Category Archives: States of Jersey

Other People’s Perspectives 3 – VoiceforChildren

Other People’s Perspectives, VoiceforChildren’s blogs on the Jersey matter.
Starting from the first they are;

That sadness I cannot name

During my time in Jersey I increasingly felt the sadness, not to do with abuse or church, but to do with the way Jersey was going.
Back then I had no ‘knowledge’ as such, of the Jersey Way and Jersey system, I only had mutterings, right from the start, from others, about bribes to the States to allow building that shouldn’t happen, and I saw at least one heerd of Jersey cows being herded down to the ferry to be sold and shipped off Jersey.
But as well as that, as I said in my ‘lets go back’ post, about my first sight of Jersey, all these buildings! No beauty, just buildings! This was what increasingly upset me, except the cliffs and dunes that they can hardly build on, but they try, Jersey is so built up and dusty, I remember the skipper on one of the boats I was on, describing being out at sea and seeing a coud of pollution rising off Jersey.

This made me sad, and I didn’t know how to express it, I knew I loved Jersey, but I also knew that I longed for the green fields and trees of England, Jersey was so dusty and so built up, I tried to express this to my ‘adoptive parents’ one time ‘Mummy, will there still be flowers and green grass in heaven? Or will it be like Jersey?’.
I remember how I used to watch the Christmas videos in December 2008, David Essex’s video of ‘A winter’s tale’ and it made me long for the UK and open space. Although that wasn’t long after my six-week stay in the UK due to the police and the churchwarden.

One of the reasons I was and am glad to be back in the UK is the green and the beauty of it, although I miss the granite land, I miss the granite cliffs of Jersey.

I am better off back here, even if I cannot feel the joy and enjoyment of the scenery or anything else in life any more, I can only feel despair.

In my ‘conversations with an ex-policeman’ in 2010, he, a Jerseyman (not Bob Hill), told me more about how bad things were in Jersey, as we happily drank our coffee.
He told me about the building and the bribes and the mess the Island was in.
I have a feeling that Jersey will end up so built up that there will only be the beaches left not built on, until they find a way.
St. Helier and First Tower are so awful, such a shame, especially compared to St. Peter Port, which is pretty, and Guernsey which isn’t quite as built up in the same way.

But while in Jersey, I felt sad, because I loved Jersey and intended in the end to stay there, but the thought of ‘living in a world without wild flowers and open spaces’ was tough. That was the sadness I couldn’t name.

This is not to say that there aren’t open spaces in Jersey, but what I mean is, there isn”t much left of genuinely natural and peaceful open spaces.Everything is squashing together, and the narrow ‘green’ lanes’ of Jersey always had big cars vehicles roaring along them.

I remember the farmer wondered why the milk production for his Jersey herd was down and eventually discovered rotting food in the water trough, when in the UK, the state of the trough and other things on the farm would have led to prosecution.

It was grim and not so beautiful, what was left of countryside in Jersey.

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And the parks?

No offence Jersey Peeps, but I prefer less built up spaces. Jersey as a whole was pretty much a city on an island by the time I left. And has only got worse, too claustrophobic really.

Answers to Questions, who’s who part1

Who’s Who in Jersey, part 1.
This is quite a tricky and scary series to start, not one I even want to do, but in the the recent fun quizzes of who’s who, the Church of England were lost, last and least, and it took some Jersey people time to work out who the Grandmaster freemason-churchman-relative of my abuser-musician was.
So I thought this should be the starting point for outsiders on who’s who in the Channel Island of Jersey, where they speak English but are not part of the UK, and thus have their own government and laws that allowed the Dean to be let off and run a smear campaign against me with a bit of help from his friends.

Here’s who does what in the states of Jersey:

Here’s Jersey’s law site:

Although Jersey law is explainable in a few words, one law for one group and one for the rest.

