Category Archives: ‘Homeless’ Historic Blog posts

The last of the general posts from ‘Homeless’ – the next step is to start sharing my story, which I wrote on ‘Homeless’

my teeshirt is dirty with stains on it, my clothes are beginning to smell, I need a good shower and tidy up.
Thankfully I found my nailclippers and brush buried in the backpack yesterday and trimmed and scrubbed my dirty nails so they are neat and clean, and I brush my teeth even without toothpaste.

please tell me if my comparisons in the following ongoing poem are bitter, it’s just something I mull over, and it would be interesting for me to see on paper what I think, and I know that those of you who want me to be healed from what has happened might be a bit unsure of this, but healing will take a while yet.

The ongoing differences between Jesus and his teachings and the church and their way of doing things:

Jesus was born in poverty and without a proper home,
so was I,
most people in the churches where I was hurt were born into comfortable homes

Jesus was born  to his parents alone with no medical help, so was I,
the church people have pictures of mothers and babies in hospitals
that is all they know,

what is Christening? Jesus was baptised as an adult without the frills and showers of gifts that the church Christenings demand and the wealthy who have destroyed me take for granted, I was baptised as an adult by someone who emotionally harmed me, with a witness who sexually abused me, and with two other witnesses who upheld them, my baptism was rushed because of their hurry to have me confirmed into the church,
my baptism wasn’t the big family occasion with gifts and a party and drinking and dancing, neither was Jesus’s, but probably without exception, the party and gifts were what the people in the church had for their baptisms and their children’s baptisms.

That is enough of the poem of comparisons for some time.

It will go on to explain the comparisions between Jesus’ teachings and the way the church treated me.

I am reminded of how much the church have restricted and damaged me, and it breaks my heart and leaves me in despair.
I am reminded of how I smell homeless and it makes me sad.

I am reminded of the times when I sat in the college chapel, trying to teach myself grammar from a little book before class, my grammar isn’t too good, but I am not sure why, I think maybe my eagerness to talk means I do long convoluted and sometimes slightly confused sentences with too many colons and not enough full stops or semi-colons.

My book that I am looking at in between blogs is called ‘Louder than Words’, it is about a boy with autism and how his mother tries to get help for him.

I am about to continue the London blog, but some of this is cut and pasted from where I have written it elsewhere, so it may be in a slightly different style.

Here I am wanting to do loads of serious blogging and next to me are three noisy teenagers. I can’t control my environment so I will just have to live with it. Sigh.
Oh the teenagers have gone and there are just some elderly gentlemen doing genealogy on the computer next to me. oh no, some noisy children have taken the teenagers’ place.

I have been at one of the daycentres for several hours, trying to relax otherwise I end up tense with aching eyes and head.
At the daycentre I had some food and sat and relaxed and did some benefits paperwork and looked through some asthma paperwork. It is hard to just relax, and when I try to I am overwhelmed with bad memories.

I have no food or hot drinks until soup kitchen this evening unless I can get two more stickers for a hot drink.

I thought of so many things to write about but it is really hard to actually settle to write anything while there is so much noise and disruption, maybe half-term should be banned? part of my Asperger’s Syndrome is sensetivity to noise, which was a nightmare until I and other people learned about it.

What is it like having Aspergers Syndrome? Well it is difficult, because if I try to ‘Normalise’ too much I make myself ill and stressed, but the general public find me rather odd because I act and react in an an unexpected way to things, sometimes I simply react differently to someone who is neurotypical, sometimes I react to things other people don’t react to. I work really hard to tone down my reactions or explain them, but to try and completely ‘normalise’ someone with Aspergers Syndrome is simply damaging and painful.
I will be misunderstood and squashed for the rest of my life.

This is a link to the NAS section on Aspergers Syndrome or Asperger Syndrome. I often describe myself as high functioning autistic, as more people know what that is.

Asperger Syndrome for me involves difficulties in communication, understanding social situations and interaction, sensetivities to noise, heat and touch, some autistic behaviours such as rocking, thumb sucking, humming and doing repetetive things. I like a lot of extremely solitary time, and being homeless provides that delightful solitude, but unfortunately the tearing horrifying memories of the church ruin that solitude, so I have to have lifelines such as the Samaritans and Hopeline and the abuse helplines.
One of my Asperger eccentricities is toys, I find it hard to resist toys, hence the toy giraffe hitching a ride on my backpack, another thing that fascinates me is animals, animals of all kinds. I am always delighted with the wildlife that keeps me company as I sleep rough, apart from if it bites me or steals my food!

