Essential reading continued 4 -letters to the Bishop/longer descriptions of CofE

For those who don’t know, Dame Steel was supposed to complete her report in November and told Bob Hill her report was nearly completed and thus his and my views were not relevant at that stage, the Bishop then claimed the report was not to be published due to legal action, and now the claim is that the report has only just been finished, and that it is to be published, the so-called legal action is not mentioned, and it is obvious from Bishop Dakin, that the report is indeed against me, and he intends to damn me by publishing it, and refuses to engage with the fact that the report was hijacked and conflicted and my side has been omitted, and that there was illegal accessing of inaccurate police records from a force conflicted by their overseers being in church and government positions.

Please note

The Chronologies being published are being moved from the main blog to ‘pages’ on the sidebar or below the blog, to allow the main blog to continue to be regenerated.

And a thought, this chronology takes you up to age19, if I had been intending to be a troublemaker, that would have been established by then. I was a very lost confused person, not a troublemaker and not dishonest, I was trying to make my way in the world.

Essential Reading 3 vital 2nd link

New re-post

non-essential but helpful reading 3

How to make yourselves look good through abuse victims -for the church of england

After your spectacular failure to impress anyone, especially church abuse victims in your recent use of us in the press, I have a suggestion, which would be well within the very skewed ethics of the church of england.

Why don’t you create and groom an ‘abuse victim’ to sing your praises and harp on about how the church of england has looked after them so well since the abuse and they forgive the church and all is puppies and flowers.
You will never get a real victim to do that, as you treat abuse victims appallingly even while doing your show for the press. So pay someone to do it, that would be well within the church of england’s ethics, it would not sit on your consciences or be wrong in your eyes, after all, you can say your lines on Sunday and God forgives you.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I wonder if Jane Fisher realised in 2008 as she blatantly covered up at my expense and traumatized me, that in the end this would not stay covered up, not with all her efforts to use the Korris report and press as a ‘wonderful boast’ rather than an exposure of wrongdoing including her own.
The wonderful boast went wrong in my opinion, no one looks at the tiny articles on the diocesan website that boast at my expense and try to make diocesan safeguarding great when it isn’t, and no-one believes that what has been done is great, it is a massive shambles.

Old posts, helpful but non-essential reading 2

The Church of England’s investigations, which miss the point, don’t investigate my side of things or my complaints, are on a course to seriously harm me once again, thus I am launching OUR INVESTIGATION:

This consists of me answering questions from any blog readers, any reasonable questions, you can send them via email or via the comment form.
I am not bothered if Jonny the troll sends any, I will have a good laugh 🙂

the email address is:


I have been asked what I want.

That is a good question, especially as I have flu and my energy has run out, but I will make a start.
I am interested to see the jump in the blog stats this evening too.

Well I can’t really have what I want, my life and good character and everything that was ripped from me restored. Which is what I would want.
So what else could I want?

First and foremost to see Jane Fisher removed from working with vulnerable people and disciplined.

For my side to be heard.

For Dame Heather Steel to be removed and for her friend Philip Bailhache to lose his dictatorship so that there can be justice in Jersey in the real sense of the word, especially for abuse survivors.

For people to be made accountable for their wrongs, which is not the same thing as the Diocese of Winchester scapegoating them for publicity or letting them off because of pressure to do so.

I think that is enough for tonight, I am suffering badly with flu deep deep trauma on the anniversary of my death at the hands of the diocese of winchester.

Legal Abuse

This was posted by a reader of one of the Jersey blogs in response, it is very interesting.

Essential reading 2

I offer you the blogs being written by the kind Jersey bloggers:

It is particulalry shocking how the wealthy and powerful have forgotten Jesus in their worship of power and use of the church for it.

And back to my blog:

Statement to BBC Jersey 11/10/2013

On the Anniversary of my return from Jersey to Winchester I have a statement for BBC Jersey.
I have been profoundly damaged by the way the Diocese of Winchester have acted since March, the Korris report omitted my views and my complaint against Safeguarding Director Jane Fisher, the Diocese of Winchester have shown no care or concern for me whatsoever and have been unpleasant to the point of threatening me when I begged them not to intervene in my life as they did previously on my return from Winchester to Jersey.
I do not agree with the way the Diocese of Winchester have handled this and I think they way they left me to be harmed by the smear campaign run by the Deanery of Jersey, and tried to tell me it was not happening was appalling.
I do not see the Diocese of Winchester’s aim in all this, they seem directionless and if my welfare in all of this has been irrelevant to them, then I am not sure how they can claim that it is about the welfare of vulnerable people.
I have protested and so has Bob Hill, and so have many other people, that Dame Heather Steel is conflicted and thus she should not be involved in the enquiry, so I would like to state on the BBC that Dame Steel’s enquiry is not to do with my complaint as far as I am concerned, and is not valid, and she has been asked to withdraw, thus whatever she publishes is not relevant to my complaint.
My complaint is about Jane Fisher and the Bishop and Diocese of Winchester and their handling of this, but at present, the Church of England are continuing to refuse to investigate my complaint.

Bringing posts from last year to the top of the blog non-essential but helpful reading 1.