The letter sent to Jersey police complaints department 13/02/09

If anyone wonders why I went mad, this is why. The incidents described in this letter below this paragraph. To me, being regressed and abused and thrown away, being told the police results in an email and being immediately brutalized and locked up – very deliberately omitted from the Korris report, which goes on about the police sending me a ‘nice letter’ which I never got, this, regressed to childhood, left back in my original childhood and some of the blank horror of what I went through then, and left abused and abandoned by EY and his wife who had always belittled me. Brutalized by police and shunned in the community, Philip LeClaire publicizing the brutality after playing a part in having me captured by police and trying to make out he was not part of that.
Bob Hill wonders why I don’t trust, why I don’t like people going behind my back.
I suffered severe Post Traumatic Stress as a result of the detention and brutalization the day the police let my abuse go, they used force, just as they always have because of my terror, and they locked me in a cell and were rude and insulting to me, for the crime of reporting an abuser.
I didn’t recover, and this is when I stopped coping, stopped coping with Jane Fisher’s nonsense, stopped coping with my abuser laughing when he saw me while he remained in church positions, stopped coping with Philip, with being shunned for reporting the man I reported, stopped coping with what was a horrible and hopeless situation, from which I didn’t and can’t recover.

** **** ******* ****
** ******
JE* ***
Email: ********


Police Complaints Department

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am not at all sure if I should be writing to the police complaints department with my queries, but the DC who dealt with a complaint that I made seems unable to deal with my queries and concerns and seems more concerned with protecting my abuser. I am unwilling to contact the police again as I am afraid of them because of their treatment of me.
I am autistic, and am much more able to write than speak, I am making these queries entirely on my own.
I made a complaint to the police last year, with a bit of prompting, the complaint was about a man called Mr.******, Mr.****** is a churchwarden at St. A’s church at **** ******, Mr.****** decided to ‘adopt’ me as his daughter very shortly after meeting me, I believed that Mr.****** was trustworthy as he professed to be a Christian, but Mr ***** subjected me to unwelcome sexual advances and emotional torture, he was very careful in doing so, and made sure that I felt ‘to blame’ for my reactions to his treatment, and for a long time I took the blame.
Mr ****** told me that ‘God had told him to take me as a daughter’ and because of my faith I believed that my prayers for somewhere to belong were answered, I tried to cope with the increasing distress Mr.****** was causing me, and eventually had to tell his wife, who had never wanted a disabled ‘adoptive daughter’, I was brought into their family by her husband, for his own reasons, so I was thrown out of the family, with Mr.****** denying doing anything wrong, his wife despised me from the start, and when he heard I was making a complaint, he had the arrogance to phone an older friend of mine in order to try to get her to ‘shut me up’, she is not a good person to deal with abuse, despite being a priest, but she told him he had done wrong when he explained to her that he was trying to ‘help me’ by ‘breaking through my sexual barriers in order to cure my sexual problems’, I do not have significant sexual problems, my main problems are autism and trauma.
The matter was brought to the police, someone went with me to the police, there was a very helpful DC who’s name I cannot recall, he had shirt sleeves and a big grin, he seemed very prepared to deal with the matter. But then the matter was passed on to DC Hare, who I do not understand, and I do not understand the way he dealt with the matter or explained/didn’t explain it.