I speak less than is expected, I am very quiet in conversation, though on paper I can be very talkative and use big words that make people expect more of me verbally.

what more can I say, I am and always will be, slightly at odds with the world, not deliberately, and I will always be hurt by this difference, the church really used my inability to understand and cope when they destroyed me, they used it against me as strongly as they could in all departments, to make me out to be mad when I was distressed, to cover their own wrongs, to make things work their way, I was unable to cope with any of the church actions, from the defence and cover up of abuse and abusers to the attacks on me and my life and character.

There is a nice little book called ‘Stand up for Autism’ by Georgina Derbyshire, which is about her son who had High Functioning Autism, he was on a similar spectrum to me, varying between quite autistic and quite normal and he got into all sorts of muddles just as I do and have.

The other book that comes to mind when I think of abuse and cover ups is ‘Broken’, by Shy Keenan, her abusers always got to make out that she was a bad girl and that they hadn’t done anything wrong, cover ups while she suffered and suffered.
It is a bit of a harrowing story though, if you ever get to read it.

Anyway, excuse me a minute, I am going to sign out, I can’t write anything about the church while there is a noisy fidgety child next to me, I am sure children need to be in school more, I am sure half term is a bad idea.

22/10/2011 titled PAIN

I am trying to write about what has happened to me in order, but sometimes I want to get the terrible things that have been said and done out of my head.

Can I share some things with you in order to help me sleep better?

The person who was supposed to investigate and deal with my complaint of abuse told me that my abusers were ‘just Christians who got things wrong’, and yet the church leader called me wicked for reporting his friend for abuse.

After the church destroyed me, I managed to re-settle in a new church, until the diocese contacted them and ‘told them about me’, and the priest came and shouted at me and said he had ‘heard about me and what I had done’, he had not heard about what I had been through though and when I spoke about it he said he ‘couldn’t comment because he didn’t know anything about it’.
My abusers were not bad mouthed and blackened this way, they were told they were innocent by their friend, the church leader who got away with trying to close my complaint and support them and blacken my name.
My abusers were both accused previous to abusing me, one of abusing his own daughter and one of misconduct in a pastoral care role in a previous church that led to him being sacked from that role, and yet both these men were in positions in the church where they were able to prey on me.

preying, a speciality of the church. A place where vulnerable people go to seek shelter, and a place where abusers go to find vulnerable people and to gain power


can I just share some things before I have to log off and go out into the cold?

some of the things that hurt and distress me every day (and this is the very tip of the iceberg)

The way church leaders lied and protected my abusers

The way I was called wicked and malicious and a troublemaker and a liar by the church

The way that the church brought false accusations against me rather than accept any responsibility for their actions and behaviours, the way they blamed and criminalised me.

The way they took my whole life from me and pretended that they were only caring and concerned, and made me out to be insane.

That is all I have time to write today, I am now going out into the cold dark world that I live and sleep in.


I know someone who tells me she was satanically abused in the church of England.
The problem is that she has mental health problems, problems get labels from Borderline personality disorder to paranoid schitzophrenia. She threatens violence and does very severe things, she is into druidism and spells.

The problem for me is that I know what it is like to be disbelieved, I know what it is like to be labelled insane, and for all I know, her behaviour could be because of the abuse, as my own wild anger and bizarre responses to the pressure from the church was, I am declared free from serious mental illness though, and I don’t threaten lives.
what should I do? believe her? It is hard to get any solid consistant details from her, or worry that I am feeding a fantasy if I support her?

There are things I try not to think about:

things said and done
my lack of car and driving licence and how the church took both
my lack of bank account, also gone because of the church making me homeless
the terrible things that the church have said and done and denied
the lack of money and lack of future
the fact that the people who have hurt me and the people who have supported the hurters have got away with it
Dad’s death
Anne’s death – my friend who died after the diocese had driven a wedge between me and her
what G.P. has done – G.P was a close friend of my Dad and family, and last year he was arrested on child kidnap and porn charges, and there is no doubt he did those things but I hadn’t known he was that kind of guy, neither had my Dad, I think other members of the family did. (G.P. was a close family friend who was arrested while the Diocese were destroying me).
my family
my background
the millions of repercussions from what the church have done to me
how useless and ashamed and worthless I am, especially with the church labels
Thats enough for now.

19/10/2011 extract

If the church see this blog, I can imagine they will try to close it down, even though I am writing it in a way that does not overstep anything legal as far as I know, though I have been mistaken about that in the past.

18/10/2011 Memories – this appears to be the first post written on ‘Homeless’ -previous to that there was the paper journal.


