daddy, a confusing, charming, distressing daddy. He seemed to almost want me to misbehave, but I couldn’t. My kisses to his cheeks were innocent and seeing as he was so tactile, if his touch me was innocent, why did he think that my kisses were not? especially as he never withdrew the touch and holding when he slammed me for kissing him, he never stopped hugging me when he accused me of ‘being in love with him’ I was the one who occasionally withdrew hugs when he was tormenting me by ‘oh the wife is upset with us hugging so much’, etc, and his kisses to my lips and neck, what was I supposed to think? And he obviously made Churchwarden’s wife think that there was a problem, Churchwarden  emotionally tortured me, I could not misbehave with him, it is like smoking and getting drunk, I cannot do it, and I was being criminalised, would you have known what to do? If you had been me, autistic, thinking God had answered your prayers for a family, behaving honourably with a very loving very confusing daddy and a mummy who didn’t want a daughter but wanted to help ‘as a good Christian’. Would you have left them or gone mad? Would you have shrugged it all off, seen better, walked away, I thought they were the wonderful Christian family I looked for, they helped me, took me over, I was theirs, but I wasn’t really ‘family’, I had to stop existing on Christmas eve, and when it was Churchwarden ’s stepmother’s party, the ironic thing is, Churchwarden ’s stepmother took his dad away and left Churchwarden ’s mother to raise four children in poverty, Churchwarden ’s mother died because she went without food in order to feed her children apparently, according to Churchwarden’s wife, but Churchwarden ’s brother arranged a nice party for the stepmum, and Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife went along with their daughter in law, granddaughter etc, left me at home, I wasn’t to exist that day, I wasn’t good enough even though I would never take a man from his wife, I was non-existent, but Churchwarden’s wife talked about the party for days, how the little granddaughter had so much fun, me being only an adoptive daughter was not deserving of any good things, fun, parties, I couldn’t even exist, especially after Christmas after I had done such great wrong in walking out after Churchwarden’s wife rejected me.
·        They have the Birthday Card they gave me, I sent it back, it says precious daughter, but Churchwarden  sent me away for my birthday saying I ‘wasn’t daughter’, he said to me ‘not precious daughter now, precious person’, and this was how it was for months daughter/not daughter, and I was always not daughter with family and excluded from parties. 
·        Churchwarden’s wife wanted me to just go away, she was saying to Churchwarden  ‘maybe ****** should go on travelling, as she planned to’. Churchwarden’s wife didn’t like me having opinions, ok my opinion of not liking newsreaders playing with emotions is strong, Churchwarden’s wife knew I was autistic, the excess emotion annoyed me, but Churchwarden’s wife has strong opinions, she was raging and crying about Senator Syvret, Haute De La Garrene, all sorts of things, she ends up crying and looking like death, one day she did that about me for some unknown reason, and Churchwarden  happily said to me ‘You’ve made the wife ill!’ nothing else, no attempt to help, and  I went to Churchwarden’s wife and tried to comfort her, I certainly can’t ‘make people ill’, but Churchwarden’s wife had her hands like claws and pushed me away, I was terrified and distressed, there was no talk it through and after a day or two when I got home from work, Churchwarden’s wife rushed to greet me, hugged me and hugged me though I was distressed and afraid and wanted her to leave me alone, she had got me a big bar of chocolate that I didn’t want so I put it in Churchwarden ’s supper, Churchwarden’s wife kept talking to me and I wanted her to leave me alone, she was all nice nice nice, but Churchwarden’s wife didn’t like me and I was afraid of her. Me to blame? I just make people ill when they are kind to me? How can I live with this, even now?
·        Why why why? the above paragraph, Churchwarden  should not have brought me home to a wife who did not want a daughter, especially not a disabled one, who had nothing, it was very clear from the start that there was a division of opinions on me between Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife, because they were telling me different things about my ‘place in the family’, Churchwarden’s wife said I would never be really like a daughter, and Churchwarden  was saying that I was their adoptive daughter and Churchwarden’s wife would get used to me but she didn’t and wouldn’t, she loves her stylish well off daughters in law, because its all the latest fashions, the gossip, the foreign countries, I was nothing, scruffy, quiet, not interested in oneupmanship or complaining about things. But Churchwarden’s wife wanted to be a ‘Good Christian’, which is why she tolerated me and shouted about me when I wasn’t supposed to know. They had chosen to call me daughter, and I was called daughter by Churchwarden , I was expected to call them Mummy and Daddy or mum and dad by Churchwarden , I called them Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife (note I am replacing their names with churchwarden and churchwarden’s wife) if anything was wrong and got told off, Churchwarden’s wife didn’t want to be Mum, occasionally she went through phases of really trying to be Mum, ‘oh we would do all this for the boys you know’. But I was excluded from parties, I was just ‘left at home’ and Churchwarden’s wife would talk and talk about these parties, she would have excluded me from Christmas I believe, but I think Churchwarden  got his way. I could have been in England for Christmas, but I ended up alone for most of Christmas anyway, Churchwarden’s wife got her way, but I was not allowed to talk about Christmas afterwards and they didn’t apologise, even though Churchwarden  talked to Vicar’s wife about Christmas and made me sick.