DC Hare interviewed Mr.******, he then contacted me by email with the results of the complaint, which didn’t make sense and still doesn’t. It seems to read that they ‘let poor Mr ****** off because there wasn’t enough evidence, and poor mr ****** had been under so much pressure due to the complaint that he wouldn’t do it again’. Mr ******  could not give a damn about what he has done, he has called me a liar since and has gone on with his life, he was sacked from his previous church for misconduct but he happily told me that they were mistaken, he refuses to take responsibility for his actions, and while he was abusing me he told me about how he talked sex to girls on his evangelising walk, he has not taken any responsibility for what he has done.
DC Hare told me that Mr.****** ‘admitted to most of the things I said? But said he was doing it to help me), therefore they could not prosecute Mr.******.  I do not understand this, is it legal in Jersey to force sexual contact in order to help someone? I did not understand the results , originally sent by email. I think what Mr ****** has done is wrong, but he appears to Have gained DC Hare’s sympathy. DC Hare said it was ‘on Mr.******’s record’, but I also did not understand what that meant. DC Hare was also aware that I have difficulty using a telephone, he said in his email that I could ‘phone him if I had any queries’.
If Mr ****** admitted to anything sexual, and DC Hare never explained what Mr ****** did or didn’t admit to, then why can no further action be taken?  DC Hare is obviously not willing to take further action even though I have asked. DC Hare has ignored my requests for further action or explanation, and I am afraid of DC Hare because he got me locked up.
When I received the unhelpful results of my complaint by email from DC Hare, I apparently threatened suicide, I am somewhat confused about this, but to cut a long story short I was seized by the police and locked up, I am told that this was for my own welfare, but I can see no evidence of that, DC Hare omitted to tell the police that I was autistic, dislike having my arms touched and need an appropriate adult at the police station.
Though I was very tired and ill and unable to run, and not trying to run, and was also trapped between two police officers and two cars, I was taken hold of by the upper arms, it was specifically mentioned in my statements to the police about Mr.****** that I have an extreme dislike of my upper arms being touched, because Mr ****** forced ‘therapy’ on me including constant touch of my upper arms, DC Hare, who apparently sent these officers out of ‘duty of care’ hadn’t bothered to tell the officers that he sent that I was autistic, disliked touch, and needed an appropriate adult, the officer, PC O’Brian, refused to let go of my arms even though I couldn’t run anywhere, I was panicking, I cannot begin to describe the severity of this panic to you, O’Brian said if he let go of my arm he would have to handcuff me (for the crime of reporting my abuser?), I said ‘handcuff me, let go of my arm’, he refused to do so, and I continued to panic with this nasty police officer gripping my arm when I had not commited a crime. It was only when my landlord stepped in and persuaded the officer to let go of me that he did, they then took me to the police station, they prepared to search me but I wouldn’t let them, I was absolutely out of my mind with terror. I told them not to lock me up because I suffer with claustrophobia? It means terror of enclosed spaces, they locked me up and I had a severe and prolonged panic attack, then they sent me to see a doctor who I didn’t understand and then they sent me home, no appropriate adult was present even though DC Hare was aware of my disability, and I was confused and distressed, I was shaking in severe shock and very much awake in the early hours of the next morning and the trauma of this on top of being abused by people who should have been safe, having to make a complaint, and feeling that DC Hare sympathises with Mr and MRs ******, who made my life living hell, has left me severely distressed, being ‘locked up for the crime of reporting my abusers’ did nothing for my welfare.
I still have nightmares of being on that police station floor struggling to breathe.