Every day is full is memories, I try not to let it be, I live in a stupor where memories are not allowed, but they break through anyway, flashes of memories, memories of my brothers tormenting me, my sister sneering at me from her position of a year older than me and not autistic, memories of the endless trauma and violence and abuse and stress of our childhood on the move and outcast from society, memories, memories,
 memories of the beautiful fields of my homecounty and the wonderful agricultural and horticultural work that I did, memories of being cuddled into my adoptive mother’s arms, and her jealous husband’s violent temper and abuse of me, memories of my efforts to be a good and useful person in the community and the church,
memories of my former counsellor, the steadiest and most insightful and kind person I have met, memories of struggles to look after myself and make ends meet, and my failures and debts, memories of being back in college and back to working on farms, memories of the days when I began to see a future, memories of the sea and the boats and being surrounded by friends and beginning to have quality of life, memories of abuse and collapse and the whole world going dark, the memories I try hardest to drown out, the memories that are hardest to drown out.

please save me I am falling here, I am lost and alone.

I am just transferring old posts off ‘Homeless’ these are only about how I was suffering, I will start transferring my full story soon

I just started crying, I am condemned by the church forever, no-one ever has or ever will call the church and clergy to account or do anything about what they do and what they get away with, and I will never recover from what they have done.

14/11/2011 I feel so useless, when does this nightmare end? why won’t God let me die and be out of this nightmare?
I am trying to ignore the bad feelings, usually being tired and sleepy helps to drown them out, so that is what I am doing.
I feel so utterly useless and beaten.
I feel that I will always be vulnerable because of the church.
I feel that life will always be too full of bad triggers to be worthwhile.

I feel so useless tonight, too many memories, I feel so worthless, and I wish I could get a psychologist to analyse what I have written and will write and tell me what they think.

Drowning in hopelessness, I have to stop writing 17+ for the moment.

About four years ago I had a car, a place to live, I had friends, I had a future, maybe. I had happy memories and sea and adoptive family and some sort of happiness. I struggled with life, but I never imagined that I would end up condemned and without a future.

Now I sleep outdoors in the dark with horrifying and distressing memories bothering me, and no future.
I have nothing to live for and there is no way of changing that. I have no car or licence, I have no bank account and no money, I have no identity, the only ID I have is my passport which isn’t fully English, and my records. I am condemned, I am gagged, I am in pain that until someone calls the church to account and releases me from condemnation, I will never be free from.

what are my memories? I try to block memories, but they are all I have, because who I am, who I was is in those memories, I am no longer, but I cannot go back and collect myself and make everything fine again, as if it was ever perfectly fine.

I remember being a young child and being scared and abused, seeing violence and feeling harsh punishments, I remember being on the move all the time, I remember the hostile press and the hysteria, I remember the violence and hostility, I remember my sister being assaulted, the violence in the hostel, the nightmare of the small house and trying to go to school aged 8 and not fitting in, the endless moving on, the hardship, the anger, the violence, the depression, the crazy religeon, the homelessness, the shame and poverty and ragged clothes, the missing out on all the good things, the escape from the family and attempt to sort myself out and do better, the struggles, the failures, the abuse, the condemnation of the church, the destroyal of what I ha tried to build of a life, and the shame as the church continued to harm me after destroying me, and how they blamed me for reacting and denied responsibility.
what hope is there? that is thirty years of fighting against the tide, all the good ambitions I had, honest hard work, hope for healing and a good safe home and family is gone, my career and home and everything I lived for, and the little bit of quality of life that I gained, are gone, there is nothing, and no way of rebuilding it. I cannot live indoors or remove the terrible one sided story that the church have placed there, the bad record they have given me, I am helpless and lost and too damaged to ever heal.


I end up with my head raging about the way that the church have treated me and the things they have done.
It is no good raging, and it is no good remembering everything I have lost. No one is going to help me or bring the church to account.

well this is a crash into despair and depression.
I am trying to see a way out of it. Sometimes I can’t keep all the bad memories and injustice locked in, sometimes I can’t cope with the church condemning me.

I went to a church last night but it was not a friendly church, more of a talk behind their hands because I’m homeless church.
I went to the Samaritans and they tend to be very good, I saw someone I had seen before, and he is very understanding and encouraging.

Why don’t I have an online church for abuse survivors and outcasts?

It is a struggle to deal with the clocks changing, it means more time waiting for bedtime in the evening, and more time waiting for the library to open in the morning.

