Category Archives: violations by the diocese of winchester

Anything and everything

I wrote this on the day to day blog, but I thought it would be relevant on here.

Good morning,

Well I slept and I dreamed that Fisher had me flung in prison again, Stuart Syvret was in the prison and we were resigned to the fact that the wrongdoers would keep putting us away rather than taking responsibility for themselves.
I woke up into flashbacks of Fisher’s malice and deceit, especially in Sussex, not good, the cold horror of it, and the fact she would happily wipe out my new life, put me away and do a report like Korris that pretends it is all someone else and violate me bysending some airheaded idiot of a chaplain to violate me when I ask for a real chaplain like I did in LaMoye, where I specifically asked for a Mathodist or Catholic Chaplain and instead, Fisher was able to override that and send some airhead CofE idiot who SHE wanted to see me. How absolutely sick.

I can never really recover from Fisher, and she is free to continue to violate and injure me despite my complaints.


Someone asked again recently if the diocese were in any way involved in housing me!
The violations and interferences and slanders of me by Jane Fisher and Michael Scott-Joynt led to me being long term homeless and on the run because they kept setting the police on me in response to my response to their violations and interferences.
It still sickens me, it was like being raped when they kept violating me.
If the diocese were in any way involved in my life, I would flee.
I still feel at risk from them and my life is limited by that, I am a refugee.
Why would I ever let my destroyers be involved when they have the power to turn a whole community against me, as they did? I remain anguished and psychologically injured by that.

Anything and everything

Good evening,
This blog is on a bit of a break as things are busy here.

I would just like to say that it remains the case that what was inflicted on me last year for no reason at all, and the smear campaign by the Jersey Deanery was an utter disgrace.

The plumbline, yardstick, spirit level of measurement of the Church’s behaviour is Jesus and His teachings, and their behaviour, diocese and Deanery last year, was inexcusably completely and utterly out of line.

If the Church, with all their wealth and power, claim to be there because of Jesus and His teachings, they should act as if they are there because of Jesus and His teachings.

Jesus Never publicly flogged anyone, He prevented a woman from being stoned to death, while Deanery and Diocese have acted as if they don’t even know the Bible.
Which is why I keep offering them Matthew Chapter 23.

Anything and everything

Good morning,
This blog has rested for some time as I am too ill to do much with it.

I was just researching spiritual abuse yesterday when I came across this site, it is a bit more extreme than Battered Sheep Ministries

I should say something about Good Friday and Easter. But I can’t think of anything, I went to communion last night but I don’t feel well enough to go to any service today.

I have very little memory of Good Friday, I remember vaguely, helping with the Easter Garden at JM’s church, and the big showing off that the Lihous and their church used to do, which was more about them than Jesus. I have no other recollection of Good Friday. Although I believe last Good Friday, the Diocese were crucifying me, and I expected the same again, last year I had pneumonia and this year I have a chest infection.

Funny how things change. Last year homeless but blissfully happy in my community until the Diocese wrecked my world, this year I am housed, sitting in bed sick and wishing I could be back a year ago and happy.
I kind of knew indoors would leave me sick and despairing, that’s why I stayed out there.

Bob’s latest blog

This is Bob’s latest blog

I am offline  for a while this weekend. Nothing to freak about.
I remember Jane Fisher illegally reporting me missing when I wasn’t and she hadn’t tried to contact me to find out. So I get almost anxious about not being online every day in case of a repeat of that.


If the people in the Diocese and Deanery war are Christias then why can’t they settle this civilly?

I am caught in the middle and it is making me ill, especially the wait to  be damaged by unbalanced and inaccurate reports that condemn me instead of investigating my complaint. Reports that cover for wrongdoers.
Why am I being crucified for my sins when I do not work for the church and other wrongdoers do, hence their wrongs, which they will not take responsibility for, are worse, while I am on my knees pleading for forgiveness and absolution!

ps, the dioce appear to have made that NSPCC bid only to be able to put something in their press statement to cover for themselves.
‘working hard accross the diocese to provide me with help’? Ha!