·        Then I was dumped when I said Churchwarden  had been naughty, I was no longer precious daughter, these ‘good christians’ dumped me rather than take any responsibility.
·        I did react badly to things they did, said, shouted, (since reporting them)I did react to the way St. A’s Church treated me. How was I supposed to deal with it all? They were ‘helping’ me, but how could I take all the things they did, said, blamed on me? I couldn’t, and I wanted to be ‘part of the family’ Churchwarden  brought me into the family and I really really wanted to belong with these smart, intelligent, secure people, to be loved good enough and belong, but I couldn’t, smashed dreams. I got them presents at Christmas, birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, I suffered a very serious rejection from Churchwarden’s wife at mothers day and I took the cards and put them in the bin(I got her two cards, and chocolate and flowers), I tried to be ok and understand how to be, but I was always wrong and hurting. At my birthday I went to England because Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife were going to their sons wedding, they threw some money at me as a birthday present and I was sad, and Churchwarden  said I wasn’t daughter and I was depressed, ill  and crying for my birthday and easter in England, especially when I opened the card that said ‘daughter’, when I got back I didn’t want to be there, Churchwarden  kept on at me ‘you’re pleased to be back, you’re pleased to be back aren’t you’, I wasn’t but Churchwarden  is a steamroller so I had to answer yes, Churchwarden’s wife was in a bad mood when I got back, they had just got back and Churchwarden’s wife was snapping but Churchwarden  said ‘she does that when she’s tired’. Not long after that there was the row on the landing ‘Why does St. A’s Church think I am a slut when Churchwarden  is the one being inappropriate, saying inappropriate things?’ End of March? 
·        I was confused about Churchwarden  crossing boundaries, Churchwarden  should have been more responsible, I wasn’t too sure about what he was doing sometimes, but I haven’t had an adoptive daddy before, especially not someone like Churchwarden , and I am told that not being looked after properly by my real dad probably meant that I didn’t have a good example set anyway so I was confused when Churchwarden  was playing games with me, it would never have been easy for me to walk away from Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife, it wasn’t even in the end, I went back to them after New Wine, begged on my knees to still be daughter, no apology from their side, me taking all the blame, even up until July I couldn’t let go, though I was realising more and more that they had really really hurt me.
·        I temporarily left Saint A’s, probably in March, I was feeling so small and wounded and I had lost sight of God, I even stopped going to St. ***** or any church for a few weeks, but St.**** people actually made a fuss and made sure I went back, aren’t they amazing? My faith was low but they truly cared about me and wanted me to be ok, they have kept praying and helping me. I started going to St. A’s after New Wine, because I felt that maybe I’d been wrong, maybe they were right, because of the manipulated situation at New Wine. But St. A’s got no better for my fresh approach, and after I left Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife, I went to St***** and was so overwhelmed with the quality of service there that I wrote to the vicar saying how wonderful I had found the church, I went to St. A’s a few more times, and was sad and depressed by it and by the way I was treated. I cried through the last time I was there, and I have been up there and upset their prayers on Saturday a few times by telling God about Churchwarden , sorry, I have stopped doing that. 
Churchwarden   will undoubtedly use all my furious letters in his defence, and a shredded photograph of him and me, I wrote on the back about him ‘f*****g with his daughter’s mind and body’, that was one of the photographs he sent me to England with just before christmas, ‘show your friends the pictures of you with mummy and daddy’, he really did say it, but then there was my rejection from his family at Christmas and the stepmums party, how would you cope? Being told to tell your friends about mummy and daddy, then being very deliberately excluded at family occasions and the party on Christmas eve, I was alone most of Christmas eve night, they hadn’t told me that I would be, Churchwarden’s wife made a feeble lie about they’d been running errands, they hadn’t, they’d been to a party with their son.
·        Any ‘problems I have ever had in churches before have been minor, trying to understand church when I first started going, wanting to help out with things but feeling that I was overlooked (I did help in the end), being afraid of church because of my background, seeing a respected youth and mission leader arrested for child abuse and child porn, having other well meaning couples getting too involved in ‘running my life’ – NEVER to the extent that Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife have, and I was not sexually abused or completely controlled by either of these other two couples, and the amount of friends I have made in church and out of church who there are NO problems with is endless, there are millions of them, like ants, are my friends like ants? Thats a bit rude of me.
·        But I like lots of space too, because I am autistic. I prefer to live with other people rather than being alone, but I like privacy and running my own life.