Last night was a night of distresses and bad memories, between my family and the church I feel like the worst person in the world.
It rained enough in the early hours to wake me up, and as I slept again I was woken up by a rat trying to get into my backpack, my backpack is pillow, so having a rat right by my head was not too amusing, but when I shone my torch on it it reluctantly moved off, and when I threw gravel at it it reluctantly moved further off, the gravel sparked as I threw it, I suppose it does that in the dark.
I am not scared of rats but they are destructive and germ ridden and I don’t want my food eaten by them or my backpack damaged, fortunately this backpack is rat-proof.

I got up early as it got light early and went to the market, it is really hard to be up early with nothing to do until the library opens, I had several cups of tea and a good wash and change of clothes, and went round the bins collecting stickers.

I found nearly a whole pizza in the bin yesterday, I think that was what the rat was after.

Am I the bad person? my family aren’t there for me, and the church condemn my life.
I feel so useless, I wish God would let my life end.

Abuse takes the beauty out of beautiful scenery, it takes away smiles and laughter, it isolates people, it shames people, it takes hopes and bright futures. Abuse is bad, and so much abuse is denied at the expense of the victim.

The ongoing Poem of Comparisons:

who are these people who abused you?
well a Christian is a follower of Christ,
and did he abuse or advocate it?

who are these people who called you mad?
did Jesus condemn madness and use it to cover his tracks?
did he wrongly accuse anyone as madness?
no, he helped legion and didn’t blame him

Who are these peopel who called you wicked, a liar, mad and all those other terrible things?
when did Jesus do this? when did he advocate it? Never, it was done to Him
these people who have done these things are covering up their own wrongdoing
at such a price to the one they do it to
just as they did to Jesus when He shamed them

who are these people, in their big houses and so surrounded by wealth and good
that they have no understanding of poverty and pain? and yet for show they claim to help the poor?
Jesus was homeless and had nothing,
he was scorned  and crucified by the people who claimed to be teachers of God’s law
think about that and think about who is writing this

Jesus died in pain and agony, who are these people who suffer nothing and live in luxury?
did Jesus work in an organization that puts out it’s hands for money, hires out it’s places of worship for money and lives behind lawyers, advisers and safeguarding?
Jesus turned the tables over in the temple in anger
but the church conveniently erases that, interprets that as they like
and despises and looks down on people like me, who struggle to build a better life out of poverty

The unforgiving church destroyed me for my distress and speaking out
are these people Christians?
Jesus taught forgiveness but the church in the strong position preferred harsh punishments
just as they had Jesus crucified thousands of years ago.
just as they crucified me, though I am no-one, just a thorn in their side

extract from 28/10/2011

I want to tell you about the church and what has happened and my feelings, but it all just sits inside and hurts, the church really did gag me, they complately rubbished me, and my feeble faltering voice won’t work any more, I just live with the pain and anger inside me.

from ‘Homeless’ originally from statements about the churchwarden and his wife, written on ‘Homeless’ on 25/11/2011

(01/02/2014, I referred to the churchwarden’s wife as mummy and the churchwarden as Daddy in this post, which is what the Churchwarden used to want me to call them at home, note, the letters I wrote to the Vicar and his wife were not threatening as the Deanery appear to have claimed, but were in horrified and outraged response to the way they were treating me, especially refusing to speak to me after I told them I knew they hed lied to me, while in the meantime they were discussing me in a hurtful way with the churchwarden who was hurting me and getting a reaction and explaining it away in his conversations to them)