There was no follow up on that nasty incident. I have been left to ‘commit suicide as I please’ and I believe that if I had not been exhausted after that police incident I would have taken my own life because of how I was treated, it is incredibly cruel and twisted that the DC got me locked up and punished, while my abuser is walking around calling me a liar and has laughed the whole matter off, and he really has called me a liar.
And now my abuser is aware of me being locked up due to Phillip LeClaire publishing it in an article, it no doubt gave the ******s a good laugh to hear how I was locked up for their crime.
DC Hare offered to meet with me to ‘discuss the matter’, I was persuaded by Phillip LeClaire to attend a meeting, at short notice, though I said I was ill and couldn’t cope, I attended the meeting, but the primary aim of the meeting seemed to for DC Hare to act as a mouthpiece for the ******s to ‘shut me up’ , as I had not understood DC Hare’s email of the results of the complaint, I thought Mr ****** had simply walked away laughing, and as Mr.****** was calling me a liar, that seemed to be the case, so I had continued to tell Mr.****** off myself, he has never apologised or taken any responsibility, DC Hare ‘warned me’ that ‘people would think I was bad’ if I continued to deal with ****** myself, I felt intimidated and was afraid of being arrested again, so I was all agreement, ‘oh yes, I will behave myself, don’t lock me up for my abuser’s crimes again’. Mr ****** had phoned DC Hare, who should have dealt with Mr.******, and ‘told him I was verbally attacking him in the street.’ Mr ******’s arrogance in doing that, phoning the officer who was supposed to deal with him abusing me, and DC Hare actually trying to shut me up on ******’s behalf seems incredibly wrong.
Why was Mr ****** allowed to ask the DC who should have taken action against him to shut me up? I want something done about Mr.******, I am certain from things that he and his wife said, that he has abused before, and will again, he is very clever, hence me being punished for his crimes, and will get round the tiny mark on his CRB check, which has in big letters next to it ‘his victim is trouble’.
 I will shut up when something has been done about my abuser.  I don’t think it’s fair if it has been recorded on my CRB check instead.
DC Hare said that what ****** did was bad but not criminal  (so I am being told that sexual assault is not criminal on a disabled person?), and I am the one in danger of a criminal record, why? I am being told that Mr.****** adopting me to Abuse me, damaging me and letting me bear his wife’s fury, and throwing me away when I spoke up is my fault and the police couldn’t care less.
I was also not happy with Mr. LeClaire discussing things about me with DC Hare without my permission, but that is Mr. LeClaire’s fault. He works for Autism Jersey and wants to be on good terms with the police, hence his backing DC Hare and reference to the police being marvellous in his article where he talked about me in the paper against my wishes, that article was also without my permission and against my will, but that is Mr. LeClaire’s fault, I am in support of Mr. LeClaire’s marvellous advocacy of autistic people, but confused about some things he does.
DC Hare hasn’t clarified some things and I was too intimidated by the meeting, what did ****** admit to? If he admitted to sexual things, why are they not criminal? If he didn’t, he still did all those things, why does DC Hare believe ****** over me and stand up for him? If ****** admitted to doing some of those things to help me, why is that believed?  I feel that Mr.****** set up a situation where he could get gratification from me. Mr ****** continues in his role as church officer and works with young mothers and Yacht club cadets, he has taken no responsibility for what he has done to me, he and his wife have left me devastated. Mr ******’s excuse of doing things to ‘help me’ is made very believable by his demeanour, but it could not possibly be true, I know from living with him as his daughter that he is very sexual and has a huge problem with boundaries.
I don’t expect you to understand this, but my faith in God was central to my life, it has been destroyed by the ******s, I wanted to belong to a family, Mr ****** called me his ‘daughter’ and then I was thrown away when I started to speak up and Mr ****** denied everything, these things have hurt me more than anyone can imagine, my background was from poverty and abuse, violence and neglect, but I lived on faith and hope, that has been taken from me by these things and I have been left devastated by these things.
I don’t understand the results of my complaint, I feel that I have been called a liar, I have been traumatised and devastated, my abuser has walked away calling me a liar, the police are on his side and I expect to be arrested again and treated brutally for standing up for myself.
DC Hare did explain at the meeting that it is on Mr.******’s CRB check in the ‘greyline’ because what Mr.****** did was ‘bad but not criminal’I don’t understand what this means, does this mean it’s ok for Mr.****** to abuse because he has friends in the police? I am also concerned what this has done to my CRB check because the police are hostile to me, why is my abuser walking around laughing and calling me a liar? Lying about something like that would be horrific for me, being called a liar of something like this is horrific, I am the one suffering massively for this, for the crime of reporting my abuser, I am the one who was locked up and had my arms and brain hurt, why am I the one in massive trouble and why was I arrested for my abusers crimes?