·         I have a bit of a quick temper but I have to be annoyed or afraid to get cross, I tend to be very submissive and apologetic if I am told off for an error, but my temper comes out when someone keeps on at me or is being unreasonable, or if I feel trapped or unfairly blamed, people do blame me and my problems for their errors occasionally and my self esteem is very very low, attacking Churchwarden  and Churchwarden’s wife is not all self righteousness it is very very deep pain, their image is ‘Good Holy Christians’ but what they did to me is not good or holy, Churchwarden  using sexuality on me could not just have been ‘Righteous, blameless healing’, he must have been enjoying it, and he, as a Christian and a married man, should have known better, he told JM he was trying to heal my sexually based problems with sexuality or something. Churchwarden  could have helped me by contributing to my very high therapy fees if he’d cared, not told me about his sex life while I was on his knee like a child, not terrified me by pinning me down or distressed me by asking about rape, then slamming me for my distress about these things, therapists cannot punish their clients for reactions to therapy and daddies and mummies cannot do therapy on their daughter. Why did Churchwarden  need to do sexual and physical therapy, but not talk through problems in the daddy, mummy and daughter relationship, why didn’t he do church phobia therapy or mediate with Vicar and Vicar’s wife therapy, it’s as if he wanted that rift there.
·        And why didn’t Churchwarden  stop the therapy if he saw I was going downhill? Nothing stopped until I moved out and Churchwarden’s wife seemed to warn Churchwarden  off a bit. Why couldn’t they have apologised, I might be less angry, I was always apologising, boosting their ‘we’re right, you’re wrong’ attitude.
·        Churchwarden  told me that Churchwarden’s wife was traumatised by me and close to a breakdown (it didn’t seem to matter that I was traumatised by them and had had several  minor breakdowns), he said she was still traumatised by what happened at St. ***** (I don’t know any details, he told me they were wrong in dismissing him, they tell me that he was taking over pastoral care and doing things he had no right to do.), Churchwarden  said Churchwarden’s wife didn’t want me alone with him and there was a danger that she would say that he was to have no contact with me, Churchwarden  left me to deal with this, Churchwarden’s wife was being ok with me at the time, but after one more conversation like this, when I had been in tears all day and Churchwarden  callously went through a similar load of comments, I emailed Churchwarden  telling him that he had done wrong and I couldn’t take the blame any more. 
·        St. ***** still remember the upset of Churchwarden  being dismissed, I have never mentioned it to them, but they talked about it during a conflict in church discussion, It was the vicar before **** ****** who sacked him, and Churchwarden  proudly told me that he stayed on some of the committees for some time and ‘helped to choose **** ***** as vicar’, but he told me that some people were angry that he stayed on after being sacked. ******** is a gentle, kind church, but the way Churchwarden  talked about it when I was new to Jersey and loved him as Daddy, I felt I hated them and never wanted to go there, as it is, ** ****** have been a lifeline to me and I am glad I sought refuge from the Churchwarden couple and St. A’s there.
Until I was slandered and made unwelcome there as a result of reporting the churchwarden, when the Churchwarden couple and Dean and Warrens and JM liased to make me out to be something terrible. This statement was written early on and Philip said it was a nightmare to read this because it is all bitty.
·        Please don’t let the Vicar couple and the Churchwarden couple hurt anyone else, they have totally and utterly rubbished me, I was on my knees apologising because I didn’t realise that it couldn’t all be my fault, the way they made me feel rubbish, unwanted, useless. They righteously ‘pray about me’ Churchwarden’s wife told me they ‘pray about me’, but that was when they’d thrown me away, and what is the point of hurting someone that much and ‘praying it all away’, the real God just doesn’t work that way, these church leaders think they can be irresponsible and then pray away the damage they’ve done, and I feel so far from God and so much beyond prayer because of them.
·        I was invited to do a ‘plumbline course’, which is supposed to heal people with emotional problems, I went in to the course and ran out again, it was run by the people who had done the ‘signs and wonders’ at the beginning of my time at St. A’s, what they were doing was purely frightening and dangerous, I had a minor breakdown that day. In contrast I went to a taster evening run by the Bridge Pastoral Foundation, the courses offered by them were also on emotional and spiritual healing but were neither frightening nor dangerous, the courses were good solid stuff, rooted in real Christianity and run in a way that really, even in that evening brought comfort to me and distanced me from the terrors of St. A’s Church, brought me back towards the God of Love, who I have lost and grieve for.
·        God of Love and Truth come back to me, don’t let the Churchwarden couple and the Vicar couple throw this serious matter away as rubbish, label me as trouble and walk on to hurt others. I do have problems but the Churchwarden couple seem to have been able to use Your Name to leave me broken beyond hope while taking no responsibility and I can’t let them do this to others, Lord have mercy. Amen
My faith was only restored by the Catholics in the years after being made homeless, but remains shaky as I wonder why God has allowed my background, the suffering and lack of help and diagnosis, what happened in Jersey and since, and especially the past year of horrendous damage by the Diocese and Deanery war.