Mummy always went to bed first, at about 9pm she would get up, run a bath, bathe and then go to bed. This is when he started getting closer to me, and he took to taking me on his lap, cuddling me close, I liked being daddy’s little girl and being fussed, but I didn’t like his hands wandering, as they did sometimes, and I made that clear, but I excused him, I couldn’t believe he would do anything he shouldn’t, after all, I was his little girl, his daughter, and he told me that he was healing me and ‘I will restore the lost years says The Lord’. (The man at the Autism service said that the way mummy went off to bed was typical of someone who wanted to shut out what was happening).
 He kissed my lips on a few occasions and I was not happy with that, but when I kissed his cheek a few times when he was cuddling and fussing me and I was overwhelmed with love, he tormented me by saying things implying that I fancied him, anyway, things progressed with him behaving mildly inappropriately at the same time as being an affectionate daddy and encouraging me to be childlike and dependent, I will now add a list that I once wrote and have just found, it may be a bit premature as I have not explained everything yet, but I will add it nonetheless. It summarizes some things that I have started talking about.
Adoptive dad  sexual misconduct:
·          Kissing my lips and neck
·          Touching breasts
·          Touching and slapping bottom
·          Trying to put his hand below the waist
·          Resting head on chest
·          Suggestive comments
·          Talking about sexuality
·          Asking about my sexuality and past abuse
·          Sitting me on his  knees
·          Pulling my head to his knees
·          Tipping me towards him sitting on his knees
·          Pinning me down and lying on the floor or sofa with me and on top of me
Some of this, including sitting me on his knees he admitted to the police when it was investigated.
Emotional games:
·          Saying that people were talking about him and me
·          Telling me off for kissing his cheek while he was ok to kiss lips or neck
·          Telling me what his wife was thinking/saying about me that was negative
·          Refusing to talk problems through while he was talking about me behind my back to church people especially the Vicar and his wife and making out that the problem was just me as I reacted to his behaviour and actions.
·          Making me feel guilty
·          Doing my arms and neck – stroking them constantly, saying he was healing me though this touch is excruciating to a touch sensitive autistic girl
·          Jeering, he does poke fun at people and he poked fun at me a lot including jokes about my weight etc
·          Letting me take responsibility for everything wrong in the friendship
·          The family/not family game where he and his wife were ‘mummy and daddy’ to me, but their sons and family were not told this and were not my ‘brothers’ or family. I felt stupid like a hidden idiot in the attic.
·          Making me feel small, saying I couldn’t come out with the cadets, saying that he and his wife were given money because they ‘had to look after me’ etc. There was no ‘had to’, nor did the other sailing cadet leaders mind me coming sailing.
His wife:
·          Blaming me for everything wrong
·          Calling me a burden
·          Telling me that I was the problem, not the church when I found the church rituals and strange ways of doing things hard to understand
·          Making me feel ashamed of my work, my clothes, my background and unfavourably comparing me with her sons, openly
·          Not being very sensitive about family/not family so that I knew I was not family while her husband was saying I was
·          Getting angry about me saying that her husband had misbehaved
Some of my problems:
·          Having behavioural problems, reactive to wrong situations
·          Not being firmer against adoptive dad being naughty
·          Being rude about St A’s church when daddy wouldn’t talk it through
·          Getting very upset with the adoptive parents over my ‘adoption’ being a secret and similar things
·          Not being able to understand the atmosphere, what was expected of me, what was the right thing to do or say, eg leaving the room because I thought mummy  wanted ‘family time’ without me there. Or not going to Sunday lunch with mummy and daddy and family when I was invited after I left them, because I didn’t feel comfortable there. I wasn’t ‘family’, and I felt so ashamed and hurt to sit through ‘family conversations’ after Christmas.
·          Leaving St A’s church a and stopping believing in God for a while, that made mummy very upset, the horrible atmosphere of that church and the way daddy behaved caused the first real shaking of the foundations of my faith.
·          Writing a nasty letter or two to the vicar and his wife after I overheard the conversation that daddy had with the vicar’s wife, I doubt that it was the only one. I was being talked about as if I was something terrible while the vicar and his wife had been dishonest with me and refused to talk to me and I was being sexually and emotionally abused by this man.

28/11/2011 from ‘Homeless’ I may have already posted this

The painkillers are making me too sleepy, this is not good for a homeless person, I have been taking the lowest dose possible, and they do work, but I think I will stop taking the strong ones and just take the anti-inflammatory ones and hope the doctor agrees to the dreaded injections that will help me to walk without any tablets.

On Facebook I have access to a survivors organisation, and at one point someone started a facebook campaign to get rid of the survivors organization, they were very unsuccesful, but it shows just how much ill feeling there can be with regards to abuse matters, people don’t want to hear about clergy abuse, they want to hide and say everything is ok, that everything is ok in their church or that they haven’t done anything wrong and don’t want to acknowlege the consequences of any abuse they have inflicted, this is why it surprises me that no-one has yet tried to remove my blog or any of the posts.