My continued concern and request for further action has been totally ignored by DC Hare, and since I couldn’t understand his explanation of all this, I asked him for someone who could, and the address of the police complaints department, that was also ignored.
I also remain confused about being told firstly there was not enough evidence to prosecute Mr.******, then being told that he had admitted to a lot of things but because he ‘did them to help me’ it was bad not criminal’, I was not told what he admitted to, but probably not the more serious sexual things, but if he admitted to anything, why is he walking around laughing and calling me a liar while I am still suffering? I really want something done.
I have done my best to protect other vulnerable people, I do not expect to be arrested for it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.`
I am not Jersey born, I know about Haute de LA Garenne, is this just normal Jersey justice? Should I pipe down and wait for the police to think of another excuse to thrash me for being autistic yet speaking up about being mistreated? Am I going to be named and shamed in the paper?

Can you help me with my concerns please?


****** ******

Post 2 – Other people’s perspectives

More of Bob Hill’s Blogs:

Korris Thoughts and Jane Fisher’s boast

How did Ey know what I had said about him? It is highly possible that the Dean was passing information back to EY, especially as PC LeMarquand said someone was forwarding information and then refused to say who – is this what the Korris report was on about when it was said that Ey was ‘hearing about me insulting his good nature by saying about him being sacked for misconduct? why did Jane Fisher allow the Dean to continue to communicate information to Ey? And why is the church leaving him in a position in the church under the Dean and claiming that the Dean has acted in good faith in all this?
Why was the fact that I was slandered round the Island not included as EY insulting my good nature or whatever, why was it claimed that I wasn’t discussed in the Deanery or chapter when I was? When I was told by a priest I was!
Korris does not seem to realise that in a then hostile community, I had to speak up for myself and say that this man had done wrong before.
And if Fisher, c/o Korris, wants to vilify me that way, what about what she and Scott-Joynt did in Winchester in slandering me, and what about how they allowed the Warren-Lihou;EY-Dean collaboration against me and listened to them and not me?
In 2010 Jane Fisher was going on about how she was meeting with a states member in Jersey, and although she was very sparse with any information or answers to me about everything else, she repeatedly mentioned this but never told me who I was meeting with or why, and I asked her why she thought it was so special that she was meeting with this states member, she didn’t say, nor did she say who it was.
She appeared to be boasting, and it appeared to be to do with my case, so who did she meet with? ILM? Bailhache? Or any others who have been supporting the Dean.
Who did Jane Fisher meet with and why? 

I am sure Jane Fisher cannot object to me speaking about her, especially after she has maligned me and left me outcast, and I am just sharing my side of things.

Anything and Everything

Bible: Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Bible: Luke  16:13
 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

When I was in Jersey, the ‘cult churches’ used to go on and on repeating ‘Jersey for Jesus’

But it sounded hollow, vain repetition, along with the other games.

The problem with Jersey is, it is not for Jesus, it is an Island run on Finance, and an island injured by the occupation and not fully healed.
Jersey is not for Jesus, and cannot be for Jesus while it’s governance is so conflicted by the crossovers between powerful and influencial figures who can be members of the government, judiciary, church and even financial industry, this group of people who hold too much power and who ensure that anyone who falls foul of one of these elite, usually ends up on trial, and ruined, because there is no fair and impartial governance and judiciary.

Other elements very present in Jersey are ‘cult’ practices, merged with certain churches, and Freemasonry.

I am not saying all Jersey people and churches are Freemasons or connected with cults, far from it!

But when Tim Dakin launched publicly on Jersey, he didn’t seem to have either researched the Jersey culture, or taken into account what he was going up against.
But he isn’t the one injured by the backlash, nor is that woman, Jane Fisher, who I guess, masterminded the utterly crazy public campaign against the Dean, which was as far from safeguarding as possible – publicly launching on a vulnerable person who is already destroyed publicly launching on an Island like Jersey, what did they expect, a Christian attitude of remorse and accountability and reconciliation?

Dakin’s stupidity did me massive damage and caused the closing of ranks of that political/church/judiciary/masonic clique against me, and led to me being massively injured by a smear campaign run by people who had money, power and legal expertise and had forgot the basics of Christianity, and nothing was achieved.

I do not know how you deal with a culture like Jersey, I couldn’t, and it drove me mad and left me thus destroyed, at the time not know why I was treated so badly and my complaint refused and covered up, but I do know that Dakin’s way of doing things has left me seriously damaged and achieved nothing in Jersey except the knowledge that vulnerable people can be abused at will and will be destroyed if they speak up.