lets go back 35

I went to Jill and George’s for the weekend after that, on their invitation, I got to the house and Jill and George had left the key for me as they were out somewhere, I heard that a message from Paul on the answer machine to Jill about me, Paul was not prepared to help me any more with finances, and his wife was kicking up a fuss about him involving himself, Paul wasn’t just someone who was helping with finances and letting me down, he was my friend and mentor, and I was deeply upset, I loved him as I loved George and Jill, I asked why this was happening and Jill said it was about Paul’s wife being worried he would have another breakdown, as he was another person who had had a breakdown not long before he retired.

 George said it was because there were concerns about me and Paul being too close, I was furious and asked what the grounds for that was, George just said ‘oh, well we have seen things happen before in our old church’, and again I was furious, nothing had happened between me and Paul, in fact nothing had happened with my finances and debt situation that he had promised to help with by communicating with people for me about, by now the CAB were beginning to help me as Paul was not.

I was furious and hurt at George’s answer, and told him I was gay, I had made no seductive moves on Paul and would not dream of it, nor had he tried it on with me as far as I know, he came round later, bringing the paperwork that he had had for my finances and he didn’t even speak to me, he tried to get Jill and George to get me to go to a place in Somerset called CAP, to get help with my money, but the CAB were now helping me and I was not travelling all the way to a strange place with strange people on the advice of a man who let me down, I went round to Paul’s and threw the paperwork back at him in a temper, I never saw it again, and I returned £20 that Jill and George tried to lend me to go to the CAP place, because it was beyond my capabilities and I was very hurt.

These horrible, needless wounds and shame were inflicted on me by the Church of England and have remained with me as the Church of England destroyed me. These wounds have not gone but have been reinforced and reinflicted by the Diocese and Deanery, and there are undoubtedly other lone and vulnerable people wounded by the church but who have no voice, and are left suffering as I was.

 I avoided Paul in church after that, I loved the church and the services, but the hurt of Paul was bad and coloured every service and every weekend with Jill and George and made our relationship more difficult. The last few times I have seen him he has seemed to think it alright to talk to me, but for me it still wounds me, though it is well forgiven, I avoid that place as all the wounds there still hurt me, though they are indeed forgiven.

Further rows came up when Jill said she hadn’t been talking to Paul about me previous to that incident, and I told her she had because I had heard the messages on the answer machine and seen his email to George about me. She tried to change what she was saying then and I was angry and said a naughty word, not at her but about what she had said and then changed, and I got into even more trouble with them later on for saying that word, instead of it being addressed then and there, I couldn’t get things right in that friendship, and I have always carried a burden of guilt and sorrow, and have now been condemned as wicked for what was an emotionally impossible relationship which was forgiven and forgotten.

The family in Weymouth were a troubled family, the man was a prison officer with a violent temper, the woman was a supermarket worker who did nightshifts, she had such a sweet honest face that I thought I could trust her, but they fought in the night when coming on and off shifts, their daughter had a ‘partner’ and a three year old girl who was looked after during the day by the supermarket worker mother, and they fought over the three year old because the grandmother treated her as if she was her mother and was possessive of her, the daughter was equally possessive but happy to relay the care of the child to her grandmother, then there was a grownup son who lived in the attic and had a girlfriend, it was hard for me to live in this house with all this unmarriedness going on, and then there was an 11 year old boy who was sweet natured and kind, and I worried for him because all around him was shouting, immorality and bad language, I remember listening in horror as this young boy’s adult brother called him gay repeatedly, and for no good reason, how can an 11 year old be gay? And how can someone call him gay when there is no reason to?

Anyway I was helping out in the kitchens of a private Boys School some evenings and that was starting to ease the problems, and I got a bit of food there and had nice colleagues, but I found it difficult, one of my extreme autistic reactions is to metal, stainless steel, pots and pans, knives, kitchen utensils, I find it hard to be near kitchen metals and the noise they make, which is why I use plastic cutlery and avoid kitchens, the other problem was getting the petrol to get to the school, it was only just profitable, and when it came to lambing time I simply had to give up.

It made me sad, the woman often had tears in her eyes from rows, the man was ferocious, and I was mildly reminded of JM’s niece and partner by them, partly the similar looks, the tears, and the rows. I started looking, with help, for a new lodgings, I was in Weymouth for between a month and 6 weeks, and had struggled badly to pay the rent and cope with finances and the difficult journey along a congested road to college every morning; it took an hour to get through the traffic from Weymouth to Dorchester in the morning, compared to an hour and a half journey up to Hampshire for weekends.

One day the man was endlessly angry, he kept shouting and he started shouting about me and calling me arrogant, saying that I was selfish because the 11-year old had offered to heat up some supper for me and I had absentmindedly said yes, not knowing he was eating his own supper at the time, the man was going on about the boy leaving his supper to get cold for my sake, I had no idea, and had simply said yes to the boy’s questions, and I am blind in that way, I want everyone to be happy and so I go along with things, but the man said the way I hardly spoke was arrogance – this isn’t the first time that has been said, and it breaks my heart, anyway he continued to be rude and insulting until I put him in his place, how does an autistic disturbed person stand up to an aggressive prison officer? Don’t ask! But I did. And he did know I was autistic by the way, the previous allegations of arrogance came from people who did not know. George Lihou reassured me on the phone that arrogant was the last thing I was, which was nice.

My new home in a village near Dorchester, a luxury compared to Weymouth, a room with a big double bed and a freeview TV, cupboards and surfaces to put things in and on, mirrors, soft bed, my own bathroom which was a really luxuriant one, I felt human again. Though the worst with Jill and George was yet to come, and the debt problem became immense, this home brought me comfort.