The more I hear of the church the more I wonder what on earth the future of the world is when people go into the church to escape the evil of the world and be safe and in church the evil is very much present but disguised, sanctioned, excused and covered up in a way that it isn’t in any other organisation or place in the world, the church have complete policy systems and laws to cover up and to protect the church from liability, these laws also protect the abusers, but the victims are the people who are not protected or helped or acknowledged except in a certain way that is also done to protect the church.
The unheard scream is ‘where is Jesus in all this’, and if the church should chance to hear this scream they respond with finger wagging lectures about ‘forgiveness’ and reproaches, as if that is any sort of answer.
when are things going to change? My wish, and my dying wish if I don’t survive the way the church have crippled me and left me invalidated as a person is that the church should lose their right to be exclusive, that they are audited on abuse cases and misconducts by organizations outside the church, they will scream about that being unfair because of prejudice and secular organizations being against them, but isn’t it better for this destroyal of lives by the church systems to stop? To me a human life is the most valuable thing on this earth, and a vulnerable life should be protected, but the church, who are supposedly following Christ, place no value at all on a vulnerable human life when it comes to the matter of abuse and the issue of the church protecting themselves against scandal.
Isn’t it time that the church are no longer immune from legal actiions due to their status, and are no longer treated as being truthful and righteous when they are not being, time they were no longer allowed to be such a big voice that they drown out the smaller voices of abuse victims who try to stand up to them?
I want to see all this change, I want victims to no longer be shamed into silence, and the church that is part of the government in this country should be held to account just as other government departments supposedly would be if their staff had hundreds of abuse and misconduct allegations made against them every month, and especially as the church themselves are not actually practicing what they preach each week, are not following Christ’s teachings, Christ Himself was homeless, poor, wounded by the church of the day, He didn’t live in a palace and have servants and a big salary. The church will cry out that secular intervention would be ‘prejudiced’ and ‘damaging to the faith’, but that is indeed what their own policies and procedures towards abuse are anyway.

I will continue this another time. I am sleepy.

from ‘Homeless’ 28/11/2011

Does all this make you conclude that I hate the church? I don’t, otherwise I wouldn’t try to worship each week. I hate the church’s policies and actions and the discrepancy between the way Jesus was and the way the church are, in the case of abuse and the church reaction there is no sign of Christianity, and ‘we are all human’ is not an adequate excuse.

Am I obsessed with this matter? I don’t know, I do know that the way that the church have treated me continues to affect me badly, I am crippled by it, I am traumatised by it, and the repercussions are endless, if I go on living I will be affected for the rest of my life, and I am extremely vulnerable on the streets with the bad record that the church gave me, but I cannot leave the streets for the same reasons.
All I have to do in my life is try to share my story and help other solitary survivors know that they are not alone as I try to write what I cannot verbalise and can hardly write, the church were able to use my lack of verbalisation against me as they accused and damaged me and brought false charges against me and tried to make me out to be mad.

Basically as well as being unable to verbalise all this I am at a disadvantage when it comes to representation because no one actually dares to take on the church and their disclaimers and lawyers and press departments, the church are power heavy, which is crazy considering that they originate from belief and following of Jesus, who never ever instructed or set an example of unjust wealthy power heavy priests and organizations. I hope that makes sense.

Every day my day starts with anxiety and bad memories, and if I wake in the night it is the same, I dream of the brutality of the police who the church set on me, the injustice and the lockings up and being unable to defend myself.
I live in fear of being involved in any of the violence and crime that my fellow homeless are soemtimes involved in, or being sexually assaulted or suffering anything, because I don’t want to have to go to the police or have the police looking up the lies of the church on record and being brutal and unfair to me if I am unwittingly caught up in an incident.

That incident the other week was a very frightening one, to be accused of something and assaulted, I really and truly thought that I was going to be brutalised and locked up, but it wasn’t the church wrongly accusing me and there was no proof (because I hadn’t done anything) and the thug who ‘tried to do a citizens arrest’ was known to the police and had commited assault by his actions, so to my amazement it all turned out right but it shocked me deeply. I will never feel safe again.

I will never be able to work again, and I do not know if I will ever live indoors again, I am sure that my lifespan is reduced because of my lifestyle and I am relieved about that, I have no real reason to live apart from sharing my story. The damage by the church, especially by their lies, is too severe, and no amount of counselling or medicine will change that.

from ‘Homeless’ written on 09/12/2011 -not sure why I am posting this apart from getting it off the list, too interesting to delete

When I was young and was doing Christmas preparations with my brother,we used to listen to Christmas songs, one of them has these lines in it:

Hallalujah Nowell, be it heaven or hell
at Christmas we get we deserve

Even as a child I puzzled over this, is the singer syaing that people get what they deserve at Christmas? That I deserved last Christmas and the approaching one?

At Christmas there will be so many people who will be facing debt because they have tried to provide presents and a good Christmas for their families, there will be people who face loved ones dying, there will be domestic violence, sometimes fueled by drink and sometimes leaving people needing hospital treatment, there will be affairs and breakups and rapes, there will be children who will be victims of abuse and violence, there will be people who have nothing for Christmas, no presents, no company, no food, (and how I wish I could find them and change that, but they are people who no one realises are there), there will be people who have bad memories at Christmas that includes me and a number of people who I know.

