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Bible: Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Bible: Luke  16:13
 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

When I was in Jersey, the ‘cult churches’ used to go on and on repeating ‘Jersey for Jesus’

But it sounded hollow, vain repetition, along with the other games.

The problem with Jersey is, it is not for Jesus, it is an Island run on Finance, and an island injured by the occupation and not fully healed.
Jersey is not for Jesus, and cannot be for Jesus while it’s governance is so conflicted by the crossovers between powerful and influencial figures who can be members of the government, judiciary, church and even financial industry, this group of people who hold too much power and who ensure that anyone who falls foul of one of these elite, usually ends up on trial, and ruined, because there is no fair and impartial governance and judiciary.

Other elements very present in Jersey are ‘cult’ practices, merged with certain churches, and Freemasonry.

I am not saying all Jersey people and churches are Freemasons or connected with cults, far from it!

But when Tim Dakin launched publicly on Jersey, he didn’t seem to have either researched the Jersey culture, or taken into account what he was going up against.
But he isn’t the one injured by the backlash, nor is that woman, Jane Fisher, who I guess, masterminded the utterly crazy public campaign against the Dean, which was as far from safeguarding as possible – publicly launching on a vulnerable person who is already destroyed publicly launching on an Island like Jersey, what did they expect, a Christian attitude of remorse and accountability and reconciliation?

Dakin’s stupidity did me massive damage and caused the closing of ranks of that political/church/judiciary/masonic clique against me, and led to me being massively injured by a smear campaign run by people who had money, power and legal expertise and had forgot the basics of Christianity, and nothing was achieved.

I do not know how you deal with a culture like Jersey, I couldn’t, and it drove me mad and left me thus destroyed, at the time not know why I was treated so badly and my complaint refused and covered up, but I do know that Dakin’s way of doing things has left me seriously damaged and achieved nothing in Jersey except the knowledge that vulnerable people can be abused at will and will be destroyed if they speak up.

So, Jersey for Jesus? Or Jersey for money, cover-ups and destroyal of those who speak out, especially using the Victim’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities against them.
As happened to me, and to Haute de la Garenne survivors.

Jersey isn’t for Jesus until something changes, until those clergy and laity, who supported my abuser, and villified me, have a change of heart and put the cover-ups and vicious smear campaigns and love of money and security over Jesus’ teachings, aside, and are accountable and honest, return to Jesus, and ensure that the vulnerable are not villified by their own mouths.
Jersey isn’t for Jesus until those running the Church return to Christianity and leave the love of money, power and ego behind, leave the lack of accountability and the closing of ranks behind.
Until then they are in a prison of their own making, and island prison where they cannot be for Jesus, because they are supporting the Jersey way, which is not Christianity, and the Jersey way is money and power and ego.

‘Jersey for Money’, is all they can truthfully chant at the moment, because the cost to the vulnerable and poor and marginalised is very high, and the Church of England in Jersey, just as the Church of England in England, is full of well off people, with very few poor, Jersey’s Churches, if anything, are worse for this.

Jersey has a Statue of the Devil as a feature, I don’t recall a Statue of Jesus, but they can’t serve two masters, so they are not for Jesus yet, that ‘Jersey for Jesus’ chant was another manmade freaky Charismatic/Cult thing, as was their much more frightening ‘fire on Jersey, fire on you!’ chant, that was very prevelant in St. Matthews and St. Andrews, that used to make me feel physically sick and frightened, because it is unnatural, it isn’t to do with Jesus, and to an outsider, it was terrifying ‘fire on you’ would be a masonic thing or a curse.
I did not like ‘fire on you’ being directed at me, it may seem like something to do with Jesus to people in these cult churches, but in reality, there is no link or relationship to Jesus, God, or the Bible in it. And thinking clearly about it, Jesus would not have condoned such games. Do you recall him reproving his disciple, Peter, for offering to build booths for Jesus and Elijah and Moses and other things?
‘Fire on you’ is worse than that.