The house in Weymouth was a little terraced house in a grimy street in the rather rough tourist town of Weymouth, the new home was a nice quality detached house in a village 10 or 15 minutes from college, it was in a quiet cul-de-sac, and I was much better off being in a quiet house in a quiet street than in a chaotic house in a chaotic town.

My story seems extreme, but it is all true, I know that many abuse survivors and survivors of institutional abuse such as that in Ireland, can have trouble expressing their stories because the extremes are hard for a normal person to comprehend, and to be disbelieved or told your story isn’t credible is a terrible wound.

lets go back 33 -bones of contention – missed out earlier post, should be a few posts ago

I continued to be part of the L community despite the distance, my relationship with JM was still extremely difficult and FM continued to throw tantrums which always caused me distress and wore me down, but I loved my friends in the benefice.

 FM’s tantrums were totally random, for example he was photographing some little children who were with us doing the graveyard clear up, they were sitting on a tombstone, and because that was early days for me, I did not know and I asked him if photographing them on a tombstone was appropriate, for some reason he utterly flipped, this is just one of hundreds of sudden furies from him, and it has certainly not done me any good to learn his temper, but he is one who can get away with it, untouchable in the rectory and with money, I get condemned as mad and bad for my temper, FM suffers nothing for his, and JM irons it all out for him.

But I was drawn to the community where I was, I had always found it difficult to get to L.Gardening club due to other commitments, but I thought I would try the local Gardening club, and also the amateur dramatics, but due to not having enough money for the fees, and in the case of the amateur dramatics, they didn’t send the necessary paperwork and newsletters as promised, so I was discouraged, but I did go to church, I was badgered into the church by a woman called Jill Lihou, who was insistent once she had found me, that I became part of the church and then part of her housegroup.

Jill and her husband George became my friends, though from early on I had concerns about Jill because of my experience of the other emotionally disrupted people involving themselves in my life and causing chaos, Jill told me early on that she had had problems, she told me that she had problems with her relationship with her children for years after their births and wished them to come to harm, she told me that when her daughter Heather went to school she hoped that Heather would have an accident in the playground and she hated her,  and she didn’t acknowledge this problem for years until one day when her vicar (at a previous church) asked her to help with something and she became emotionally distressed (I actually don’t understand this completely), and when Jill collapsed in front of the vicar he got her to seek help.

 In the time I knew Jill she showed this emotional disturbance constantly, crying in church frequently, and crying about people’s sufferings very frequently, even crying about me, which sent me mad with distress, I will elaborate later. I remember one day she was getting emotional about ‘poor women in Africa who had had babies and been torn given birth and ended up leaking both ends and no one really cared for them’ this kind of sickened me, the graphic detail, but she was somehow involved in some project to help them. Jill’s whole life was mission, which in a way is not bad, but she was fanatical and made herself ill over it, this she freely admitted to me, but in the end I took the brunt of the blame for her over involving with me and making herself ill over me. To this day I remain broken-hearted and traumatised by my friendship with George and Jill, though I have no doubt whatsoever that not one of us meant any harm to another.

And yet it has been used against me again and again by the Deanery and Diocese employees, who are where they are because they claim to be Christians.

Jill and George were overflowing with kindness but were also extremely set in their beliefs, and I was not comfortable with some of these beliefs trying to push my own beliefs out of the way.
This is so hard to write as it is still hurting me.
(written in 2011 of course.).

Jill hated people working on Sundays, and if I did any freelance work or delivery driving on a Sunday, then she grouched, I said to her ‘What about Vicars?’, ‘What about doctors, firemen, police?’ she said ‘well they have to’ I said ‘So do I’, but she didn’t agree. This was one of our bones of contention,

 but there were a number of small bones like this, another one was ‘Fair-trade’, Jill and George were well off and bought ‘Fair Trade’, and Jill was fanatical about it, she said everyone should buy fair-trade, but I could hardly afford the supermarket’s value foods, let alone fair trade, my life had been about buying reduced goods at the end of the shop’s day, Fair Trade was the top end of the spectrum, so I was guilty of robbing those poor Africans who made fair trade stuff just because of my own poverty.

Some of my life was lost in Jill and George’s rescue of me, a lot of my rare as gold dust self esteem was lost there in their way of thinking and doing.
And yet I am punished over and over again by the Church of England for all this, while no-one else is punished for their side of things.

lets go back 32

Let me give you examples of what you ordinary and settled people might thing is just my whingeing about Jill and George’s conversation:

Every single conversation contained references to the Channel Islands, George’s heritage of being a Guernsey man, everyone had to be told of this and Island life and the journeys to and from the islands and the holidays that Jill and George and their family had there all the time, everyone needed to know about the White House hotel on herm and how the family spent their luxury days there, everyone needed the details, and then it was the grandchildren. Their piano lessons, dance lessons, how they were going to have parts in a film, how they went to private school, how they had luxuries beyond my imagining, while there I was struggling and struggling to make ends meet, while I had never done a dance step in my life and I would have given my right arm to have piano lessons, and then we had to hear about the grades they got in their music exams, the skiing in Switzerland, the…

In return for living with them, Jill wanted me to garden for them, and I was more than willing to do this, but I was very unselfconfident in their garden, and didn’t want to take it over and was it was such a pretty, neat garden, just like the house, that I was unsure of myself and Jill got cross with me for what she considered me not doing enough, she was like this with George on cross days, telling him he shouldn’t be at the computer all the time and he should do some manual work around the place, but I was dreadfully ashamed, I was mortified, and I insisted on taking over the watering from George after that, so that I was ‘paying my rent’, I couldn’t find anywhere else to live, and accepted Jill’s offer of me staying there until October.