I don’t believe that people always get what they deserve at Christmas, nor does ‘everything come right’. It isn’t always as dramatic as the shock storylines that the soaps do for Christmas where everyone has to die, go missing and get married and come out in order to keep everyone watching, but Christmas can be harsh for good people, and it can be good for bad people, all those wealthy people in the church who made me feel small and abused me will have a good Christmas in that they will have lots of food and nice things, but a majority of them do not really care or get real pleasure from it all.
I loved Christmas even in all those harsh years, until that terrible cruel Christmas with my abusers.

If you know anyone who might be struggling this Christmas, please see if you can help. Don’t give in to all those tv charity adverts (unless you want to), guide dogs for the blind will still be there all year round, so will the rest of them. The stallholders on the market were talking about the old lady downstairs from them, they take her a dinner and wine and presents, no-one else is around for her, my pal who does the christmas lunch says that some of the people they collect for the lunch don’t have any other outing all year.

Why am I rambling on? I don’t know.

I remember the care home I worked for, I remember that I was going to commit suicide that Christmas, but I sent every resident in that 64-bed home a Christmas card with their name in, I got my friend who worked in the home to give me all their names and whether they preferred to be called by their first name, last name or nickname, and all of them got a personal card, my friend kept coming out and hugging me and saying how happy some of the residents were because it was the only card they had got or that they were amazed that the gardener knew their name and things like that, I got a few cards in return from them and their families and I made a few new friends that way.

Everybody needs to be loved and feel a sense of belonging, even more so at Christmas.
I remember feeling despondent before Christmas 2005, and I remember Lesley saying to me ‘you are not alone, there are so many other people who feel isolated at this time, and Christmas is so family-orientated that people think of happy families, and those who haven’t got happy families do feel left out’.

The quiz last night raised over £400 for the Salvation Army, who provide Christmas meals and presents and food for many poor people who would have nothing otherwise.
If you have a good Christmas to look forward to, then thank God for it, and please pray for those who are dreading this Christmas.

from ‘Homeless’ written 10/12/2011

It is bitter cold outdoors, I delight in the cold and the fresh air and freedom from the church, but with the unending nightmares it is hard to believe I am out of their damaging grip. It has been maybe four months since their last devastating attack on my life and if I live it will be many years before I really have any hope of recovery and normal life.
When I was first homeless, the doctor said that maybe in three or four years I would start to recover, even at the time and for almost a year after that the church continued their devastating and traumatic assault on my life in order to defend themselves and make out that they were ‘helping me’,

What I don’t understand is one fundemental truth ‘why if they were helping me was I being seriously harmed and driven from help by them and my cries for them to stop were ignored and deemed harrasment?’ How could they have been helping me by using someone I had complained about to come after me and violate my friendships, why if they were helping me did they slander me to the homeless services and prevent me from accessing help? why if they were helping me did they try to have me sectioned for my cries of anguish at their continued unwanted interventions?

From ‘Homeless’ Historic Blog 14/12/2011 -The reason for all these posts is that I am away and cannot post until tomorrow and will be offline for a a week or more soon

When it comes to feelings and memories coming up strongly as they are doing at the moment, I cannot write very easily, I am too angry, too upset, too hopeless, I feel invalidated by the church and nothing I say or do is valid in their eyes, it makes me worthless and not-human.

I woke up this morning wondering why, really why the church were allowed to go on interfering in my life after they lost me my home, why they were allowed to go on traumatising me and getting me brutalised by the police for my reaction as I repeatedly asked them to stop.

If the church were to read this they would scornfully say that I am ‘dwelling on the past’ as they did a few months after the abuse as I continued to be traumatised by the abuser’s denials to the community.

If I wake up in distress I am not deliberately dwelling on anything, and the distress comes from my subconscious sleeping brain, and since the church have affected my life in a terrible way that will affect me forever including leaving me permenantly homeless, how is that in the past? It is very current and affects my whole life in many ways every day.

The inequality of power that allows the church to treat abuse victims as they please in order to achieve what they want is very real.

The church’s interference that left me unable to be housed isn’t considered harassment by the police, and yet my reaction to it is.
I will never be able to live indoors because of the processes, the disclosures against me, the shame and most of all, my distress at being indoors. And if I lived indoors, who would I be with the shattered pieces of my life left behind long ago in the island? There is no future for me, no work, no volunteering, no point in trying to get my education, nothing but the huge labels that the church have stuck on me, the only way I can survive is outdoors.

Sorry – from ‘Homeless’ written 17/12/2011

I feel like saying sorry. Well I am always sorry, I have spent my life being sorry, and everyone else has enforced that by telling me it is all me, even when it can’t be.

No, the sorry is because I spend my time in the library reading when I am not on the computer, and I read about what other people have been through, the abuse they have suffered in the church.

