Category Archives: Matthew 23

Sheeple – Christian Country? 1

I bet the post headline got your attention.

I will be writing a post on the debate about Britain being a Christian Country, but not today.
I am completely exhausted and currently moving home, to somewhere where the diocese can wreck my life more easily.

Anyway, I think you know what I will write.

Christian Country? Noh! Can’t be, not while the Church of England are in power in Government, because they are divided between wealthy Pharisees, sheeple and old haughty ladies, so that is a large potion of the so-called ‘Christians’ removed, because they aren’t, they you have the same haughty old ladies, and a few men, lets not be sexist, in other denominations, they who is left? A larger population of Christians than atheists,agnostics and other religeions?
I doubt it.

But anyway, the Great Grim Church are in government, and they are mainly the pharisees of Matthew 23, rather than being Christian, I am talking about leaders here, Justin Welby loves the finance industry and you cannot serve God and Mammon, then there is Dakin and Ould and Scott-Joynt, would anyone call them Christian?
So, no, my sweeping and very brief conclusion as I move home and die of exhaustion is nah, the UK isn’t a Christian country, it is a country with a large population of Christians or people who identify themselves with the Christian Faith.

Shall I add a footnote about the appalling way the Church of England treat abuse survivors, the vulnerable and poor?
Shall I add about wealth being the qualification for Church of England acceptance, and how completely detached they are from the poor in their midst, while they tithe tons of money to other countries and feel that they are thus Christian, virtuous and righteous?

Can anyone tell that I am in a flip and dismissive mood? Mainly because moving house is half killing me! 🙂