 Though I did spend a week or so house sitting and cat sitting for Marion and Peter, a church couple who were highly involved in the church and who I liked. Jill wanted me around but grumbled that it meant she didn’t have enough time to herself, in the same way when she invited me for the Christmas holidays I again felt guilty because she told me that ‘she could have a had a grandson to stay if I had not been there’, this is the problem with our relationship, it was all backwards because I only did as they asked or said, within my ability, but I got guilt tripped for it frequently.
Jill had learned to hug me by taking my hands in hers, just as Ted did in the days before he hugged me, and then she progressed to carefully hugging me, but I would tense up, she persevered and got me to relax into a hug sometimes, she used to tell me as she hugged me ‘just let go’ meaning ‘relax’, but it confused my autistic brain a lot.

George didn’t hug me until when I was at college. I was anxious with George because sometimes I wasn’t sure if what he said was literal or a joke sometimes, and sometimes he was mock scary. But he waited to be able to hug me, he waited until I could let him, and he behaved impeccably, for which I respect him.

I remember at Christmas how I wandered downstairs in my dressing gown on Christmas morning and George appeared and wanted a Christmas hug, I blushed and said ‘I’m not dressed’, he said ‘never mind that’, he wanted a Christmas hug because it was Christmas, not because he wanted to be naughty, the only time he ever even said anything naughty was about another lady in the village and he was joking and Jill slapped him, he even told the pigeons in the garden to stop mating while we were having supper, (he told them it was a family meal).

He was impeccably well behaved and devoted to Jill, but the horrifying thing was that my relationship with George and Jill was used against me in Jersey lumped together with my statements of FM and the churchwarden abusing me as if I had accused George and Jill of abuse, which I didn’t, and once my relationship with them was over for the final time it was forgiven and forgotten, without the conclusion they were asked for.

One of the other things in my sad and chaotic relationship was that Jill knew I had had a difficult past, and if I had a flashback occasionally, she started to make me sit down and talk about my past, even though I could not verbalise it, she would keep this up and I would sit in silence, but I got autistically used to being sat down and sitting there struggling, and then without telling me she changed her mind, and later I got told off when there was a rare confrontation about the problems we were having, the thing was that they would not communicate about changes or boundaries, even if I specifically asked them to sit and talk it through, until almost the end of the relationship, I never meant to upset Jill, I went along with her attempts to get me to talk, and when they decided it was a bad idea, they should have told me.

I wish with all my heart that I knew the sad thing I know now, I have attachment disorder and could not and cannot cope with intense closeness and help.

Another problem we had was that they let me watch my Buffy videos at their house, they encouraged me to unwind with my videos, and then after months of this and watching my videos when I came back for the weekends, Jill said I was not to watch my videos, she said they were bad, evil even, I asked why my videos were suddenly evil, I told her they were not, they were about fighting evil and fighting personal demons and bouncing back and having a sense of humour even when things are grim beyond anything, I explained that the videos had helped me to recover from some of my really bad fears and phobias, but she was adamant, and I asked why her and George watching Andrew Lloyd Webber ogling young girls in ‘who wants to be a trollop called Maria?’ was not evil? That show reminded me of a slave market, and what is good about an old man checking out a host of young girls and pretending it is an audition? And on television? She and George watched all kinds of odd things, she and George were never in the room when I was watching my videos and she had encouraged me to watch them, then after months and months she banned them, but would not talk through other problems we had.
They used to go on about their young grandchildren watching a crass show called ‘Saturday Night takeaway’ and yet they called my videos evil after so long of encouraging me to watch them.

My counsellor said that sometimes people with problems would try and ‘cure’ other people and be disappointed when the cure wasn’t magical and overnight, I wasn’t curable, and the emotionally distressed and difficult to communicate relationship with George and Jill plus the nasty antidepressants was not a miracle cure, but I have been told by the Dean of Jersey that I am wicked for all of this, that I am to blame, and that I am the problem.
Why am I condemned for a forgiven and finished relationship, and why was the Dean given leeway to call me wicked for this? And where does it say in Jesus’ teaching that this is how to treat someone? I have never stopped feeling sorrowful for this disaster, but I did not deliberately or maliciously cause any of this.

At church I got to really enjoy Jill and George’s church and liked the church so much that I became more part of that church than L. church especially as the paedophile case going on at L. had scarred and traumatised me.

Cafe church at Jill and George’s church was an amazing mix of worship and bacon butties with orange juice and tea, they also did a teatime church with cake, and despite my lack of speech and occasional panics, I was made so welcome and loved the worship, but what made it more difficult was Jill and George confiding their concerns about me in the Vicar and curate, this upset me and my view of them somewhat. I called St. Mary’s Overton ‘The Beautiful Church’.