I grew up in cult-like circumstances, and what I suffered did amount to abuse, emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse, but I know from the accounts that I read that other people have been through more severe abuse and neglect and haven’t been allowed childhoods, people who were left in the hands of church-based convents and boarding schools and orphanages, people who were kept from the outside world and abused constantly and degraded, my own upbringing was traumatic, and my adulthood vulnerable to abuse because I needed support and safe people and ended up abused and destroyed by the church, but I know that some of the stories I have read about church based abuse are worse than mine in violence and constant sexual abuse.
So I am sorry, sorry that I am such a drama queen, and sorry for what all those survivors went through and how no one heard their cries for help and they were made to feel that they deserved it and that there was no hope.
And most of all I am sorry that their abusers were working in God’s Name and seemed to believe that their unchristian and criminal actions towards the children and vulnerable people in their care were acceptable and that God would find their actions acceptable.
Those abusers will never say sorry or accept responsibility, they delude themselves and make out that they were doing what was in the best interests of those in their charge, just as those who emotionally and sexually abused me did when I was a vulnerable adult in their care.
To be honest I am not sure that my parents understood what they were doing to us at all.

None of the children who were put in that convent or boarding school and denied their lives and emotions and even denied their reactions to what was happening to them were to blame.
And there are still people out there who can’t speak out because they were abused and persuaded that their abuser, who was ‘close to God’ could not possibly to blame and that if it ever came out the victim would be shamed for their own behaviour, as I was, it affects people for their whole lives, leaving them isolated by their own reactions, flashbacks and distresses if they never speak about it, admit it happened, and come to terms and know that it wasn’t their fault. It is never the fault of a child or vulnerable person if someone preys on them.

I am sorry for this mess where survivors have to come to terms with God, someone who allows these people to work in His Name and yet do such atrocious things and blame the victims and tell them that they (the abuser) has only been kind to the victim, kindness? God? Survivors can end up very confused and damaged by that perspective of God from the abuser. And in an isolated abused world, who else can the child or vulnerable adult turn to if God is on the side of the abuser?

But all the sorry in the world won’t put things right.

Historic Blog ‘Homeless’ ‘Police complaint -this is part of a post from 16/12/2011

I had been treated as mad and bad by the police at all times and I was traumatised by it. In the time after the police brutalised me in that time when they got me for the Bishop not long after Anne’s funeral, I sat in the church writing out carefully what had happened and I also had the photo’s of the bruises on my arms that they made, my friend took the photos. But I had never had the money to send this complaint by post and had never had the courage to walk up and put it in the letterbox of the police HQ in person, and had been too depressed to, seeing as my voice is nothing and no one would do anything.

One rainy night I was down near the Cathedral, I was surprised that mad Debbie didn’t jump out and scream at me, as she usually haunted that area, a police car drew up beside me and they wound the window down and said my name, I froze in utter terror, the officer said ‘it’s alright, we just wanted to say hello’ (similar to what they usually untruthfully say when you are in trouble), I remained frozen and silent.

The officer continued in a patronizing tone, going on about a service in the cathedral, I didn’t want to know, the officer said that ‘he was glad that I was well and out and about again’ I gathered from this that he was one of the brutes who had detained me and made me out to be mentally ill and had not been aware that I had been asessed and released, he seemed to think I had been locked up in the hospital as the police had tried VERY hard to arrange on behalf of the diocese.

 I said nothing. He went on and told me to go and get out of the rain and get my head down somewhere, I was furious, it was nothing to do with him where and when I was or slept, I was in shock as the police drove off, and following that, instead of sending my painstakingly written statement to the police complaints department with the bruises pictures, I rattled off an email of complaint, this was to the police complaints department in the county headquarters, interestingly enough I have had a stream of emails over the months from the department and the IPCC, the big central police complaints department, I have absolutely no idea why as I am too fragile and traumatised to even open and read the emails and get re-involved in the dreadful matter, nor do I want my location given away to anyone. As far as I know from experience my voice is nothing against other peoples. 

The latest email regarding the police complaint was sent to me last week.

Another thing to note, the police who stopped that rainy night were not after me, and this was in the summer, but in court in august it was claimed that the police had been after me for some time.

(01/02/2014) This was due to Jane Fisher wanting her complaint against me in Sussex to be separate from that of Michael-Scott-Joynt’s, when in reality, they had liased together to try and have me put away, again, and it remains that she suffers nothing for her abuse of power and lack of dealing with my complaint of abuse and protection of my abuser, while she destroyed me publicly, the church of England has a lot of power, because they claim to be Christian and no-one questions them, and they are never called to account for their abuse of that power).