Anything and everything

Was the reason that the Steel report wasn’t published because the Steel report was to stop me going back to Jersey, and I made it quite clear that apart from visits to Jersey -which are too traumatic for me really, I am not going back to live in Jersey.
I can’t afford to live in Jersey, I am not fit for work, I need the therapy that I can get in the UK and not in Jersey, and life would be miserable in that small island for me, it would not go back to being a full and happy life. I would go back to being shunned and worse, and having to work out who was connected to who, and basically, with enemies in the Masonic-Judiciary-States-Church clique, I am safer staying here.
Although I am grateful for the offers I have had from Jersey of homes and the invites I have had.
Some people do not understand why I turned these down, but honestly, I am safer here even though it is a tough and painful life here.

Unrelated, but I remember that meeting with Bishop Scott-Joynt and how afterwards, I was exhausted and Jane Fisher kept on and on badgering me for details of the meeting.
I asked her why she couldn’t ask the Bishop.
And she said because it was a private meeting.

Basically that meeting was used against me in the Korris report, as if I hasd done something wrong by answering Bishop Scott-joyn’t questions, I did not lead that meeting and the witness was conflicted and could be used by the Scott-Joynts and Fisher in any way they liked, but the Bishop led the meeting by asking me questions, he excused the behaviour of the churches in Jersey towards me, claiming it was because they didn’t know how to respond to me, which, considering they were shunning me because I reported the churchwarden, was rubbish,
and my anger was in response to the shunning.

However, the Bishop didn’t excuse Phil Warren’s verbal attack on me entirely, but he did try to change Phil Warren’s motives,
but this was too late, after the damage had been done by Jane Fisher excusing Phil Warren,
none of this is mentioned in the Korris report.

I went for prayer and Phil Warren said he had ‘heard about what had happened in St. A’s’
He turned nasty and aggressive and trapped me in the prayer room and started shouting at me.

When I told him the abuse case was a serious matter and he should not get involved he leaned into my face and accuaed me of ‘Threatening him in front of witnesses’.
Which I wasn’t.
He implied banning me from his church.

Now this is an example of how the smear campaign are spreading a wrong perception, because I had never done anything to Phil Warren, at all, but he had ‘heard’ about ST. A’s, and thus, along with my past quarrel with his parents’ in law, he decided he had ammunition to attack me when I peacefully went for prayer for a friend who was ill.

As you will see in the email that I wrote to him in reply – not abusive, I was horrified by his behaviour. And not only emailed him, but also contacted Jane Fisher.

Jane Fisher rubbished me.

Which contributed to me going mad with distress.

Jane Fisher then claimed that Warren had apologized to me and thus my distress at him ‘hearing things about me’ and using that to attack me just as others used it to shun me, was irrelevant and not valid.

I had not had a problem with going to the Warrens churches even though I kept my distance from them, for 2 years up until that incident, and had said and done nothing wrong, as my email states.
But then there was not only the problem of Phil Warren ‘hearing things’ there was also the problem of Jane Fisher attacking me and denying things.

Jane Fisher went on claiming that Warren had not attacked me, he had, he trapped me and was aggressive, with his own ‘witnesses’.
Anyway, Philip LeClaire came with me to the church a few times after that and Phil Warren was ‘all nice’. He didn’t openly attack me again, but undoubtedly continued to be involved negatively.
This was the time when Fisher was spouting on about things ‘being in the past’ and only hurting me by me dragging them up, and it remains that as with most of her messagages, she didn’t make sense or tell me what was in the past but she did injure me by implying that anything was being dragged up by me.

But anyway, Bishop Scott-Joynt, the only good thing he said at that meeting, was that Phil Warren shouldn’t have done that and would a personal apology help?
H ealso added that Phil Warren may not have known that what he was doing by trapping me and acting as he did he came accross as aggressive.
I never got a personal apology.

But the point is, ignorant people have accused me of being violent and abusive and making death threats to clergy for years, now this incident was in 2009, and I had never done anything to the Warrens except fall out with the Lihous, which was two-sided and as far as I was concerned was forgiven, forgotten and in the past.
Which the Bishop agreed with.

I did not provoke that clash with the Warrens, Phil Warren did, in 2009, a year before I left Jersey, and although it was not satisfactorily resolved, and me involving Jane Fisher, with all her denials and ‘teaching of lessons’ made Warren belt up, but also injured me because of Jane Fisher’s words and attitude, that caused me to continue to break down.

So, 2009, no provokation, attacked on ‘What he heard’ and I am the one accused of years of abusive emails etc. 2010, I left Jersey.