Anyway, time came for me to go away to college, Jill and George were away in Jersey, they had expected me to be there when they got back, and Jill said she had expected me to go in October and not suddenly when they were away, Jill was upset about this.
Which is paradoxical considering the accusations!

But my mind was on college, yes I would love to stay, but what future would I have in the village? I would need more work in order to stay, and I was not completely well enough to work, so college was a better option, and I had wanted so much to go back and complete agricultural college, so I went to college.

When Jill and George returned and I was beginning college. They asked me to come back to them for the weekend, and they phoned me every night,  or Jill did, I asked why George did not phone, Jill told me he was not very talkative on the phone, but she urged him to make the effort anyway, but it was Jill’s idea or need to phone me every night, not mine, it meant that I waited every night for the phone to ring, and remained emotionally in the village for the time I was in college, especially as Jill was getting me to go back to them for weekends.

College was a challenge, there I was surrounded by noisy lively students, there I was with no money coming in, and waiting for the benefits office to stop messing about and start paying benefits, I could get no money from any LEA, my credit rating and situation meant no student loan or maintenance grant, the college hardship fund were prepared to help to a certain extent, but they had restrictions on what they could help with, they gave me a meal card to keep me fed at the canteen for a little while, and they let me stay in a college hostel for a few weeks while I tried to get money and lodgings.

Lodgings came up in Weymouth, but no money was coming through to pay the rent, despite Jill and George’s friend Paul taking over my finances – he got me to sign a letter saying he was in charge of my finances – nothing was happening about benefits, and I found out both that Paul had been doing nothing that he promised regarding my benefits and that there was an error in my benefits being paid, so as this was happening I became in serious financial difficulties due to money being demanded by all the organizations I owed money to, and they added charge upon charge every time I could not pay, and this added up, especially with the bank also charging me for having no money in my account and then charging when I could not pay the charges, hundreds into thousands that I owed were because I could not deal with the overdue charges and could not communicate with the companies, Paul was letting this happen and doing nothing that he promised. Paul did not seem to realise or care about the urgency of the situation and was doing nothing as I was hounded by creditors, I emailed him repeatedly telling him that I liked and respected him as a mentor but that I was in trouble and he had promised to help and I was relying on him, he still very little got done.

Eventually, benefit money came through, I was entitled to £57 per week, and the bank charges were all in the range of £30-£40 so imagine trying to balance that and £50 rent and trying to eat, I was going hungry now and collapsing faint, I was ill so much.

I believed in Paul because of the resounding success of  a member of, when he stepped in and resolved my financial problems that came from the poor support at the Sheltered house and the mess ups with housing benefit there, he had resolved those problems for me with no emotion, no prompting and no fuss, he did it so efficiently that problems that bogged me down and affected my sleep were dealt with within weeks and never troubled me again, and I fully expected Paul to do the same, he volunteered his helped and signed responsibility of my finances to himself, I completely trusted him. Just as I trusted George and Jill, JM and my abusers, I trusted ‘adults’ to do the right thing and take responsibility for themselves and their volunteering in my life and their actions.

Jill and George paid off one of my smaller debts, and I owed them instead, and in the end I did pay them back.

