Category Archives: prayer

A prayer from the Heart

Dear Lord and Father,

I am sorry for my sins, especially those that cause the Church of England to continue to destroy me even though I go to confession and do not dwell on the past as the Church of England do.

I ask to be released from living in fear and under oppression from the Church of England and their reports and interviews and press releases, I pray that You will open their eyes to the needless damage they are doing before it is too late, I ask to live the remainder of my life in peace, freed from the Church of England and their powerful destruction of me and my life, I pray earnestly in Jesus’ Name that Archbishop Wonga will listen to my pleas and act, not to further destroy me, but to withdraw his Church from harming me.

Lord, please help Archbishop Wonga to understand that he shouldn’t encourage wrongdoing by praising wrongdoers in radio interviews, and that if he praises wrongdoers, his investigation is even less valid than before and is causing needless harm to me for no reason and he is validating the wrongdoers to do the same again, so Tim Dakin will be free to destroy and threaten other abuse survivors.
I pray that the people in the Church of England who have run this one-sided campaign against me, with reports and interviews that omit me, are called to account and come to understand that they are doing wrong.

Lord and Father, I ask that from today on, and in Jesus’ Name, I am protected from the Church of England and any further attempts by them are exposed and they are called to account.
I pray protection and safety eternally for me, from the Church of England and their associates, employees, volunteers. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

I pray that all the nasty slanderous and abusive bystanders who have condemned me on merit of what they have ‘heard’ from the Korris rubbish and the hate campaign led by Philip Bailhache, Gavin Ashenden and others, repent and see how wrong it is to condemn what you don’t understand and when you don’t see the full picture.

Thank You God for my life here, it is indeed better than the life I had in Jersey and before, although the wounds I carry are great and life limiting now, I pray in Jesus’ Name that I am released from the bondage of the Church of England and left here to live the remainder of my life in peace and quietness, as, if the Church of England were not wounding me, all I would be doing would be enjoying this peaceful and balanced life that I have built.
I pray for protection from the Church of England and for them to cease their terrible twisted charade and see the error of their ways.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.