So, Jersey for Jesus? Or Jersey for money, cover-ups and destroyal of those who speak out, especially using the Victim’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities against them.
As happened to me, and to Haute de la Garenne survivors.

Jersey isn’t for Jesus until something changes, until those clergy and laity, who supported my abuser, and villified me, have a change of heart and put the cover-ups and vicious smear campaigns and love of money and security over Jesus’ teachings, aside, and are accountable and honest, return to Jesus, and ensure that the vulnerable are not villified by their own mouths.
Jersey isn’t for Jesus until those running the Church return to Christianity and leave the love of money, power and ego behind, leave the lack of accountability and the closing of ranks behind.
Until then they are in a prison of their own making, and island prison where they cannot be for Jesus, because they are supporting the Jersey way, which is not Christianity, and the Jersey way is money and power and ego.

‘Jersey for Money’, is all they can truthfully chant at the moment, because the cost to the vulnerable and poor and marginalised is very high, and the Church of England in Jersey, just as the Church of England in England, is full of well off people, with very few poor, Jersey’s Churches, if anything, are worse for this.

Jersey has a Statue of the Devil as a feature, I don’t recall a Statue of Jesus, but they can’t serve two masters, so they are not for Jesus yet, that ‘Jersey for Jesus’ chant was another manmade freaky Charismatic/Cult thing, as was their much more frightening ‘fire on Jersey, fire on you!’ chant, that was very prevelant in St. Matthews and St. Andrews, that used to make me feel physically sick and frightened, because it is unnatural, it isn’t to do with Jesus, and to an outsider, it was terrifying ‘fire on you’ would be a masonic thing or a curse.
I did not like ‘fire on you’ being directed at me, it may seem like something to do with Jesus to people in these cult churches, but in reality, there is no link or relationship to Jesus, God, or the Bible in it. And thinking clearly about it, Jesus would not have condoned such games. Do you recall him reproving his disciple, Peter, for offering to build booths for Jesus and Elijah and Moses and other things?
‘Fire on you’ is worse than that.


Strange Practices

Back on the subject of how Jersey is not an honest squeaky clean place where ‘bad people’ are deported.
They tend to jail people who speak up.
They tend to ruin people who speak up.
They tend to lie a bit about the real circumstances of cases.
Who are ‘They’? A little clique of Judicial/political figures.

And a Jersey Vicar said to me that he has thrown Ian Lemarquand against a wall and asked him about ‘Those boys in LaMoye who shouldn’t be there’, the same Vicar who told me that ‘In Jersey, you keep your enemies close and know what they are doing’. At the time I still didn’t fully understand what he meant, but he was saying he knew how bad the system was.

So, Jersey, where I was also told about Satanic or black magic rituals taking place in a church. Where a priest and his wife also claimed that there were ‘Satanists in Jersey praying for the breakup of clergy marriages’, which was copied directly from a boog which reads ‘There are Satanists in the USA, praying for the breakup of clergy marriages’, why would a Satanist do that?

lies that my destroyers tell

Good morning,

Apparently deputy Mike Higgin’s question in the States last week about me being deported destitute and in my pyjamas and left alone at Southampton Airport, homeless and destitute, sparked denials from Home Affairs Minister Ian lemarquand, who is a reader in the church and friend of my abuser.
This also led to more unhelpful newspaper articles, denials that I was deported and loud shouts about me pleading guilty. But as we know, the Jersey media are not independent and the JEP is run by my abuser’s brother.

Firstly, bewildered and traumatized in prison, I did exactly as I was told by the advocates who failed in any way to defend me, including pleading guilty.
Secondly it is fact that I was arrested in my pyjamas, spent two weeks in prison in my pyjamas and was deported in my pyjamas and landed in England destitute and in pyjamas, with no bra, and a bag containing unwearable clothes that the police had flung together, my passport and a bank card, and possibly a little bit of money that my friend had lent me for food in prison, which was returned to me when I left prison, I did not get the money back that the police appear to have stolen from my room, nor did I get my posessions back, I was indeed left destitute.