Bullet point chronology 3 from the other blog

  • After I moved to my lodgings away from Winchester, I really was standing on my own two feet at last, aged 20, which was not too surprising because in everything I was usually a few years behind everyone in my age group and really quite immature and childlike. But I wanted to progress and be independent.
  • I continued to return to the Vicar’s benefice weekly as I was heavily involved in church groups and events and also because I still had gardens to look after in the Vicar’s benefice and Winchester as well as my work during the week.
  • I also started to attend the church in my new town. Interestingly the smear campaign in Jersey that blames me for all problems I have had in the Diocese of Winchester omits that I have been to several churches including this one where I had no trouble further than the usual social and communication difficulties.
  • the  church at the time was run by a Vicar and his wife, this vicar was a big tall hearty man, known in town as ‘The Giant’. Interestingly, but this is a theme throughout my story, he had connections with my churches at Winchester. This Vicar had been the Vicar of the churches at Winchester that my Vicar friend now ran, and there had been problems and quarrels after he left because he kept coming back and leading and taking services even when my Vicar friend was installed, and they had had quite a row and she professed to dislike him, she told me that she had had to ask the Bishop of Winchester to intervene. She told me that it was the only time she had ever got any help or co-operation at all from Bishop Scott-Joynt.
  • It’s funny that this dysfunctional diocese blames me for everything isn’t it?
  • Anyway, so I began to worship at a combination of  church in my town and the churches in the Winchester benefice,  I found the town church very different and I got caught up in what I did not know would be known as ‘Charismatic’ worship, the Diocese of Winchester appear to want all their churches to lean towards charismatic, and that is driving away people who want more steady worship, which is sad, but anyway, I got caught up in it, I had experienced it previously at  Church in Winchester, where again I was perfectly ok and got to know a few people although my vicar friend did cause problems between me and some other  Church people in Winchester in her interventions which were to become a habit in my life right up until I was in Jersey. But anyway, Winchester Church and my town Church, so far so good, no abuse, no-one taking over my life or crossing professional boundaries, no-one taking control of me, and so I was ok.
  • But on the other hand I wasn’t ok, because no-one really understood my lack of communication skills and Charismatic churches are all bright and friendly on the outside but your problems go deeper and you can’t ‘God them away’ people lose interest and are not sure what to do.
  • So I got a variety of reaction to my problems, there was a group of young people, my age, one of whom befriended me and remained a friend, she lived up the road from me and we did various things together, the other young people, mainly men, were also shy, and we never knew what to say to each other, while the girl who became my friend was very charismatic and said she would never marry a man who was not a Christian, but the other young men weren’t interested in going out with her and she said she was lonely.
  • Anyway, the other people in church, the Vicar was the one who made the teas and coffees after church in the evening, and I asked him why, and he said no-one would bother to help him or even stay if he didn’t. So I got into the routine of helping him.
  • The church people were variable, as a large group of people are, some were friendly, some didn’t understand me, but there were no real problems. Someone once thought I ‘stormed out’ during a hymn, but actually it was because of the sharpness of the violin that someone, I think it may have been the Vicar’s wife, was playing, I was undiagnosed and did not understand that sharp noises hurt me because of AS, but it was actually someone in the church who helped me to realise I was on the Autistic Spectrum, as well as talking to me about hypersensitivity.
  • It remained that there were no real problems in the church. But I never really grew fond of them. The Vicar and his wife had problems, and those problems included the Vicar’s wife being mentally ill, I think it was depression, but it disrupted their lives and service badly at one point, it made me realise, again, that even people with dog collars and in postions in the church are not infallible and not perfect, this was driven home to me even more when their teenage daughter started sleeping with one of my work colleagues, she didn’t appear to be solidly in a relationship with him, just sleeping with him, and it made me wonder again, what the point of a Christian upbringing in the Church of England is actually worth? Very sad. But nonetheless, I am condemned worse than anyone who actually ‘belongs’ in the church due to dog collar or family, because I am autistic and I do not ‘belong’, at least not in the Diocese of Winchester, but at the time and until I was driven from Winchester two years ago, I had never known another Diocese, I have known other Diocese since, and I have seen things done so much better and much more inclusively in other diocese.
  • at some point a new clergyman arrived at the church, he was a friend of my Vicar friend at Winchester, and was at college with her at evening class, doing an MA in Theology, which she eventually dropped out of. He was ok, but my Vicar friend talking about me to him and giving the wrong view of me was not helpful. But anyway, he preached sermons about hellfire and brimstone and how we would perish in our wicked ways, which was great fun, but when I told my vicar friend, she was not impressed. But anyway, this clergyman’s wife, when I went to her when I was wrestling with life, told me she thought I had Asperger Syndrome and that was why I was struggling.

cover ups and smears

Good morning,
I guess I had better make a start on some blogwork today, mainly because of the trauma and exhaustion this whole matter has brought on, it is hard to work with it.
I gather that my letter has caused certainly people to turn purple and snort and huff, as is the way of a certain class of people when their ‘dignity is affronted’ (that is such a cool phrase).

Basically it remains the case that this whole matter is too much of a burden to me and shouldn’t have been placed on me at all, it was in the past, unresolved as it was, but it isn’t going to be better resolved the way it is being handled.

So, apart from starting to bring you full postings of my experience, I guess I should start telling you some of the myths I have been hearing and setting them, and the Korris report straight again.

I guess I had also better say that the JEP is not known as Jersey’s Evening Propaganda for nothing, if it is in their interests or the interests of anyone connected to them, then they can distort a story beyond recognition, they are also famous for refusing to allow comments about some subjects or only publishing comments that bias to one side of things, for example, in my case, they only go against me and allow comments and letters against me. Although, they have published some of Bob Hill’s letters, but have ‘clipped’ his letters and refused to allow his mention of my arrest and ‘deportation’.

Is it surprising? The JEP is overseen by the brother of the churchwarden who abused me.
He also seems to have his share of problems.

I think it was Bruce Willing who claimed that I was going for compensation from the Diocese of Winchester.
This is completely unfounded, the last thing I would do, mainly because the Diocese are a business, a vicious, callous corporation, and I am very tired, I would not be able to go up against them.
When this whole wretched story broke and turned my life upside down, several people approached me to offer to assist me in getting compensation and arranging the help I needed to do so, but I said no thank you, because all the money in the world would not undo what has been done, and all the money in the world would not restore my health that would be further harmed by the attempt to sue the diocese, and I can muster no interest in sueing them, because it would not change them or restore me.
So let’s bust the sueing myth now.

Bruce Willing claims I have made numerous previous complaints in Hampshire and Guernsey, but actually the diocese of Winchester can’t lie and say that there were any complaints made previous to my complaint about the churchwarden in Jersey, any subsequent complaints that are considered to exist would be because people who have previously harmed me have involved themselves in the Jersey complaint.