Category Archives: speaking out

Answering a question -in brief

I was asked a question about the blog on Saturday.

The Question was – what do I hope to achieve through the blog.

This is a brief answer as I am only on the computer briefly this morning.

  • I am telling my story through the blog, even though I remain too traumatized by Jersey to talk about it.
  • I am sharing so that other survivors can be encouraged, and I am happy to say that quite a number of survivors have made contact and talked and shared links to websites and support groups, as well as sharing their experiences.
  • I am sharing my day to day life on the other blog, which hopefully shows that I am not just the mad bad user etc that the church of england make me out to be.
  • I am ensuring that a record of my experiences is made, even if I die as a result of the damage by the Church of England – those who don’t know, my health has suffered seriously as a result of this matter.
  • It helps me to write and share my feelings and experiences, I am alone a lot, because I need to be because of my conditions, and I get very angry and distressed by what has happened.
  • I would like to contribute towards educating people that the Great Grim Church is not all wonderful and Christian, because so many people do not really know or understand what the Church of England really is, or how they make the vulnerable and poor and disabled suffer. How they use them, even, and how the press releases, so carefully formulated, do not always reflect the true situation – even I was horrified by the dishonesty of Bishop Tim and Luther Pendragon, and the ‘lost last and least’ statement was horrifying.