Category Archives: letter to the Bishop of Winchester

Involving Innocent people?

The Korris report claims I was ‘involving innocent people’, the reality is, the Korris report was written under Jane Fisher’s direction, and turns the fact that I was turning to anyone I could think of as witnesses to try to stop the damage to me by Jane Fisher.
I have asked a number of people, mainly those who I was maligned to in Winchester in 2010/2011, to witness some of my side of things.
No doubt that will bring the same response from Fisher in five years of so when another one-sided investigation is launched in the press to glorify the Church of England to anyone who doesn’t know them well enough to see through them.

The Diocese would rather I was seen as involving innocent people than the real reason, that I want my side heard, and I want witnesses, and their one-sided defamation of me has gone on long enough.
And they would rather I was imprisoned than got my voice heard and thus let people know the wrong they have done.

They involved innocent people when they launched their public attack on me and the Jersey Deanery, they have wrecked my life when the matter was in the past, and they have caused a lot of damage and money wasteage,

But is anyone going to do reports into them and publicly defame them?
It is left up to me to speak out, at risk of further unjust punishments, while the Diocese will never face punishment for what they have done.

Just for fun -email sent 20/07/2013 to the Bishop

Bob talks about things and people having teeth all the time, but I have yet to understand what it means, hence adding it at the end of this email.
I found this while looking for the email or blog post from last summer in which I suggested that the Channel Islands were transferred to a better diocese with proper safeguarding.


Dear Bishop Tim,

I woke up in the night with distresses and then I started thinking about your email subject boxes yesterday and how you say you would like to answer my questions in an email.
I will share my thoughts and a solution.
Firstly I am pleased for your sake that you appear to have at least one person who has some understanding.
Emailing only on a Friday and being civil does help. So pat someone on the back for advising you that.
I would say that Scott-Joynt should have tried Fridays and being civil, but I wont bother.
But regarding you answering my questions, I am pretty sure that you emailing me will not answer my questions.
For example, how would you answer your public absolving of the Dean for what he did, which was so very incongruent in light of the evidence and also the fact that no further enquiry had been made when you publicly cleared him, thus clearing the way for the hate campaign against me to be justified?
Do you think you can answer that without making me commit suicide? because you and I know that that was a travesty, and nothing Luther Pendragon writes for you will be a satisfactory answer for me.
No answers will change the damage to me.
Then the conflicted investigation that you have allowed to continue, that is more of the same. You wont answer me truthfully because you cannot change a conflicted investigation into something it is not, neither you nor Luther Pendragon can do that, no matter how much you talk.
The Korris report and why you didn’t get Jan Korris to contact me on this email address to get my views? The Diocese were not blocked, the only person blocked was Jane Fisher because she was causing me unbearable distress and I was advised to block her. Just as she, the Dean and the Bishop could have blocked me when they decided not to bother with my complaint and have me made a criminal in front of my free and laughing abusers and their supporters.
I think that if you get Luther Pendragon to write you an email for you to copy and paste regarding any of the above questions and more, that will kill me, because I cannot take any more. Luther Pendragon is not you and they do not know me, they are a worldly, Godless company that screw people over for a lot of money in return for lying and covering their backs, and so they have done a lot of damage to you, to me, and to everyone. So Luther Pendragon do not answer questions truthfully, they do it with flowery edges so you don’t see the darkness inside, because that is what they are paid to do.
You know what, you could give me some of the money you waste on Luther Pendragon so that I stop worrying where my next meal is coming from, and you could do a better job yourself.
So, here is a solution:
Bob Hill, who has acted as my mediator, as you know, says that you ignore him.
But Bob is a man of great integrity and courage. He likes the truth.
so why don’t you give him an answer to my questions.
The answers wont hurt Bob.
He is there to collect such information, and you could have been talking to Bob about all this since ages ago if you had only thought about it! I am surprised that you have not actually spoken to Bob, after all, that is what he has been there for.
And he can do you a blog of your answers if you like, call it ‘Bishop Tim’s Answers to HG’ or something.
That will make it all better. That way you can be clear and stop all the confusion.
Wouldn’t it be so much better for you to talk to Bob, man to man, no fear of causing upset, straight talk, honest answers?
The best thing is, Bob is not autistic, so you don’t need to email him on Fridays, because he lives in a house all the time and has a cat and some teeth. So you can email Bob your answers any day and his cat sits on the computer.