The only emails and letters I sent were to people who didn’t handle my complaint properly, allowed me to be abused and supported the abuser after the complaint was made and villified me and shunned me, as St. A’s villified me to Warren, to get his and his parent’s-in-law’s support against me.
So who was being unchristian, just me in breaking down into anger and distress and sending bad letters? which did NOT contain death threats!
Or them in villifying me and upholding an abuser, both bad, but the abuse situation should not have been allowed to happen, and should not have been furthered by the villification, or Jane Fisher’s denials of it.

Post 2 – Other people’s perspectives

More of Bob Hill’s Blogs:

Anything and everything

I am considering doing a linked blog to my childhood story, which is fully written.

But I thought to get back into the Jersey story, I will try to do a brief chronology.

It was  July 2008 when I arrived in Jersey.
I met the churchwarden in July or August.

The Churchwarden ‘adopted’ me within weeks of meeting me.

It was October or november he first introduced inappropriate touch,
and he had already been talking inappropriately. 

It was November that the Churchwarden got me to go and live with them,
but he was already behaving wrongly, and churchpeople had observed him
holding my hand, hugging me etc, but done nothing, while his wife disapproved.

There was a disasterous Christmas, described elsewhere,
and immediately after this, the Churchwarden’s behaviour got much more inappropriate.

I became sick with depression and was told that it was a virus by doctors,
who had no idea what was going on.
 The churchwarden’s wife went on about me ‘beating myself up’
But never told me what it meant.

By March 2008, I had referred myself to Autism Jersey and
was having counselling, but not feeling any better,
Being regressed when my original childhood was so bad
was as bad as the sexual abuse

The counsellor told me that what the churchwarden was doing was wrong
and told me to slap him on the nose when he crossed boundaries
but didn’t completely realise that my sense of boundaries was impaired.

In April/May, I was actively looking for a new home and 
the Churchwarden’s wife, though openly resenting me,
was helping me look,
while her husband was talking about how
I would come round for supper every day when I left
which neither I nor his wife, agreed with

I was still suffering stress and depression
as you will see in the ‘year of emails’ 
when I launch it on the blog.

I moved out without saying goodbye
and tried to cope with life
after being part of a family
while the churchwarden sought incorrect advice
from a group who mess with lives and use God’s name in vain
‘The walk of 1000 men
chauvenist charismatic evangelicals
who are like rabid wolves 
after souls but with no concern for human welfare

the churchwarden had told me in detail
how he had been inappropriate with 
young women during partaking in
this dangerous charismatic rubbish

By summer 2008, my life was in collapse
From summer 2008 to Autumn 2010
I fought the church of england in vain to do something
about the abuse and subsequent cover up and discrediting of me
but I ended up homeless and with a criminal record instead.

The church, to this day, prefer destroying me rather than dealing 
with my side of things and my abusers.
And they use my distress and mustrust against me 
to continue to villify me.





Jane Fisher and the Bishop did not take my complaint and preferred to spread a one-sided story to places like Romsey Abbey and the Catholic church in Winchester.

So I was shouted at and maligned but the fact that I was abused and autistic was not shared.

And the facts of my side were not shared.

For example I was shouted at for ‘all the trouble I caused at…’
 Because  JANE FISHER maligned me and did not give my side of things to the people she maligned me to.

The abuse was not mentioned.

Things never noted by Fisher who used my difficult relationships against me, include JM slapping me because I was angry about the way her Mother and sister treated me over the abuse.

And. Another person used against me taking my toy off me and putting it in the microwave and burning and breaking it, as you may have realised, I always have a toy/s and have mentioned the toys in context of attachment disorder and autism, the toys usually mean a lot to me, and so, to see my toy put in the microwave and burned and broken was deeply deeply distressing, but Jane Fisher has never recorded my side of things and has villified me.

This is a small example.

A Question for the Diocese

How many other abuse survivors will you or have you launched on and left maligned and smeared and having to use media such as this to defend themselves and tell their true story after defamatory reports and smear campaigns leave them ruined and misrepresented?

What you did was not safeguarding or anything to do with it, it was a very badly failed PR stunt.
You have inflicted terrible damage on me for no reason, I may have a temper, but I also have conditions, and have been in circumstances that influence/ed that.

I think what you have done is terrible, it has injured me terribly and was the most foolhardy and aimless and dangerous action that could possibly have been taken, and I remain suffering the consequences every day, and if you further the damage with more reports that omit me, you will either increase my suffering or kill me.