Well, angry rumblings are certainly coming from the church and the police.
Since I am not reading the angry rumblings, but am surprisingly getting emails from all quarters, I will take a guess.
Dame Steel, colleague and friend of Bailhache, Falle and others in Jersey’s magic circle/political clique, is about to launch her attack on me and clear the wrongdoers.
Why bother, Steel, what is the point of this to me? It is in the past for me.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

yesses and no’s

  • no, the police, the church of england and anyone connected with them are not to contact me.
  • yes I will go mad every time they do.
  • no, there is no genuine inquiry into my complaints
  • yes the diocese and their ‘enquiries’ are a lie.
In the end of my days in Winchester before I was driven out by Jane Fisher, I phoned the diocese many times and asked for Jane Fisher to be withdrawn from my life.
This was used against me by Jane Fisher and claimed to be harrassment.
How ridiculous is it that she was able to go on and on harming me behind my back and without my permission and yet she got me done for protesting.
And yet, the police treated me as mad and refused my complaint against her!
This is how this whole thing has been. One-sided, I have been treated as mad and bad and branded, while Fisher remains free to destroy vulnerable people.
As long as the Diocese of Winchester and the Church of England keep jane Fisher working with vulnerable adults after the way she has destroyed me and exonorated herself, they are making it clear, stating it, that they do not care about safeguarding.
I don’t need to add to that. that is a statement.

Monday, 7 October 2013

The stats on the blog are rocketing skywards this morning, but please remember this is only the beginning of a blog that covers 13+ years of hell at the hands of the Diocese of Winchester, culiminating in their fireworks display of an attack on my life and character this year. Stay tuned.
here’s one way of looking at it, the Diocese of Winchester launched on me aggressively, violated my life and humiliated me, they obviously want a fight, and until they are forcibly withdrawn, I will oblige.

Day four of the flu with a very full weekend coming up, lets hope that Steel and the Diocese do not callously launch their ‘report’ now.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

‘You do not matter’ is the message loud and clear, from the Church of England, ‘You are not relevant, neither are your experiences or feelings or rights, because you are poor, disabled, from a disadvantaged background, you do not matter to us and we not will not protect you from abuse, but we will protect abusers and put their welfare first, as long as they are rich, from a ‘good background’ and ‘fit in’, which you do not’.

Thus speaks the Great Grim Church

Essential reading/old posts 1.

Written 01/10/2013 on this blog:

My last words before I go out to my evening classes and then to struggle with another night on the streets, battling depression and despair and the oppression of Dame Steel’s conflicted enquiry, which is due to be published to damn me and prevent me from returning to Jersey in 10 days time.

Bishop Tim Dakin made his attitude to me clear by threatening me, refusing to communicate through my mediator and allowing the conflicted enquiry to continue.

His only way out of this mess and avoiding my complaint, which is not against Jersey but against Jane Fisher, is to have me damned again, and he will.
If this had ever been a genuine enquiry then I would have been asked if I still had a complaint and who it was against, and also Jane Fisher’s misconduct would have been included in the enquiry and investigated.

She should have been suspended, and at least made to apologize.
As it is, she has got off scott free and I am suffering illness as I wait to be damned.
I bet she is delighted.
I always felt that she would not let me go after having me ruined and condemned again in Sussex, which is why I went on the run and changed my name, and yet the diocese were allowed to use the police who they brutalized me with to trace me and re-launch their harm of me.

So I am waiting to be damned for Fisher and the Bishop, and no matter who I contact and beg for help, I am ignored or treated as mad and bad.
Nothing has changed there, it is exactly as it was when Jane Fisher was ruining me on the streets of Winchester and no matter who I begged for help, I was treated as mad and bad.

Written 02/10/13 on this blog:

I am not writing the blog today as I have too much else going on and I am battling depression and pain.

I am still under horrendous pressure due to it being approximately 9 days until the expected attack on my life by Dame Steel and the Diocese of Winchester.
I guess I live in terror that they will succesfully take my life and freedom from me, and basically I am powerless, helpless and knowing that it will be this way for the rest of my life, the diocese with their wealth and power, own the police, and I, labelled mad and bad, have no voice and no way of preventing the diocese from going on harming me for the rest of my life.


Earlier last year, severely traumatized by the Diocese of Winchester’s tracing of me. I started a blog.
It was muddled and not a very good description of things and I was under too much stress and trauma to get it right.

The blog was publicized against my wishes and I had harrasment from a church of england vicar who calls himself an investigative journalist in order to satisfy his vouyeristic needs, and who publishes a blog about sexuality and decided he had every right to barge into the church of england matter and scapegoat me.

It just shows how low certain people can stoop, especially ordained people.

This blog will hopefully answer some people who have asked me to write about what has really happened, as the Korris report is horrendously inaccurate and damaging, and Dame Steel’s report, because she is conflicted, will be the same.

Following the example of the Jersey bloggers, who have faced arrest, imprisonment and other damage for speaking out and speaking the truth, I intend to keep this blog up, no matter what is done to me, basically I am already ruined beyond repair by the church of England and so it doesn’t matter, I do not expect them to stop harming me, and my side of things has been excluded from any enquiry, so I am going to give my side of things this way.